There is something very fundamental about individual human authority which is exactly the same for all men. Despite all appearances, no one human being can be more or less powerful than another. While its true that some people are more or less influential with the rest of the population; its untrue that their individual interests are more or less important than anyone else's interests. And the interests of a group of people can not be superior to the interests of an individual. So long as these imbalances exist, we may not enjoy equal rights.
I can not appeal to a higher authority than myself among men. To be certain there may be men who are more knowlegeable and better educated and better informed than myself. Simply being very knowledgeable about a particular topic represents a certain kind of authority. But this is not the authority to make demands upon the time and attention of others. The almighty dollar does represent the authority to make demands upon the time and attention of others. But even if you have the dollars, the other party must be agreeable to the terms of payment. Often the person or agency that provides goods or services has all the authority required to define it's own terms and conditions. So that our consumers must agree to those terms at the risk of being refused services, even if they have the means to pay a fair price. For some of life's neccessities we often need to win favor and be considered creditworthy, because we do not have the means to pay. But we might have the means to pay over a length of time; depending on our ability to earn a wage.
How do we evaluate the human potential for earning a wage? We look at a person's qualifications, commonly represented by a diploma or piece of paper that claims we know something. If we know what kinds of jobs a person can do, we can evaluate their earning potential. And the value of any given job depends to a large degree upon the demand for that type of labor, and the availability of qualified laborers. But as individuals we can create our own careers in life, we can choose to work for ourselves and define our own jobs. So long as we can find people willing to compensate us for our time, we may enjoy some financial success.
Now with the authority of all men being equal; we can speculate on a person of higher authority. We can speculate on a person of greater means with less limitations; A non-human entity. Consider for example the authority to grant a plot of land, or a deed to any other material resource. We must first find out if someone owns the land already before we can make use of it. And if a group of people craves a land that is already occupied, they must often fight for it. Possession is nine-tenths of the law concerning property rights. And if we can muster the force to deprive someone else of their property or destroy it, thats the other tenth of the law.
The force required to deprive someone of life may be rendered trivial; and we should consider the physical body to be a personal property. Therefor whenever a person is killed in our world, they are also deprived of personal property here. A house takes some time and effort to build, and minimal effort to destroy, therefor it is easy to deprive someone of their house if not their life. And whenever we are powerless to defend our property rights, we must surrender them. And all other human rights depend upon property rights.
Now if there is a Creator Persona who was instrumental in the formation of our solar system and planet, then naturally that person would enjoy prior-claim to the property. And if it by making some choice made life a possibility here on planet Earth; or anywhere else for that matter, then we are completely and utterly dependent on that decision being made. If it was in fact a decision at all, there must be a greater authority to make that decision. An authority which preceeds the creation of life itself, and is therefor greater in scope than the authority that we as individual people enjoy. But I'm talking about a unique individual with very definate beginings. It would enjoy some degree of influence over the whole process of creation just by its position, and guiding creation may be considered as this person's job or career. If we may be gaurenteed any property rights, that gaurentee must come from it, we can not gaurentee those rights to one-another. But our friend the Creator has never saved one of us from our own mortality to best of my personal knowledge; and thereby gaurenteed us a place in creation. If we are given the right to personal property at all within this realm of manifestation, it appears that grant will always be of limited duration.
Now our good friend, the Universal Overseer, would naturally be interested in Human affairs. And it may be within the realm of possiblities that one of us could win favor from it, to be considered creditworthy. As individuals we have the power to accomplish some work in creation, we are each creators in our own right. If our individual efforts may be of any value to meet the desires of a Universal Overseer, we may find ourselves with a worthy career. And of course the rewards in terms of material wealth may be virtually limitless. But the very best reward we could possibly win is virtually unlimited time, the right to exist and continue to exist. And if we have any ability or capacity to provide services of value, a victory over mortality would allow us to continuosly provide those services. Part of being creditworthy is the ability to make a lasting commitment, but only the creator can guarentee that our existence here is uninteruptable.
