I wrote this article quite a long time ago, i am reproducing it here now.
This atom exists in relationship to that atom, wether they are infintesimally
close or light-years seperated. It is a very simple truth to intellecualize.
This atom is part of the Earth, it exists in close relationship to every
other atom which is a part of the Earth. Now what is the extent of Earth's
history? Geophysicists speculate that the Earth was formed about five
billion years ago, and the astronomers believe that our solar system is
perhaps a billion years older than that. The Earth appears to have a
definate begining, a begining devoid of all life, living things appeared
much later. Some events in Earth's history have brought water to the planet.
The surface of the Earth cools to a rocky shell and in some places is
covered by oceans. Eventually the germ of life appears in the midst of
the Earth. Something which perhaps we could liken to a bacteria but much
simpler. The germ eats some mineral and excretes some new material molecule
into the environment. The germ grows and reproduces until there are large
populations in various areas. The germ diferentiates itself so that there
are many kinds consumeing and excreting different materials. Gas is released
by these processes and becomes atmosphere, soil begins to form from rock
and cover various places. The original germ is the origin of all other life
that we find today upon the face of the planet. All the various kinds of life
that we find were at one time but a single kind of life. And so the process
of the creation of life and of a biosphere for planet Earth has begun.
It would seem to us that this process must have some definate begining.
Life is a chemical process, it gathers in substance from its environment
and reforms this material into structural units. Those structural units
in the human body we call the amino acids. Now here we find ourselves
upon the earth, one kind of intelligent animal amongst many other kinds
of animals. We have become the tool makers, we give a form that we find
most desireable to everthing that we touch. Each of us is a peculiar
organization of atoms, and atoms into cells, and cells into organs,
and the organs into the functioning of the whole body. We have begun to
reorgainize the world around us, to give it a higher order of structure
and pattern and symetry. And because we are intelligent animals we have
ideas about the world around us, and we make sounds, and sounds become
words, and words come to represent our ideas. And so human beings live
together in families or communities and have discovered a way to
communicate ideas to one another. We begin the work of discovering and
naming everything around us, a work which we are still doing to this day.
So now the process of life we find has been going on upon the face of this
Earth for over a billion years. The origin of our own species in particular
seems to be at least one-hundred thousand years in the past. We have
abundant evidence that these statements are true, they are true. Living
things have a tendency to become something else and pass these new traits
on to their progeny, and we have named this process evolution. Yes it is
true then, we have sufficient proof to trust this completely; God creates
life with an evolutionary process. And this story tells us that we are all
related to one another. Every human being upon the face of the Earth bears
some kind of family relationship to every other human being on the planet.
Every person who has ever lived and every person who will ever be native
born of this Earth, we are related to. We can not always describe exactly
what this relationship is, we may have to look very far back into the past
to find a common ancestor with some of the people. But a common ancestor
most certainly does exist, the human race is only one race of creatures
then rather than many different races. Our similarities outweigh our
differences. And not only are we people related to all other people, but
we are also related to all other life. There is a relationship between
yourself and every other living entity on the planet, wether you choose
to see this or not. Do not be confused and think to yourself that this is
only a theory, this goes beyond a mere theory, it is fact.
As an individual person it would appear that we have a very definate
begining. We are born, before this we are formed within mother's womb;
from one egg cell and one sperm cell we have our beginnings. Now that
we have been born, we have become a mind unto ourselves, we have each
become unique persons. We are all told that we have souls, but what is
this thing? How do we define what the soul is? This is how I define the
soul, it is comprised of five different things. The four things that we
are most conscious of are what we 'do', 'say', 'think' and 'feel'. The fifth
part is comprised of your physiological state from moment to moment.
I will explain the fifth part better as your body chemistry, to some
extent you are aware of it and to some extent you are not. You know when
you are tired or when you are hungry or too cold, but you are unaware
of specific hormones being released within your body. And some of this
affect on your body chemistry comes from external sources, so it is good
to label the fifth part of the soul as simply 'environment'.
Therefor I have defined the soul as being the things which you 'do', 'say',
'think' and 'feel' as well as your 'environment' from moment to moment. The
soul is your personal story, it is your personal history, it is everything
that you have ever experienced as an individual mind. This is something
completely different from mind or spirit, spirit is the active principle
within your personality. Spirit is a combination of awareness and identity,
mind is that thing which observes and that thing which affects our will.
Your personal identity or sense of selfness is comprised of your soul but
also a part of it is what I would call the 'model of opinions'. The model
is something that everybody creates, it is our image of the world, it is
the thing we compare all events to. The model is how we imagine that the
world works and it is most significantly affected by our choice of opinions.
So wether or not these words grant you any new comprehension,
let me continue, seeing how nice and neat it all fits together is going to
take some thought on your part, and maybe some further explainations.
So I say that the soul is your very own unique and individual story. It is
comprised of REAL events, things that actually happened, it is part of the
ultimate truth of the universe. No matter what happens to you now, your soul
continues to be a part of the greater story of creation. In fact we can
make this observation, the entire Earth has ONE SOUL, and you are making
some personal contribution to that ONE SOUL. But wait, the soul of the
Earth is more than just the story of life, it is also the story of the
planet's formation within this solar system, before life even existed.
