I just had a nice long chat with someone who claimed to be a Jehova's Witness. I've had the opportunity to meet a few of these people in my life and hear what they do believe in. This person urged me to contact the witnesses and speak with them, but if i claim to be Jehova himself I don't think that they will appreciate it.
Who is this Jehova? I said to her that Jesus urged us to pray to Heavenly Father, those were his words. In the 'JW' version of the Bible i'm fairly certain that all such terms have been converted to the name Jehova. Personally I do not know for certain that Jesus ever used the name Jehova. But he did pray to some person aside from himself obviously, a higher King. And Jehova is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords among men, but I told her NOT the One-True-And-Most-High-God. Jehova is the Owner and the Landlord but NOT the Creator. Jehova is a person of flesh and bone like ourselves, but still a mortal man like Jesus was. These things I told her.
I would never agree that Jesus himself was or is a God. There can be only one God, and a man can never become like God. The Spirit of God extends to every corner of Creation, at least she agreed with me on this. She proposed that Jesus himself helped create the Earth and Sun, which means that we have to allow for some kind of pre-existance. She said that God gives us Free-Will so that we can choose; but I said that God gives us Judgement so that we can make decisions.
I will fight for a ressurection and the Earth, because I choose to fight for these things. God has never told me what to do, or how to fight, or what exactly needs to be done. There is my Choice, I made it long ago and i'm commited to it. I will not join the ranks of Jehova's Witnesses myself so that they can feel that I belong. I do belong, whether or not they will agree with my point-of-view. So many people of some religous faith profess to have the truth, and as we all know the truth has all the power to deliver us to freedom. And the One-True-And-Most-High-God has all the power to reveal that truth to whomever it pleases, directly. Many people will profess that God's will has been revealed through the written scriptures because those men who wrote were directed and inspired. But all such written works are flawed because they were created by men. God is not flawed and there is no seperation between us and it. We need no mediation from other men and women, we can get what we need from our own personal experiences in life. At least this is the principle of spirituality, we don't know what prevents us from Understanding the truth that's available.
Clearly we have no special power to decide between truth and fiction, and to recognize a story from a fact. I told her that the Gensis story is a myth at best. According to that story our friend Adam would have lived less than 7000 years ago. But we know very well that Humanity has been here on Planet Earth for at least 100,000 years. Therfor if such a person as Adam had lived 7000 years ago, it would not be possible for him to have been the first Human Being. When I explained this to her she said but that, 1000 years may be a day to God. However this argument is irrelevant to the facts, it may be a reasonable assertion but it does not prove the Age of Adam. I told her that God creates life with evolution, this is a considerably well proven fact. And she said that dna does not support a theory of evolution. However DNA does indicate that it would take a very long time for Humanity to diversify as much as it has into the several different races that we see today. She said we are not Dogs and Cats or Trees, we are not made from the same elements! But I told her that we are made of the same elements; in fact all that substance of our flesh and bone has been here as part of the Earth from the very begining just waiting to become part of us.
Clearly I did not Create the Earth and Sun, I can not claim to be the progenitor of the Human species. I have a definate begining in Life, at the time of my conception or birth. And my parents gave me the name Kenneth Richard Hopper; however I have been known by other names including Token. Most of my friends just call me Ken. If I claim that I am also Jehova it will not be believed of course, but its true that I am Jehova. The God they have long believed in but not a true God, made real in flesh and bone and all mortality. I could claim to be Adam himself, reborn in the World because Adam never had this opportunity to have parents of his own and to be loved by them. There was an Eve, but she was in a sorry condition when i knew her and I don't know what has become of her.
Still Eve is depending on me to make the World right at long last, she professed as much to me. And she believed that I could do the job, God knows someone has to do it. My friend the Jehova's Witness said I should be worried about my own salvation, but I told her I worry enough already. I am saved already, I'm comfortable with my realationship with God, I trust that my place in Eternity is secure. We don't have to accomplish everything all at once, we do have time to become whatever we can become. But we should never expect to become Gods ourselves, in as much as we are children of God we can not become like him.
I told her that we do have a Creator and I name it Heaven. Not a person of flesh and bone like ourselves, but still a living thing in some sense. It too is blessed by God's gift of consciousness, in the same way that we have been blessed. But it is not the same thing as the One-True-And-Most-High-God. Heaven is my Lord and Creator, and she asked me if I do have a King. I told her that I am a King, and I told her that even Jesus has a King above him.
"Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come upon Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us. Deliver us from Evil because thine is the Kingdom and the Glory forever and ever." I paraphrase the Lord's prayer thus, to the best of my recollection.
We all know that Jesus lived as a mortal man and was put to death. And we know that before he died he prayed to Heavenly Father for our forgiveness. The prayer that he made upon the cross so long ago has been preserved down through the ages of time until 2000 years later we can still hear it. Did he pray to Heavenly Father or Jehova, I don't know the answer; but clearly he prayed to a person other than himself. And its long been considered true that Jesus himself was a King, and did promise the Earth as an inheiritance for the meek. According to the story his spirit and his flesh were reunited and he did ascend bodily into Heaven, we don't know what has become of him. But most people who believe in him believe that he lives, clearly he does not live here on Planet Earth. Some other planet perhaps? Perhaps there is another world in the whole of the Universe where the ressurection is already a fact. And we should think that Jesus lives there on some other planet and that he is not without some companions. But clearly the ressurection is not a fact here on Earth, and to the best of my own personal knowledge we have not been visited.
Earth is our home, our nativity, we belong to it. We should long to return to it after our travels. All things being considered, expecting nature to follow some predictable course, we can not expect the Earth to last forever. How long must the Dead be kept waiting for the opportunity of more life? Time is a funny thing, and when we are unconscious we do not notice it passing. And so the Dead are asleep in Hades, experience nothing not even the passage of time. They are not aware that they are waiting, but we remember them. Perhaps the time will soon come to call them all home, to awaken them once again.
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