NOTE This article was a letter to a friend after a telephone conversation.
Your so called standard depends entirely upon direct personal experience or someone else's
testamony of their experience and interpretations.
When you go to the Bible for Validation you are depending on the experience and testamony
of other men. This is not a bad thing really.
But your standard is no better than my standard.
But I'm not concerned about your salvation, I worry more about your immortal life. And we
can not live where God is, we can only live within the Universe. None-the-less we are not
seperated from God's presence. No thing can exist separate from God. No one spirit can be
forced out of God's pressence because that would be death and not seperation to some
cursed realm of existance.
Once a thing has been spoken it becomes objective, if it is written it becomes objective. And
everything that one of us has experienced is genuine objective experience because we have
God and the Creator for a witness, and that's two different persons, three counting ourselves.
There may easily be more than three observers involved with any given event, but there are
always at least two observers present within the Universe. We don't even need to consider
anything that exists outside of this Universe except for God himself.
The LDS Church considers it to be doctrine that there will be a general ressurection at some
time future. Few if any men or women will be denied this ressurection, but according to
church doctrine the people will then be divided into three separate kingdoms for all time.
The three Kingdoms are ranked one above the other, and God the Father is present within
the highest or Eternal Kingdom. According to this doctrine there will never be a possibility to
migrate between these three kingdoms. And the people will be divided according to their
good works in life, or else their faith. But they say that faith without works is nothing at all to
make us deserving.
Therefore according to the Prophet Joseph Smith there will be a Judgement and lasting
penalties or consequences.
I do not agree with Joseph's point-of-view even though he claims it was divinely inspired. The
Earth is one world not three different worlds; and the Earth is the world of the promised
ressurection. Its the only world under the whole expanse of Heaven where human life is a
possibility. We can not live somewhere else, and we have to live without seperation, all
The criminals and the saints alike will receive the same reward. Immortal Life on Planet
Earth. For this i'm willing to fight and sacrifice because I'm just the kind of soldier who
believes that every last man is worth fighting for. Leave no man behind!
I have said that Jesus is just one Lord among many, and this is true. There have been other
Kings throughout human history, but there is only one Saviour. We are all Sons and
Daughters of the Most-High God, its not particularly clever that Jesus claimed to be the son
of God. But he also claimed to be a Son of Man, and the ideal example of the First Born Son.
According to ancient traditions it was the First Born Son who carries forward the family
tradition and heritage more than anyone else. However its really quite impossible for a male
child to be born unless there is also a biological father. And that would be a distinct and
separate individual and mortal like Jesus himself was. If the story of the Immaculate
conception is true, we may never know who the father was, God intervened in human affairs.
It could be anyone, past or present or yet to come. God is the only one who can act outside
of time because he exists outside of Universe, he can break every rule of cause and effect.
The whole of creation can be reduced to pure information, without substance or mass, within
the mind of God.
You think that Jesus is everything that matters, and Heavenly Father is nothing. The one true
King of all Kings among men, our sire and our judge. His will shall be done unto the world,
and the good work of Jesus saves us from him. Judgement without persecution or
punishment, that the Lord Jesus proposed upon the cross, because while its true that men
are ill-behaved it is only because they lack some knowledge. And none should be held
accountable for their own ignorance he proposed.
Yes you do have some special knowledge because you have met the Lord and spoke with
him. That is your personal experience, you are especially favored and why that happens to be
true its hard to say. You say because you had a teachable heart, you were offered instruction.
I've never met the Lord personally but once he spoke to me and said 7 simple little words. He
said, "Ken, do you really want to suffer?" He called me Ken! Immediately i cried out to him,
"Yes! I really do want to suffer." But several hours later i chose not to suffer. I wanted to put
God to the test you see, would he allow me to die in the desert of thirst and exposure or
would he save my life. Once I did try to take my own life and it was preserved, perhaps God
does still have some use for me in this world or else he should have counted me worthy of
some rest.
In order to take our world today as it now exists, and turn it into the world of a promised
ressurection will take a great deal of reorganization. I dedicated my life to that work from the
age of 19 when i had my personal experience. I never knew exactly what I could do, or what
needed to be done. I said simply to God take my life and prepare me for the work ahead. And
he did take me and temper me in his furnace, I suffered a great deal and did cause the
people around me to suffer as well. But all that horrible experience has paid off with
dividends, I wouldn't go back and change a thing. Not even my bad behaviour, although there
are a few people whom I think i do owe an appology; and a few more whom I think owe me
an appology.
I'm not isolated or seperated from God. I'm not isolated or seperated from my family and
friends. I'm not seperated from Christ, if he wanted to come to me he could have come to
me, I have asked him to come. We have never fallen from God's grace, and if we could ever
have this condition of grace we must have it now. I am at peace with God and I place my full
trust with him, that he will preserve me against all odds and beyond mortal existance. But he
must keep me alive if he expects me to do any useful work and I've promised much labor.
It will take much longer than a mortal lifetime to accomplish everything, but there is a job
available for someone to do. You may think that I'm being very selfish, I serve my own
interests alone, but this is not true. I am my own man, the master of my own fate, I choose
my own path and I choose the long difficult road. But I do not walk alone into the sunset, the
Ancient Dragon will walk beside me. That is the companion I want most, but more are
welcome. The title of Heavenly Father is an eternal career decision really, anyone may chose
that path for themselves, it is difficult but rewarding. Or we can choose the path of the child if
we have not yet come to our own maturity. Citizenship within the Kingdom of Heaven on
Planet Earth comes with some responsibility you see. But you don't really care for the world
as much as I do, I know. You may very well choose to follow the Lord Jesus wherever he is
leading you, if you do it does not concern me.
May God bless and keep you and all those you care about,
Kenneth R Hopper.
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