And does the soul of this Earth even really have a beginning? All this
STUFF of which the Earth is comprised came from - well do you all know this
story? These atoms were forged within the hearts of stars long since passed
from luminosity in the heaven. We have all kinds of elements here on this
Earth and we know that some could only have been formed from the super
nova. All of this stuff began, somewhere back in the depths of time as parts
of many different suns. And the stuff of which those suns were originally
comprised, we believe was formed by an event which we call 'the big bang'.
The model of this event has undergone significant revision recently but
ultimatetly every model agrees that all this stuff in the universe was
once contained within a single tiny point - that we call 'the singularity'.
And in this point we have finally discovered the ONENESS of all things.
The origin event seems to have been the creation of SOMETHING from NOTHING.
And ever since that point in time it has been all about reformation, the
stuff of creation is constantly becoming something else, the matter and
energy in the system is unchangeable, it can neither be added to nor
subtracted from. And even this event which begins as the ONE SOUL of
all Heaven, may not be the ultimate begining. It is possible that other
universes have existed, do exist, and will exist in the future. But for now
all we should concern ourselves with is this UNIVERSE, and I want to tell
you something about it.
I have a new theory for you all to consider and it goes like this:
"Consciousness is a force of nature.
"It is a force interactive with all matter and the vacum
"It does not depend upon the existence of life to be a force of nature.
"And this force is as everpresent and constant as the force of gravity."
It could get very technical about possible interactions and the full
ramifications if this theory were true, but there is a simple
way to state the evidence. Quantum theory says there is uncertainty at
the smallest possible scales we are able to examine, and that it takes
an observer to collapse the possibilities into one definate state. This
leads me to conclude that matter can not exist in discrete units without
an observer. Without the observer, the atom could not be an atom, it would
be spread out as a field of probabilities. The fact that protons began to
form within however many billionths of a second after the big bang is
clear evidence of the awakening of a mind, awareness!!! And this mind, for
all intents and purposes is the mind of God. This is a mind and a
personality that is completely aware of every atom in the universe. It knows
the exact relationship between one atom and every other atom, it knows
what each atom is a part of. This mind is always and ever, completely aware
of everything that we 'do', 'say', 'think' and 'feel' and our environment.
Such a mental capacity is completely incomprehensible to us. I can tell
you some things about it but I can not begin to describe what its like.
But I can tell you that it is NOT like a human mind.
Now i would like to step aside here and bring you up to speed on one little
fact. 'Heaven', what is it? Is it a real place? In the distant past, Heaven
was simply the place where the stars reside. Kings of old wanted to become
stars in the firmament of Heaven once they passed away from the Earth.
Heaven has become known by many people now as the place that you go when
you die, however this is not the case. 'Heaven', is just a more personal
name for this universe, the cosmos, the creation; we have many words to
describe this place we find ourselves in. And the Earth we now realize is
just one planet orbiting around one typical star among many, that star
is in motion within what we call the Milky Way galaxy, and this galaxy is
on a collision course with what we call the Andromeda galaxy. Heaven
happens to be the place that you go when you live, this place. To those
of you who did not realize this on your own, I say to you, "Welcome to
Heaven". God's house is a mansion of many rooms, and Heaven is but one room,
one possible universe in all the Eternal Kingdom. To those of you who did
not realize this on your own, I would like to say, "Welcome to the Eternal
Kingdom". But now if you have understood any of the things I have said,
then you will understand that I think of Heaven as a person, so when I say
'Heaven' you will know that I am refering to a person.
Now Heaven has a soul, that soul is a story or a book or a memory of all
things. Well at least all the things that we ourselves are concerned with.
And your own personal soul belongs to Heaven, "Your soul IS Heaven's soul".
Your own personal story is, as far as we are aware, completely a part of
the story of this universe. Now here is the neat little catch, "Heaven's
soul IS your personal soul!" What this means is that the full story of
creation from beginning (if it has one) to present, is your very own
personal story. Where do we really have our beginning, was it in the womb?
Was it when the very first human being was born? Was it with the beginning
of all life on planet Earth, the primordial germ? OR what if we should
consider that the thing which defines you most is your personal collection
of atoms? Then we know that the atoms which comprise your body were formed
within the hearts of stars long since burned away, is your personal
beginning with the death of those stars? OR does it go back even further
than that, to the main event, the origin of all the matter in the universe?
Indeed, the full story of your own personal existence is every bit as eternal
as the universe seems to be, it is without a beginning but has many
beginings. And will your own personal story ever end? Many people
unfortuanately have this opinion that it will end at a very definate time.
Although it does not seem that our lives are eternal, our souls are eternal.
Now what, if any of this information, should become a practical part of our
lives and our thinking? Well let me ask you to look at your neighbor, and
recognize maybe for the first time, that person is a part of your family!
Look at someone else and try saying this to yourself, "That person's soul,
is my soul!" Try shouting outloud, "There is one soul, and we all share it!"
Being able to say these things, and believe these things is just the
begining. As I implied at the begining of this document, the ONENESS of all
things is very easy to intellecualize. To fully master this concept and
make it a complete part of our world models and opinions, takes some effort
and time. It is time to rexamine our opinions of the world and each other,
take stock of the judgements that you have made in the past and take a new
look at the big picture through a new set of eyes. I wish you peace, long
lives and gain wisdom.
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