Tuesday, April 1, 2014

We Are The Ones Who Choose

Once upon a time I made an important decision, a decision which intends to influence your welfare. I made a simple choice, one that I was able to make at the time, and one for which I could make a durable commitment. I have been well rewarded for making that decision, albeit not financially. I value that reward so greatly that I think I can base my success in life upon it alone. I'm sure I have a few other notable achievements, I've managed to become a biological father and a grandfather. The nature of the reward that I received manifested itself before my eyes, and mine alone, as tiny stars arranged in the form of a human being. If I give this description, most rational people would say that it's very simply an affect of the mind. To them I would say that this is just one experience I have had over the course of my life. And they might say, well that is to be expected of anyone else with your particular genetic condition. In fact this genetic condition manifests itself in human lives in a variety of ways, it's not uncommon for persons to hear voices.

Occasionally such voices have been attributed to a God or some other Higher Power. In some experiences these voices may seem to be threatening or reassuring, and they are considered to be a symptom of something beyond the person's control. With my own experience of lights there was no voice; but on one occasion I did very clearly hear a voice. The voice which I heard spoke only 7 simple worlds, it said, "Ken, do you really want to suffer?" To which I immediately replied, "YES!" But only a short while later I reconsidered and chose for myself the path of least suffering, at least for the immediate future.

Once again I have made a choice for myself, to follow a certain path, one which I call the path of the Great Patriarch. It's my desire to fulfill that role for my Human family, the greater family, the one which is all-inclusive. Perhaps its beyond my ability to progress along this path to the desired destination, perhaps the goal is very simply unobtainable. But I know that I may proceed to follow my own heart, and I do not need recognition from my peers follow this path. The only things that I really need to succeed are my own will and unlimited time. All that I need from my billions of chosen children is a willingness to entertain a conversation. Perhaps they will be unwilling or unable to give that much of their attention to me at the present time, but this does not mean that I fail, it only means that I have to wait. Over the course of this mortal life, I think that I have practiced waiting enough to have become pretty good at it.

I have heard that there is some clinical evidence that the practice of mindfulness affects real physical changes within the body of the practitioner. Maybe I should try to practice some of this mindfulness myself, instead of practicing my arguments all of the time. I have given a great deal of my attention to games, I enjoy the ability to focus on one of them for long hours of the day without interruption. Many of these games I have played included thousands of other real-people, residing in various places around the world. When I am so focused upon the game, my mind is perfectly in the moment, perhaps that is a degree of mindfulness practice. Well I only have a very general idea of what this mindfulness entails. Perhaps I can arrange to be reborn as a Buddhist, this mortal life has made me ready for those conditions I expect. But what would I be without my torment? In this lifetime the torment makes all the difference, and I pray for the strength to endure it forever, in service of a cause.

I've always had my own pacifist ideas about what the greater good for humanity entails. If I thought I had a fair chance of persuading the world to disarm and disband military forces, I would certainly make the effort to do that very thing. I had drawn upon the Christian New Testament Bible and the Vision of John, to say to myself, "Yes! This resurrection to immortal life seems to be the best possible outcome for us." So what in the world is the Blog really about? And why does it seem to revolve around some Greater Power, or the presence and activity of a God? According to that book, a 'Millennium of Peace' on Planet Earth is a necessary condition which leads us to the desired result. To myself this implies that there should be no armed conflict going on around the world for at least one-thousand years. Truly a Humanitarian goal, if it could be achievable. In the more recent past I have drawn to the conclusion that no argument could be persuasive enough to enable the world to disarm itself, short of the threat of mass destruction on a Global scale, along with the possible extinction of my own species. I need remind myself of this principle, "Violence can never be the solution to Violence." If we go about killing all the bad and angry people in the world in order to create a more civil condition in the world, the people who do the work and all those who direct them, make themselves the bad people.

We send an army to assassinate one man, and topple a world government, which was a government that many people wanted to have in our world. Unfortunately it happened to be a form of government which America doesn't like, and if they do what their faith tells them they must and offer sanctuary to a madman, we are more than willing to turn that against them. I for one can not condemn such human behavior; however it may be rationalized, I must embrace those people as they are. I've never received any special power to change another human mind or make a decision for them, I can only decide for myself. I try to pursue my own goals in a way which makes minimal demands upon the time and attention of others. As Jesus implied, the great mystery of faith would empower us to move the very mountains, but I have not found the solution to that mystery for myself. The only mountain that needs to be moved is myself, "I Am The Mountain."

