If Heaven will provide me with the miracles that I desire, or even just a portion thereof, then I will work to deceive a great many people in the world today. Just as the story is supposed to go. But the truth is that all of these great many people are already the victims of a deception, and I will attempt to fight deception with deception. In the same sense that a forest fire may be fought with a fire to consume all it's fuel. The people will be faced with a dilema, they will be forced to examine all of thier long held beliefs and reconsider thier feelings about those beliefs. Until every lie has been consumed and there is no longer any fuel remaining in the world for fear and hatred to cling to, I will do battle.
Of course I do not possess some strange mental power that can produce the effects that I have described. My power is exactly the same as anyone else's, the power to imagine a possibility coupled with desire. But I have a personal advantage that most people don't enjoy, I know that there is a God in Heaven and that it's paying attention to events here on Earth. And I know that that God is aware of my plans and schemes my desires and my dreams. I have never recieved any kind of instructions from God, no advice or directions. I never heard of a single person who was born with an instruction manual and thats just the way it is for all of us. Everything I had to figure out on my own, I had to exercise my own judgement to best of my ability. Although I have received no direct guidance, I have experienced a number of vivid and interesting dreams. I will never claim to be God or A God, I am just a simple human being trying to realize his own potential. And I believe that our individual potential will be best expressed through a partnership with Heaven.
In the hour that the Nations of the World will be judged, it has been suggested that the mysteries of God would be revealed. And it is my intention in this mortal lifetime to provide that judgement. At this time no lasting judegement will be made against an individual person, I will only address how we interact with one another as national groups. And as the nations have delt with one another, they shall also be delt with in the same vein. The power to destroy or the verifiable threat therof, is the only consideration that the nations and the leaders of this world will ever respect. It is unfortunately true that only the threat of destruction will lend enough weight to my arguments to be seriously considered.
You will however still be judged individually according to the things that you have done or said but not according to the things that you merely believed in. And you will not be judged entirely by one judgement, but you will be judged 14 billion times over. All that you have done will stand revealed and there will be no more secrets, the light will remove every shadowy corner of your life. In the end, after we have obtained a full comprehension and understanding of how we have been a cause in the world, and how we have been a victim, we must be able to forgive ourselves. In order for a person to be completely redeemed by love, they must be able to love themselves. No matter what the outcome of my judgement may be, you will be made to live again on this Earth, and to live long enough for the task of judement to be completed. The resurrection is guarenteed, and even though I don't know exactly how it will work, I know that its true. Because whether or not you realize this at the moment, this Universe that we live in is a very strange and wonderful place. It still holds some surprises for us to discover I think. And if I have my way with the world you will soon discover that there is real power in Heaven.
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