Jesus told us the parable of the buried treasure, and he said that the Kingdom of Heaven is very much like this story. The treasure was hidden away in some field, and this field has a landlord who employs people to work in his field. And a man so employed discovers the treasure, but he doesn't run to inform the landlord. Instead he covers up the treasure and hurrys off the earn the means to purchase the land, so that he can claim the treasure himself. The field is the Earth itself, and the buried treasure is the sum total of human experience. Its easy to deduce that nothing in the world is more valuable than personal experience, and the quality and abundance therof. We are blessed when we enjoy long lives because we also enjoy a greater share of personal experience. But where does a man go to earn a wage which represents the means to purchase this field? And who is the current landlord that we must find agreeable to the means we have available? Can a man purchase the world by taking a portion therof and by shaping it and crafting it produce durable goods? How could a well crafted portion of the Earth serve as the means to purchase the whole Earth? There must be something of intrinsic value that does not depend upon manifestation at all or the ability to produce durable goods. And it must be something of value to our prior-employer and current landlord.
Therfor i make my appeal to a higher authority and a Higher-Power; to get something that would be of value to our friend the Creator I'm willing to work. I wanted to earn the wages, to purchase the field, to claim the treasure. What is this mysterious wage if not money? We should call it faith, we all start out life with one talent worth of faith, the proverbial mustard seed. But a seed has the power to draw upon the enviornment and grow, eventually it may become more than a seed. As the seed becomes the good tree, the tree becomes the producer of more seed. That is the fruit of a well developed healthy faith. And so from one good tree a forest may be produced. I am the guardian of this tree and it shelters me from the storms, I defend it from harm because it has a life unto itself. I see the tree and it is good to me, so I have hope for the forest. Am I the tree, or is it just an idea about the nature of reality? Is the flesh of this tree built up from facts and hard knowledge or merely beliefs, perhaps a little of both come together in some kind of alchemy. I don't really know how the seed becomes the tree, I just know it takes time to grow, and perhaps a little nurturing.
If you've read much of my little blog you should be able to tell that my self-love and self-interest is very strong. I believe in myself, I believe that I have something to offer. I believe that I have the power to make a decision, a decision that no-one else will be able to make. And a decision that may be of consequence to you, not because I am popular or influential within the community. But because I have a plan, and the ability to communicate that plan in great detail. I've lived long enough to become very well established as a personality within the great Kingdom of Heaven. I've made my mark upon the fabric of reality, a mark that can not be unmade or erased. That I have been here as one human being among many will pass the test of time, that fact will endure even if this body does not. And I have long known something that most people are never made aware of, there is a God or Creator paying attention to me. Therfor I know that higher-powers are very well informed of every plan that I've made. I just need approval, and something that is not entirely subjective. But I have received some validation that should be considered objective and factual. And if it was only one person who believed in me, that would have been Eve, and whenever two agree on something that is all it really takes to make something objective.
I don't know why the world should be saved, I don't know if the people really deserve peace on Earth or any other blessings of prosperity. As a responsible and mature member of the species, I don't need to decide why. I don't even need to decide who is deserving, as far as picking and chooseing between individuals I can't do it. Evidently some people will have to make sacrifices in order for Peace to be established here, in fact every person may be asked to make some kind of sacrifice. The children of humanity may have to endure a little more hardship but not out of unkindness. Clearly it seems unfair that one of us should be elevated above everyone else, and the playing field leveled. Its hard to justify a King's authority, its just irrational that one man's opinion should take precedence over popular opinion. One must be willing to deliver the species into the Dragon's jaws; because if the beast can not be tamed it serves the greater good that it should be destroyed. Unfortunately the threat of destruction is the only argument which carries much weight with the people.
The fine art of leadership is to limit our options; and to describe what those options will be, then to let the people choose. So there are two paths of advance for the human species. One path leads to Peace and the practice of non-violence, a Peace that will last a Millenium at least. And that path leads on to the promise of a ressurection whether or not thats what you want. The other path leads to genocide in the belief that 'might makes right,' and our story will end. You can forget about any kind of life within this Heaven and take your chances on the Eternal Kingdom. I think that most people would be willing to sacrifice just about anything to be on the path to survival. As soon as they realize they're caught in the trap, they'll start trying to escape. A day of judgement without the threat of punishment, since a swift death can not be viewed as punishment.
We all succeed or fail together as a species, the long struggle for survival is meaningful or rendered futile in an instant.
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