Within the Spirit of God lies the ideal of perfection. As individuals we may strive to embody that ideal, to become the perfect examples of an eternal principle. And when we are successful and have all the agencies of Heaven at our beck and call we may become like Gods ourselves. But this exaulted position still comes with certain limitations, so long as it resides within the realm of manifestation. The Individuality of persons must be preserved, and our freedom to make our own choices must be preserved. Therfore we may choose a master to follow or else we may choose self-mastery. If we choose a Lord or choose to become Lords ourselves, the Most-High-God may yet be glorified by our accomplishments. Within the principles of Buddism it is not what some Higher-Power can do for us that matters, but what we can accomplish for ourselves. And the supreme goal of life it to be freed from all suffering; from the Buddist perspective we suffer because of our attachment to manifestation. But its still within the realm of possibilities for us to choose to be part of the physical Universe and choose to be happy at the same time.
If our own limitations do not make us unhappy, then we need not struggle against them. And by not struggling we may enjoy peace and happiness, we all need to rest from our battles some of the time. But we may rejoin the battle at any time, so long as it remains unwon. So long as we do not impose upon ourselves schedules and deadlines for our accomplishments we can enjoy life within the Eternal Kingdom. But within the realm of all possible work there exists dependencies, sometimes we can accomplish nothing at all while we wait for someone else to make a decision. And LIFE IS WORK, to survive is a struggle in itself, but it need not be an overwhelming burden it could be easy. And if we can become Lords and Ladies of Heaven you might think that God himself should make certain that we never have to go hungry. Within the realm of manifestation there is no lack of material goodness, all our cravings may be fulfilled if we have all the agencies of Heaven at our beck and call. And we win the agencies of Heaven through faith alone, so how must we vest our faith?
Does it matter if we believe in the Most-High-God, and that we love him? Does it matter if we trust that God has a plan for us? We may not know what that plan is but if we think that we do know its possible that we are misstaken about all the details. If we think that we do know what God's character is like, its possible that we are misstaking some Lord or Lady for the Most-High. If our beliefs are in error does it harm the health of our faith? Because faith is like a living thing, we need to tend to it and help it grow; it benefits from our watchful eye, a little watering and fertilizing. But faith is more than just mere belief, and more than just passionate belief; because we ourselves have no special power over the fabric of reality to shape it and control it. It depends upon a belief in something larger than ourselves, and what we think of that something matters. If we do love ourselves and love Heaven, then we can believe in our own importance without thinking ourselves more important. If we may count ourselves among God's children without thinking that God's children are ranked in any way, then we are indeed blessed. If we see ourselves within the light of truth we are not only blessed with God's love; but we are blessed with a great multitude of companions and peers. We do not need to choose God, we do not need to follow him, He will be our constant companion wherever we may travel. But we do need to choose one another, and choose fellowship, and we may choose fellowship with the agencies of Heaven. Even all of the angels and demons are children of God and our peers, and the Mind of our Creator is no less the peer.
There is my Lord in Heaven, and I myself am a Lord of Heaven under it. We all have some definate begining here, we are not eternal creatures of life, but we subscribe to eternal principles. Held to be true within the spirit of the Most-High-God; reserved there for us to claim, but we are powerless to deny one true thing. We are powerless to change one historical event, but we decide what it means to us. We may choose to be bound by past decisions that have been made by other men, or we can decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong. I choose to apply my own judgement, I choose my own direction in life and my own path; I choose self-mastery and self-governance. The road may be long and hard, but i vest all my faith into eternity and therfore choose not to be bound by deadlines. I may still however be bound by our interdependencie's while making progress, that progress may have some limitations.
All-in-All i'm unhappy about the circumstances that we find ourselves in so much conflict here on Planet Earth. I'm unhappy with all the divisions in our world. When one group chooses retaliation against another for some perceived immorality, it does harm the common welfare. We do not hold life itself to be sacred, we often ask that a life be sacrificed for the sake of the common good or for our own self-interest. And we say that some sacrifce is required to preserve our freedom and our rights, our very way of life may be at risk if we do not defend it. But such rights as we desire and believe we deserve are not gaurenteed by God, if gaurenteed by God they are in need of no defense. Even our own personal property rights within the world, while considering this flesh and bone as property, are held accountable to the law of mortality. And for all that we may still have some influence with the world long after we are gone, the world may not reward us. We may feel grateful for the contributions that other great men have made, but can these dead men know of our gratitude and admiration for them? If a Human life may be restored to the World, all those great men and women may learn of our love for them. And it is for this restoration to life that I fight, I am dedicated to this battle forever and ever until it can be won.
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