We only need to answer this one question really, "Can a man be inspired by some Higher-Power?" And then if we are willing to believe that some Higher-Power does exist, such as a Creator, it would only require a small amount of faith to answer that question in the affirmative. Because we can very easily see that as individuals we are very small, seeming insignificant within the whole of the Universe. Still being very small has not prevented us from having faith in ourselves, that we are somehow still significant. Humanity is important for whatever reason, your reason doesn't really matter, the fact that we exist here and now in the present moment does matter. Intelligence and Rationality fails to provide us with a clear path of advance, a path that assures the survival of our species here on Planet Earth. Because we have the power to make the planet unihabitable to human life, and we have the means to rationalize and justify this destruction. It only takes one man or woman to decide that the solution to all our problems is mass genocide, if it can be had at the press of a button. The effort required to destroy a thing has always been far less than the effort required to build, in fact our technology has rendered the effort trivial.
But why does it matter if a man can be inspired? Because we have prophets, and we have this man named John of Patmos, who is the author of a book of Revelations. The last book in our New Testament bibles tells a story of tribulation and hardship but ends with the blessing and promise of our immortality. We may consider this Biblical Prophecy to be mere wishful thinking, derived from an erroneous view of some historic events. I mean afterall if you truly believe that Jesus was rasied from the dead, it stands to reason that other people might be raised as well. And you can follow this reasoning pefectly to conclude that some time in the distant future there might be a general ressurection. With the intervention of some Higher-Power even this reawakening of the long dead becomes a possibility. Restored once again to the flesh, and with a full memory of our lives and past deeds. Once immortal how will we entertain ourselves and pass the time on Planet Earth? Clearly we will pass the time together, there are approximately 14 billion of us, who now live or have ever lived.
We would like to see the wicked men and women punished and deprived of this great blessing because we don't want them for companions. But are we really given to choose and to judge who would be deserving and who should be undeserving? What if it came down to the choice of blessing every human-being or condemning them all together? Either the criminals and sinners must be saved or else the good honorable men and women must be condemned all at once. Jesus and his supporters implied that some selection process may divide the people, and a clear line would be drawn between deserving and undeserving. Some people feel this may depend on a faith in Jesus as our Lord and saviour, and perhaps a babtism. If we were taking a vote on who should be King and guide the species into the future, Jesus would make a very strong candidate if he can be found. But it was not this Lord's purpose in life to judge but to forgive. If we have a need to atone for our past deeds or simple missconceptions, the Lord Jesus proposes to atone in our behalf. Individually we are not strong enough to endure God's plan of salvation, we need help. But among all our rights as gaurenteed by our Creator, is the right to that companionship which we will certainly enjoy. We need never be alone in the Kingdom of Heaven or the greater Kingdom of Eternity. And the Universe is a wonderful glorious kingdom in it's own right, it's a real place where real people can enjoy the experience of LIFE. And the promise of more life is what we all want, its what Humanity needs, whether or not we are deserving.
If our friend John was truly inspired then the promise comes with a certain price, and conditions. While it's not always clear what these conditions amount to, one thing stands out clearly, it is the Millenium of Peace on Earth. It is a Peace which our world does not currently enjoy; and we can hardly imagine how we will get there from where we are now. If we could set all the world's Saints to marching, and all in the same direction, they would have to march towards Peace. Clearly the Peace will never be established without some considerable effort, the people may very well have to fight for it. The behaviour of our more violent compatriots must in some way need be arrested. Generally speaking it would take a pretty convincing argument to see the world leaders give up their authority and start beating swords into plowshares. They don't really care for a ressurection to immortality because this eventuality comes with accountability. So long as we have mortality to comfort us and give us rest, we have a way to escape all possibility of personal consequences. But if we can be made to live forever, but not given a choice to choose for ourselves, to live or not to live with ourselves, it may be a great dissappointment to many. We don't always have options to choose from, you need alternatives to make a decision or else nothing can be decided. To the best of my knowledge there are no other options available to Humankind than more life on Planet Earth.
So basicly we are not voting on the matter, popular consent is not an issue. Either we meet the conditions and win the promise for one and all, or else we dissappear from this Universe once and for all. And the Universe may very well go on without us, and serve the good fortune of other living creatures, whether there are beings of intelligence like us or not. If humanity were ever allowed to escape from this one solar system and spread into the greater galaxy, we may be as a plague upon the possibility of other civilizations. We are born native to this Earth, and here is our home forever and ever, we do not really belong elsewhere. So we may consider that our world is facing a crisis, we have a long history of crisis, to date we have overcome all and survived. Now that the world has failed to kill us we have grown stronger. But we can not win our future through strength; only through meekness, when all our strength fails us. Because the Universe seems to be telling us that there is a Beginning and an End to all things, nothing manifest lasts forever here in Reality. Mortality is Natural and Immortality is Super-Natural, even the Immortality of an entire species of life.
But we should hope for our immortality, and we should hope that the Earth and Sun may shine forever. The Universe itself may endure that long, if we are blessed we may always be part of it. Each and every one of us a small creator and author of history, by the very action of LIFE. If we believe that LIFE is good and brings purpose to the Universe, then we should allow the Universe to have a purpose. We are part of the greater whole today, let us be an enduring part.
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1 comment:
i believe the earth can be a good place again and that it most certainly needs the universe to continue. As humans we are supposed to love on another and forgiveness is the key to happiness although sometimes it must be really hard for people to forgive crimes committed towards them, yet you do hear of believers of The Almighty forgiving wrong doers publicly for murder so is it so hard to forgive, would we not prefer to be forgiven for our sins? I would say yes.
Very well written Kenneth.
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