I do have a plan for the salvation of our World, but it has not been approved by Heaven therefor i continue to work on it. Essentially one man must claim this authority over the World and be able to govern every Nation of the Earth. No man has ever been found worthy to claim the iron rod, and to govern and judge. In order for his authority to be recognized by the people, he will need to be able to produce a believeable threat of destruction. These are the circumstances of our world, the Nations will never beat their swords into plowshares unless they have a very good reason. Its up to our King to provide that reason, this is the nature of the iron rod, it represents the power to make demands.
If mountains can be moved, I have been thinking of a solar eclipse that would endure for many years. In this case our Moon is the mountain, it is currently moving in orbit around the Earth, and the goal is to have it stopped. The threat of complete and total destruction will be represented by a collision with our moon, clearly such a cataclysmic event would be unsurvivable. This is a small part of my plan, it is only the very begining, but it depends heavily upon the agencies of Heaven.
If the Creator has a will to do this work in my behalf, then I will win that authority over the world. If I am ever awarded the Iron Rod, it represents vindication of my judgement. How should the people prefer to be goverened? By the stern but loving Father or by a great Villan and Tyrant? The King must be a little of both, neither purely evil or purely good in his intentions. He must be willing to destroy if the children of humanity refuse to grow out of it's childish ways. And this destruction of Humanity must be considered for the greater good, if that is the decision he must make. IF the Beast can not be tamed, if it can not be civilized, then it must be destroyed. Or else Humanity does pose some threat, if only to the possibility of a greater community of life in this Universe.
Our Creator is the true Lord and King above all others, it is the Lord of all the angels and demons alike. It is the Lord of the Stars and Planets of manifestation. All that substance of creation is beholden to the Creator's will, we depend on certain laws being enforced. But of course the problem is that we've never had a clear understanding of what those laws really are. Even the physical laws of nature may be bent or broken by the power of consciousness. Consciouness allows for many more possibilities than nature alone, but we should consider it to be among the forces of nature. We have never been able to measure it directly, or to observe how it affects matter, but evidently it does affect matter.
We can not rule out the possibility of additional dimensions in the Universe, beyond the normal 3 physical dimensions that we are aware of. It's difficult to account for all these near-death experiences that the people have related. It seems to indicate that consciousness does not depend upon brain activity, and may survive our mortality for some time. I will stand with science in saying that existance depends upon manifestation. But I have long suspected that the Stars have something of a mind and personality of thier own. These Stars represent the physical evidence of our Angels and Demons in the Universe. Historicly humanity has long associated the stars of Heaven with the Angels or Gods, its not an original idea of my own. Clearly we have good evidence that the Kingdom of Heaven holds a great multitude of personalities, beyond the number of Human Beings. But we can not say for certain that the number of persons is greater than Life on Earth may account for. Still its not so difficult to imagine a person who is greater than a Human Being, but still less than the One-True-And-Most-High-God.
Personally I have no experience conversing with such persons, other than Human Beings. I have never heard voices to inform or instruct me on the higher principles of Creation. Sadly I will not be able to offer mathematical formulas or a complete theory of everything. I have no great revelations to make about the physical world and the forces of nature, my knowledge is no better than Human understanding allows. I have no memories of a past life or existance, as far as I am aware I have my begining in 1963, and had no existance prior to that time. But I claim HISTORY and the History of all things as my own personal history, back to the very moment of birth, and not my birth but the birth of our Universe. In some sense we enjoy many beginings in life, when we consume the apple we participate in the begining of the apple tree as a seed. Perhaps we should think it enough to win the Great Game of Life, that we have participated. Why should we need to accomplish more than this to be winners? But we can win beyond merely existing, the great goal of life may be considered personal growth. The growth and developement of personality and not just the physical body help to establish us within God's Eternity. We are each a personality of Heaven, this Creation and this Universe, we belong to it.
And it will not forget us after we are gone, because something always endures. All that substance of our flesh and bone will be returned to the World after we are done with it. In fact the substance of life is constantly renewing itself and growing and decaying and dieing. Some part of ourselves has already returned the the World at Large, but we don't miss it. And of course we don't always feel pain over this loss, a simple haircut is all that it is.
So therefore the loss of life may never be considered as punishment, we each must surrender it eventually. If it is taken from us in our Health, it is a crime unto those who would impose that punishment upon us. In as much as we have all done these things perhaps we can be forgiven. It has always been the question of forgiveness if recognition and appology alone could ever be enough. Must we feel regrets in order for the cause of justice to be served? Must we work off our debts? Is it possible that someone else can make the sacrifice in our behalf?
If the Earth must be destroyed, it is not punishement but a great failure of our species. It's no great crime to fail to survive against all odds. We must give a full consideration to all the conditions of life, and then decide what the world deserves. God has given us the gift of JUDGEMENT so that we may decide, every person receives this gift. It is not Free-Will unless we are also given choices, in some cases we are not given choices. We may not take a vote, we may not decide anything based on popular opinion. Morality is a common concern among men, and its something that we have desperately tried to impose upon the World and one another. Life is not always fair to us, and we should not complain when it is unfair, it is what it is.
A wise old saying goes, "Whatever doesn't kill us, can only make us stronger!" But individually our strength does pass beyond a mortal end unto something else. Even if we are killed we might gain strength in Eternity, we might learn. Its sad if we must suffer the loss of life in order to learn something of true value. Because the Earth is a beautiful World, and the Universe is a Marvelous Work and a Wonder. I want to be part of it forever and ever, and I know that it will be so.
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