Throughout my life, my friends have always known me as Ken, and that is the English spelling for an ideogram in a dialect of Chinese. That ideogram is represented as a hexagram in the Book of Changes or as it may be pronounced, 'e jing.' This symbol represents the Chinese ideation of what Mountain represents in the Chinese philosophy and culture. I feel a great sense of gratification, that through my two sons, I have a personal and vested interest in the ancestry and history of those people. Their mother is Kueilan, that is the name of a white mountain flower, but most people know her as 'Queeny.' I married their mother in a non-denominational church; and at the direction of a Christian Minister we exchanged our vows, which included the words, "until Death do us part." This is not the way that most Mormons get married, they exchange vows with one another which are supposed to be good for eternity. I did not ask Kueilan to commit to that length of time; I happen to know that many Mormon marriages have failed, some of them found that they could not keep their vows. The vows that I made are still good, but Kueilan chose to forsake her vows because she wanted a good American life and believed she would not have that with me. I choose to let her follow her own heart; I don't think she is very happy with the way her life has gone in America, and I'm sure that she is not happy with me. I guess that's more than enough information about my personal life, which I've endeavored to leave out of this Blog over the past years.

To the Chinese people, 'Mountain' means a bit more than a very high terrain feature of the Earth. I know that in their history this term has been applied to describe Generals of Armies, as to compare individuals to landmarks. In terms of historical events some persons are very easily landmarks; which I think adequately demonstrates the power of the individual to influence our reality to the extent that many other individuals are a feature of this reality. The Blog title, "Gen" is a variation of the English spelling for that Chinese ideogram.

To my own way of thinking, Heaven is the reality which we inhabit in manifest form. I could not bring this Heavenly Kingdom to our world, because our world has always been a part of that Kingdom. All that is really required, is to assist other people to discover this truth for themselves. In modern times, the term Heaven has come to mean something very different from our experience of manifestation, some people see this fictional place as a place of un-manifest existence. When a Human Being dies, we observe their physical form to decay. We assume that this physical form is the only form of manifestation the person possessed, we are left with little evidence upon which to base our assumptions. We say that we experience separation from that person who may have been important to ourselves. At the same time many Christian and Judaic thinkers have imagined a creator of physical substance and form, formed in much the same way which we are formed. We observe that this manifest person is not present here on Planet Earth and then conclude that there is separation between ourselves and God. Here we have a great desire for divine guidance, and we want the highest possible authority to tell us how things are and why we are a part of it. Some do hope that there is some divine providence which guides our world leaders, as the American motto is, "In God We Trust." We recognize some unknown God as the authority above these United States and it's Human leaders. As that God has never appeared physically in order to govern us; we have been left to govern one another, and that is exactly what we do. There's no person of higher authority that can tell us we are doing right or wrong, but most of us trust the rightness of our own opinions. However at the very base of all our opinions is the fact that we are mostly unaware of our Universe as it has been.

Of course the past 5000 years or so of Human History have been documented to the extent that we can feel comfortably informed about historical persons who are no longer alive. All those persons were observed by many others at the time that they lived, and perhaps a few people made notes on their observations, in some cases the individual has produced the documentation of their own life and works. But clearly the story that we can read about in books or watch on television is not the exactly same thing as the truth. Through documentation and film we can only experience things indirectly, facilitated by our imagination. In some cases our best authorities who produced the documentation we rely upon; were not themselves direct observers of the events which they wrote about. Its not really all that unusual for human beings to employ their own imagination to embellish upon factual events their own interpretations. We can never say exactly what the person's had experienced who were actually involved in any these historical events. The main problem I see is that the person's who have given there opinions are now unchangeable by the passage of time. How well would we receive the wisdom of Moses if an actual physical person walked up to us today and informed us about their conversation with God? If we could pry the soul and spirit of Moses away from death and give it once again manifest form, how can we say that his position would be unchanged by his subsequent personal experiences? Indeed if there is something more for us to experience than this mortal life, we can hardly begin to imagine what we would learn from such experiences.

I perceive my own personal historical existence as being made up of so many more beginnings than conception and birth. Our ancestors must now depend on us to give meaning to their deeds and purpose to their existence. We must somehow find the conclusion to this Great Game of Life, declare a winner and end our race to be the better and most favored persons. One of us must overcome this mortality and become the higher authority which the modern world lacks. The only authority that can possibly unify every nation of the world under one government, the true King of all Kings. In my humble opinion its not Democracy that our world needs most but Monarchy. Our Democratic governments have adequately demonstrated their willingness to employ violent means in order to solve problems. The proponents of  Democracy pretend that they favor congress between peers in order to find the compromise in-between our pursuit of diverse goals.
To this end we must have a well-educated and expert representative to secure all of our individual interests and see that none are overlooked. I may not be considered a peer to those individuals; but whatever my interests may be, there is no-one else with the will to serve them. We have other Kings that we do serve; like the King which says that it is wealth which empowers an individual to direct the life and work of many. We have the King which tells us that competition is good for the community, and the very best competitors should be well rewarded. And we have the King which tells us that our best ideas are a property to which we may exercise the right to demand compensation of, or deny an individual to benefit.

Of course we have spent hundreds of thousands of man-hours upon the arts of war, to see all that effort come to no good use. But there is no army that can be armed to overcome the power of a single individual to influence the direction of world events. And perhaps there is still a superior technology to be discovered which would bestow the strength of righteousness and mass destruction upon One. Those two things so clearly go hand-in-hand because here on Planet Earth, "Might Makes Right."

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