The process of Creation AND Destruction is ongoing within our Universe. Every star is unique and important to this process, but is one human life less important than the life of a star? We could observe that our Sun is more important than Life on Earth because without it Life would not be possible here. The Sun provides some useful and neccessary labor for us, we are completely dependent on that work being done. But we have become an important part of this process of Creation and Destruction in our own right; we are each small Creators. We created languages and written records, and we shaped the substance of the Earth to suit ourselves. Therfore we created Industry, to shape the world around us more efficiently. And now we have created the PC and the Internet, to usher in this Golden Age of Information.
Our communities are globally connected, we carry on relationships that cross international borders. There has never before been an 'Age of Man' like the modern age; where we can travel to any corner of the Earth very swiftly. The agencies of our civilization reach to the furthest corners of the world. And we may see the most distant lands without traveling or leaving the comfort of our own homes. We have virtually traveled to the most distant planets of our solar system.
Some degree of education has become commonplace among the children of the Earth. And to a large extent we have created knowledge to learn about how things work in the world. We have developed our own systems and techniques for accomplishing work. We have observed the world around us and classified and named everything in it. We observe the many stars in Heaven but it is still beyond us to give each a personal name, many are simply designated by a catalog number. We have apprehended all this wealth of the Living Universe, and exploited it's natural resources to some extent. Most of us can enjoy a life of relative comfort and convienience. And we are each free to expend our labour as we see fit, weighing the effort against the advantages.
Still some problems never seem to get solved, they have been with us for all of recorded history. The Earth iself is still Geologically active and this presents some problem for human life and property, but life somewhat depends on those processes as well. Of course we are completely powerless to prevent an Earthquake from happening, or some other kinds of natural disasters. We can only pick up the pieces and carry on with life after the fact, and the species survives while some individuals may perish.
A friend of mine believes in the coming tribulation, he thinks its something unavoidable, God's great plan. He should pray for the rapture to come swiftly and save him from a troubled world, because he follows the example of Christ. But I told him that so long as he lives here on Planet Earth he falls within my domain, the domain of Lord Ken. He may be counted as an equal or a peer or as just another one of my many children. I told him that my faith is not the tiny mustard seed but the sheltering tree. And he asks, "But what or who do you have faith in? Some unknowable God?" I have faith in myself and my abilities, I do exercise some power to change the world so long as I survive here. I believe that my intentions are good; and not just good for myself but good for all people. And I have faith in the Eternal Kingdom of God, as a real place and this Universe a small part of it.
According to the prophecy of the tribulation all this will pass away, the Universe is temporary and will be destroyed eventually. But I say no, the Universe is built to last forever; and we don't just discard good work when we are done with it. The Realm of Manifestation and Creation is Art and Beauty, its a wonderful thing! He enjoys some personal vision of Heaven at the throne of God; and I say to him, "but this not a vision of life and manifestation." It is not a kingdom of stars and planets, which kingdom he believes will pass away in an instant like a scroll being snapped shut. And all the Angels and Demons of Heaven do battle over wether or not this Universe should be preserved. If we favor the preservation of Universe then we are enemies to God's plan of salvation. He says that Satan is the enemy of God, but I say he is just another Angel, God has no enemies. Satan wants to deceive humanity and see our world destroyed, therefore he has worked to seperate us from our God and from one another. We have become divided in so many different ways. We can't really blame all this deception and division on some divine agency, we are capable of doing this to ourselves without guidance. Satan is not the great evil spirit controlling our world, no such spirit of pure evil intent exists, or for that matter is there a spirit of pure good intent. Every spirit is bound by certain limitations, especially when manifest; and in my own opinion there is no such thing as unmanifest spirit excepting it be the spirit of the Most-High God.
And the spirit of God pervades every corner of Creation, blessing it with consciousness. We can see the evidence of God's spirit at work simply by observing the great multitude of persons. This God is not entirely unknowable because we can know it by what it does for us. It is the source of all inspiration, and the sponsor of insight. It is a God of truth and reveals only truth, it is not a God of deception. It is a witness to events and to our very thoughts and feelings, we enjoy no privacy from this God we have no secrets. If this God loves some of us more than others, it's not clear. If we think of this God as a person, we have to imagine a person who is totally free from all desires. Such a God would not impose governance upon the people, it leaves that for us to do because we have desires. Such a God would never propose 10 commandments for men to live by, it preserves personal choice and personal judgement without limitations.
This is the God of my beliefs, it is not the more personal God as presented within the Bible. If Moses and the people of Israel had dealings with some Higher-Power, and it appears that they did, I do not imagine this person to be the Most-High God. I can not venture to guess why it would pretend to be A God, clearly there may be persons in Heaven who would appear Godlike to us. In authority and power over reality, there are degrees of accomplishment, but these things are accomplished by God's Children and not God itself. Would it be fair to say that the true God is unconcerned about Human affairs, I'm not certain? In my estimation God is glorifed by our accomplishments, when we create or destroy. God is not the story teller, we are the story tellers; God just sorta kicks back and enjoys the story. The One-True-And-Most-High God rarely ever takes part in the story telling, it does not become an actor on our stage. But evidently the God of Moses is a storyteller, much like us.
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A Letter of Instruction for the 'Children of God & Mother Earth/Gaia'
A Letter of Instruction for the "Children of God & Mother Earth/Gaia" Step 1: Believe in yourself, Step 2: d...

The process of Creation AND Destruction is ongoing within our Universe. Every star is unique and important to this process, but is one human...
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I have received the decision of the SSA judge concerning my Disability application, my case has been denied. In the findings of the judge I ...
Well written and most understandable, thanks for sharing
very well written and a very well explained article on your beliefs. I think you are very good at putting feelings into words a gift most of us don't have. keep it up I look forward to reading more in the future.
" And I have faith in the Eternal Kingdom of God, as a real place and this Universe a small part of it."
You are right, the Kingdom does exist, and yes, the earth and the universe will go on. But God has clearly stated that only those who love Him and obey Him in spirit and truth will enjoy it. This can only be accomplished through the Holy Spirit which one recieves when they recieve Christ and begin to become transformed by it. However, faith in yourself will get you absolutely nowhere. You say as long as you survive, which is as long as a blade of grass and a puff of breath. How horrifyingly infinite is a an eternity without love, and the the light which is Christ. You say you have "good" in you and in your intentions, but no one is good. Not one. You can't say that the Kingdom exists and totally disregard the words of He who created it. You delude yourself and others with a watered down, new ageish approach to God that is false and the doctrine of the flesh and demons and the worldliness of the perishing. How can you say you are good when your children have not recieved the gospel and will perish without CHRIST?? I trust in God that someone else will come along and do for them what you refuse to do. Better than that I will pray and fast God Himself will usher them into His sheepfold. I love you and I want you to know the joy and the awesome power of God, His tenderness and mercy is my water. But you cannot if you continue with half-truths and vain celf-centered ideas about men being god-like and you being good. If you ask Him He will give to you so much more than you could ever imagine, hope for,or will ever deserve. No prerequisites, come as you are, only earnestly seek His face and the truth that it may be revealed and share eternity with me and our King. Our God, our Father. I love you.
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