Ideas and ideas alone may prove to be very dangerous things. It has certainly been true over the long course of human history, that persons have been persecuted, imprissoned or put to death just for expressing a difference of opinions. The people who have established themselves in the world; the people who have authority and make the rules, don't want to see some ideas spread around.
In order for one man to rule the whole world with an iron rod, they will need to make a very persuasive argument. The ability to destroy the world and all people who live thereon is the only form of argument that all the nations and the people will ever respect. And the posibility for destruction has to be undoubtable, easy for every living person to observe. If one man ever obtained the understanding of faith that could move the very mountains, such an argument will become possible for that man.
I said that if one mountain should be moved, it is the temple mount in Jerusalem. But such a miraculous event may not be enough to impress all the people and the leaders of the world. The Jewish people will love the man who does this work, and the Islamic and Christian worlds may fall as well to this form of persuasion. But that is not the whole world. If a man could move mountains then perhaps he could move more than one. And a mountain could be a very large thing, as large as you can possibly imagine.
And it has been said that the Moon would become the footstool to the Earth. This may very well prove to be the first heavenly sign that the hour of judgement has begun upon this world. The Moon is one kind of mountain in a whole solar system of many such mountains. The people have been promised a new Heaven and a new Earth, one man with the power to move such mountains could easily deliver on that promise. The Sol star system could be completely reformed. And the rule of a king who can bring the whole world under one monarchy would neccessarily bring much social reform to the world.
Moving whole worlds around the solar system is obviously beyond any technology that humanity does currently posses. Few people have even seriously considered such a possibility, but some examples of stellar engineering can be found in works of science fiction. To arrest the Moon from its orbit around the Earth would be an overt demonstration of the power of Heaven at work.
It will be as though this man does carry a very big stick, he will have a gun pointed at the world and the very Moon is the bullet. If the Moon were to collide with the Earth then beyond the shadow of a doubt all human life would be destroyed. It would not be possible for us to escape such a cataclysmic event. No bunker, no matter how hard or deep will make such an event survivable. And we can not escape into space as well; currently it is beyond our technological capabilities.
If there was an iron rod to rule the world by; this modern world, there could never be a more effective rod. But does Heaven really have such a muscle and the volition to move it? I believe that it does. Will it actually move? I'm uncertain if even a man of perfect faith could possibly know until it actually happens. But I know that faith is more than mere belief, and it is more than simply feeling very strongly about something. Perhaps it is true that passion is a requirement of faith in action, but that is apparently not all it requires.
Of all the things that one man may accomplish in life, I am satisfied that I have already won the most significant personal battle of them all. In one day at the age of 19, I learned that there really is a God in Heaven, he was paying attention and perhaps he is concerned about us here. I didn't realize it right away; but I had found a way into God's heart, and by so doing I had won the greatest battle of them all. And I know that every important battle ahead of me should be winnable with perseverance, because that one battle was won. Few people have ever truely understood the meaning of faith I think and I do not in fact know if my own faith is but the mustard seed or a great tree. But I believe in the tree and I am eating its fruits. It may just be that Heaven requires one of us to act in the world, before it can act. And publishing one's ideas and opinions is a form of action within my capabilities.
I am the author or the architect of a plan and a strategy to reform the world and I have not even begun to detail it all here in this Blog. But if my plan bears no fruit, it doesn't matter. It only matters that the world will produce a King and that he will perform the job of judgement. Truth be told I am not perfectly suited to such a job, I do not manage stress so well. :)
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