I would have many of our most favored children questioning fundamental ideas of which they have surly been taught from numerous reliable sources. Such as the idea that, "All terrorists are bad people." for example. Clearly they are persons who feel angry about something and who can say that those feelings are unjustifiable? What they choose to do about those feelings is where most of us have our disagreements. In cases where tyrannical means are directed towards undoing our own interests, we can very easily see violence as a problem. Although at the same time, most of us are still willing to employ the very same means in our own defense. And if our interests are not defended before some damage is done, we are willing to employ those means for vengeance or in other words, in the service of Justice we believe that punishment is due unto others. And of course our punishment may often include the sacrifice of a life, so it may do no more harm to us in the future. The only sure way we know to isolate an individual from the rest of the community, but does it accomplish that feat? Surely our Terrorist companions can make good use of the final argument of Christ and plead that they simply didn't have the knowledge that would help them choose a different course of action at the time. And why shouldn't that argument work as well for them as it should work for ourselves if necessary? Does it only apply to those of us who have been baptised by some authority, worldly or otherwise? I think that this blanket pardon should apply to every single one of us, and not just for those of us who may be described as meek. Should we count ourselves among the meek if we make demands upon the life and will of another in any event? If we choose to impose our own will upon the children of humanity, how can we count ourselves among those most favored by Jesus, those favored with an inheritance of real-estate even the Earth itself? It seems that none are righteous by seeking to govern the world, our world is fated to be governed by those who claim no right to govern, divine or otherwise. Yes certain teachings have been ascribed to this man Jesus, and some refer to it as parable but I simply refer to it as a prediction. We do not understand how the real world works, so we can not see a millennium of Peace on Planet Earth on our horizon. Beating Swords into Plowshares is something that our current world leaders could never choose to do; clearly we can not see beyond that truth to the fact that ultimately military superiority will fail to support our governors. Perhaps one single man in our history really did understand how the real world works in order to make an accurate prediction. Those who rely upon physical strength and numbers will be undone by one with the strength and numbers unimagined and unexpected, the possibilities can be quite surprising when we see them realized. And the Universe is just such a remarkable place that almost anything could happen.
Something that has never been achieved by one of us in our long history may yet come to pass, one could overcome mortality itself, we can not prove it an impossibility simply by pointing out that it's never happened.
And just what is this secret of FAITH that can empower one of us to move literal mountains? Can it possibly be work accomplished by someone more powerful than ourselves, of who's will has been won over by FAITH? I could claim that there is a noble cause which some higher-power could be convinced to serve. I need work, and I need work that no human agency individually or collectively could do. What would I need to offer in exchange for that favor? A simple commitment which goes beyond our mortal ends, one that can only be endured by the immortal man. For one must live forever in order to endure an endless torment, the torment of the promised reward for playing the part of our world's greatest villain, a tyrant perceived as the anti-thesis of Christ. Whereas Jesus sought to save your immortal souls, my own purpose is to save your flesh and bone and to save this planet to serve as your abode. For I do love this Universe of manifestation so much more than I love whatever else may be in my own personal interests. If there really is a way to escape it as the buddha suggested so long ago, I would not seek that escape for myself, not for a very long time at least. If I am the last individual to leave this Heaven, my own personal cause may be well served. Being able to cross that finish line is all that really matters, being well ranked in the race is of no matter to me. Because I know that I am loved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, I trust it completely. The Love of my God will enable me to endure whatever I need to endure. I can only rely upon my own personal experiences in life for all that it has taught me to believe or disbelieve, my choices were easy to make. I chose to believe that your welfare is best served by immortal life on Planet Earth, with all of your 14 billion or so companions present to judge you with an independent judgement. Eventually we all must be able to decide that we can feel happy with the truth, whatever the truth may happen to be. I choose for myself the hard path of the Great Patriarch, the path which can make no exceptions; either all the children or none are deserving, this is the way it must be. And perhaps the answer will be none, the fate of our species will be extinction instead of resurrection, at the present moment in time the outcome is not guaranteed of course. A millennium of Peace on Earth is not guaranteed, and one thing sorta follows after the other so it's something we still need to see. If the prophecy of John still holds any truth for our world, this is what we true believers should expect IMHO.
Something that has never been achieved by one of us in our long history may yet come to pass, one could overcome mortality itself, we can not prove it an impossibility simply by pointing out that it's never happened.
And just what is this secret of FAITH that can empower one of us to move literal mountains? Can it possibly be work accomplished by someone more powerful than ourselves, of who's will has been won over by FAITH? I could claim that there is a noble cause which some higher-power could be convinced to serve. I need work, and I need work that no human agency individually or collectively could do. What would I need to offer in exchange for that favor? A simple commitment which goes beyond our mortal ends, one that can only be endured by the immortal man. For one must live forever in order to endure an endless torment, the torment of the promised reward for playing the part of our world's greatest villain, a tyrant perceived as the anti-thesis of Christ. Whereas Jesus sought to save your immortal souls, my own purpose is to save your flesh and bone and to save this planet to serve as your abode. For I do love this Universe of manifestation so much more than I love whatever else may be in my own personal interests. If there really is a way to escape it as the buddha suggested so long ago, I would not seek that escape for myself, not for a very long time at least. If I am the last individual to leave this Heaven, my own personal cause may be well served. Being able to cross that finish line is all that really matters, being well ranked in the race is of no matter to me. Because I know that I am loved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, I trust it completely. The Love of my God will enable me to endure whatever I need to endure. I can only rely upon my own personal experiences in life for all that it has taught me to believe or disbelieve, my choices were easy to make. I chose to believe that your welfare is best served by immortal life on Planet Earth, with all of your 14 billion or so companions present to judge you with an independent judgement. Eventually we all must be able to decide that we can feel happy with the truth, whatever the truth may happen to be. I choose for myself the hard path of the Great Patriarch, the path which can make no exceptions; either all the children or none are deserving, this is the way it must be. And perhaps the answer will be none, the fate of our species will be extinction instead of resurrection, at the present moment in time the outcome is not guaranteed of course. A millennium of Peace on Earth is not guaranteed, and one thing sorta follows after the other so it's something we still need to see. If the prophecy of John still holds any truth for our world, this is what we true believers should expect IMHO.
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