Through the efforts of one man your immortality can be gaurenteed; various people would consider that either a blessing or a curse. To be certain some of us have been glad to embrace our mortality because the experience of life can be unpleasent. To be granted a ressurection and denied a mortal end, as demonstrated by Jesus or so the story goes. Is this something that we should hope for? Our observations of reality and it's nature renders the very idea irrational, but the Universe may still hold a few surprises for us yet. Its very hard to elminate a possibility with certainty until we experience the events, and the past becomes concrete. But all possibilities of Human accomplishment seem to depend on past accomplishments. If history simply repeats itself in predictable ways, its easy to see what our fate will be. But the power of the individual has always been enough to make a difference, and to change the world. Clearly it has not always been changed for the better by some individuals; but progress is always being made in the right direction. For many of us life has become characterized by instant gratification, and of course we don't like to be kept waiting for something good to happen.
It's well within reason for one man to decide that Humanity is underserving, and therefor refuse to make an effort. If we deny the possibility of our ressurection its even easier. And perhaps we choose to believe in the possibility of more life here on Planet Earth, and it has already been gaurenteed by the efforts of one saviour, for those who believe. And for those who believe this may not depend on our good works in life. God has a plan for the Ultimate fate of Humanity, if we trust it our deeds are of little consequence. And it doesn't matter what you know, or who you know, or how you delt with other people. If our saviour has the power to forgive then judgement has no power over us, we will not be punished.
Was the immortality of the Human Soul ever in doubt; I wonder? I think that there is enough evidence to suggest that the Universe has a way of remembering itself and remembering us individually. We do make some impression upon the fabric of reality that becomes indelible, I never worry that I will be remembered. It didn't take some epiphany for me to believe in something larger than myself, but a little knowledge helps me to understand the implications. If we can see ourselves standing at the very center of creation, then we should feel that we are most important. But if we are forced to see our insignificant place in the whole, we should not feel less important, we may be very small but still significant.
And so the very chains of death that did bind us have been broken by one man's sacrifice. We may be restored to life with all of our memories intact. Should this great boon be reserved for a few or should it extend to all? This once and future King promised the whole land to all those people who should be considered meek, he did not make this promise to his own people specificly. I would think that there have been excellent examples of meekness demonstrated by peoples of every ethnicity and nationality. Perhaps our deeds in life did matter, perhaps it did matter how we delt with one-another. When we impose our own will upon the world and make many demands upon others, then we are not meek. But I think the promise of an inheiritance goes more towards who should govern, who the leaders should be. It's not meant to exclude all those people who have shown aggression, just that they should be subdued in some way. And as soon as we deny the people mortality, we deny them the power to kill one-another, so that disputes can never be resolved in this way. We will have all the time and opportunity for conversation and argument, the force of persuasion is the only force that should prevail in the world.
So isn't there anything that we still need to get that promise of a ressurection gaurenteed? We have not had the Millenium of Peace on Earth yet! We have not had a day of Judgement without punishment, and the mystery of God is yet unrevealed. And who will God find to do the job of judgement, and to deliver Peace on Earth? Who will win this wonderful power to reform the world so that there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth. And not to end the story of Humanity but find a new begining. Humanity is yet in its infancy as a civilization, but eventually the time comes for us to leave behind our childish ways and begin to grow up. A rite of passage to adulthood and maturity, this is the meaning of judgement day.
Heaven our Creator governs the course of the stars and planets but it does not govern our lives so much. But I consider it likely that Heaven enforces certain rules upon advanced civilizations like ours. And rule number one is to practice non-violence. Its that same old commandment of Moses, thou shall not commit the crime of murder. And we have to get that rule right without making exceptions. Violent means will never serve to solve the problems of violence, this should be simple wisdom. And violence may be defined as any use of force no matter how civil. Dignified treatment and respect is what every person derserves, we should not have to earn this from one-another, nor should we be able to lose it. We are all victims more or less, even the criminal is a victim. When a man has done wrong, he deserves a better education, and he should not be made to suffer indignity to get that education.
Unfortunately Humanity will not be persuaded away from violent means so easily. The Nations have devoted literally billions of man-hours and gross-national-product to the technology of warfare. Who can ask all these Nations to sacrifice all that hard work for the sake of peace? No one can ask and get away with it, unless they have some authority to make demands. Normally all Human authority comes from the consent of our peers, but its a hard thing to figure how one man can get consent from every Nation. So it stands to reason that this authority can not come from popular support, it can not depend on men in any way. Which leaves our prospective peace maker seeking allies from Heaven, and Heaven's will to apply force or at least to produce a clear and preasent threat. The old addage of beating our swords into plowshares will never come to pass unless someone can demand the work be done. Unfortunately some people will never respect anything less than the power to destroy when it comes to certain demands. And I believe that it is well within Heaven's power to destroy us, given that there is any kind of will behind creation at all. Of course whenever Humanity has been confronted with natural disasters, we easily proclaim it to be the 'Wrath of God'. But its not really punishment, just mother nature at work, a process neccessary to life.
In order for one man to be crowned King of Kings, Judge of all Nations, and the long expected Messiah; he must be able to produce effects that are obviously super-natural.
Monday, December 7, 2009
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