I have a story to tell about my sign from a Higher-Power, it was an experience I had one day in Oct 1982.
The circumstances were I had been fired from a job on the accusation of stealing. Eventually I learned much later that an assistant manager set up the whole deal, so his girlfriend could get my job.
So I was feeling pretty depressed, my loss of innocence as a young man perhaps. I wrote out my side of the story, i isolated myself from family life. I started reading the gospel stories, and felt a strong inspiration to follow the examples of Christ. I also studied the book of Revelations and longed for a World at Peace where lies could never hurt us.
I decided to leave my home and my family behind and seek, what I hoped to find I had no clue. But I did find something along the way. I took what money I had and purchased a plane ticket to Los Angelas, CA. I didn't tell my family i was leaveing i just packed a small bag and went.
On the first leg of my flight I had a stopover in Salt Lake City, Utah. I had been there before and I had heard of the Mormons there. On that flight I ended up sitting next to a man who was a member of that church. And I had a little pocket copy of the New Testament that I was reading on the plane. The man inquired of me if I was a student of the Bible, and after that we had a bit of conversation. In short I told him my story about leaving home to seek Christ, and he suggested that I try Salt Lake City as a destination. He gave me the name of another man who lived in that city who might be able to help me. He did not live in Utah and he was catching another flight back to Idaho, he traveled as a potato salesman. Previously he had been a teacher he told me, and this is how he knew of the other man.
So when our flight landed in Salt Lake City he had to run to make his connection and I was left all alone at the airport. I thought that I might need cab service to get to the city, but i didn't want to spend what little money I had on that. So I walked out of the Airport and looked around, I started walking. It was already evening by then and the sun was going down. I walked out past the parking lot into a field, until i reached a body of water and I sat down.
I was feeling quite angry with God because I didn't know what to do next. I was feeling impatient, why were we still waiting for this wonderful ressurection I asked. Where is Jesus, why isn't he here?! In anger I stood up and threw my little pocket bible out into the water. After a bit of time had passed i wandered back into the Airport and called home to let them know where i was. During the phone conversation with my mother I agreed to get a flight home, then I went and purchased a ticket. However it was very late by then and the Airport was more or less closed. My flight would not be leaving until the early morning hours.
So I returned outside to the field, took a little marijuana out of my bag, rolled a fat joint and smoked it. A little weed would help the time pass more pleasently I figured because I had a long wait. I picked up a stick from the ground and scribed a circle in the dirt. The I took my roach, the bit left over from the marijuana cigerette and ground it into the center of the circle. Then I stood in that circle. The distant sounds from the Airport became the sound of a chorus of many voices singing in my mind. And I turned to quater the compass, and with each facing the voices changed there song a little, so that I had the impression of a great multitude. And I imagined a crevace opening up in the Earth and smoke billowing out, the pit where the Ancient Dragon lay chained. And then I cried out, "Let there be no more delay!" Whatever it takes to fullfill the prophecy I am willing to do, I will even take the part of the Beast and the reward that goes with it. Only so that there will be no more delay!
Eventually I wandered back into the airport and found a seat near a television. I started to relax, but some person who worked at the airport walked by and make a rude remark. Something to the effect that, "We don't need your kind of people here." After that I got up and went back outside.
The evening was turning to early morning and it started to get cooler outside. I wanted to keep warm but I didn't want to return to the Airport Terminal. I walked through the parking lot to a fenced off long-term parking area, there were several RV's parked in that lot. I tried to gain access to one of the RV's but it was locked, just then a truck drove by and I ducked down. I kinda scampered out of the parking area back out into the field. There was something of a dirt road I was running along, and I could see the truck coming with its headlights on.
At some point down that path I scrambled down an incline off the road and found a concret slab were I sat down. And I watch for that truck to come further along the road, but it did not come. There was a large bushy plant against the incline in the road and i was trying to look over it. Then suddenly small points of light began to appear above the bush. At first I thought it must be a reflection of light off some cobwebs, but as soon as I began to think that the lights grew stronger. And then I thought it might be fireflies, so I looked away for a few seconds. But when I returned my gaze to that spot, the pinpricks of light had become like stars hanging in the air. And these lights outlined the figure of a man. It was a man standing in the air above the bush, legs together and arms stretched wide, I thought perhaps a vision of christ upon the cross. I looked at it, and to be certain I was the only one to witness this event, but it was real and not hallucination I was certain.
There was no great voice from God offering explainations. I bowed my head and closed my eyes, I made my commitment then to Humanity, to serve the great cause. I promised my life to God, take me and use me I prayed. Temper me in your furnace and strengthen me so that I can do what needs to be done, make me your instrument. These things i prayed.
The shape above the bush had changed somewhat once i reopened my eyes, and I started to feel uncomfortable. I got up went up past the bush, back up the incline to the dirt road. Looking back from a higher vantage point the stars had taken on the shape of star. It was as if a pointed star made of of smaller stars was lodged within the branches of the bush. But I turned and started walking toward the Airport. And as soon as I entered the terminal it would seem that it was time for my flight.
On the flight home I was feeling an sense of elation and a real high. There was a blind woman on the flight with a companion, and I wondered what would happen if i touched her. Would her blindness be cured? But I did not venture to get up from my seat and try. I looked out the window of the plane and watched the landscape pass by beneath.
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