The adherants of Christianity have long expected an Anti-Christ to come into the world. And if the One True and Most High God has promised the people a ressurection, it would appear to be conditional. Perhaps it is neccessary for some prophecy to be fullfilled, in fact we know that several of the things which Jesus is said to have done, were done to fullfill a prophecy.
Now Jesus came into the world teaching a principle of forgiveness, and he appeared among that nation of people who were most in need to learn the lesson of forgiveness.
While I, on the other hand, am all about judgement. And this nation of people, the United States of America where I was born, may very well be most in need to learn the lesson of judgement. It is no longer good enough to be babtised and to say that we have Jesus for a personal savior. The people must be able to overcome thier own ignorance as well. We may not continue to favor our own beliefs, while good knowledge has become available and goes neglected. If a person has sinned, they must be brought to the understanding of how they have sinned, and to know why it is a sin. The people must be made to admit to thier own mistakes, some lack of knowledge may no longer be used as an excuse.
The children of the Earth must finally be brought to discover the truth, and to recognize how much they have been lied to. In my own opinion, the people should not be held accountable for believing one thing or another, especially if they have been taught to believe a thing. But the people have made some poor choices, and this assertion is well supported by observing the state our world is in. Yes, we must finally discover which of our favorite stories are factual or fictional. And for the fact that we have been lied to, we have no one to blame but ourselves; and our inate tallent for imagination. There is no Great Deceiver, we are victims of our own desires. And we have been victimized because we DO NOT automaticly recognize what desires are good for us, and which desires cause harm.
If a very good fantasy comes along, and it makes us appear more powerful than we really are, it is very easy to embrace. And if we can get some external validation for our choice of beliefs, so much the better! Afterall, if I can get enough people to agree with my opinions then I really might be more important. But I want the people to learn that thier own authority never goes further than thier own personal actions.
Jesus is considered to have been a king by many people; and it has long been the preogative of kings to make a grant of land, even for all perpetuity. Moses made such a promise of land and it is clear that he favored the people of Israel over all other people. But Jesus also made a promise of land the likes of which had never before been made or since. Jesus promised all of the land of this Earth, and he favored those people who should be considered as meek!
Think about yourself for a moment, and I want you to answer the question, would I be considered as meek? If you are not meek in your own opinion, what exactly do you think it would take to bring you to a condition of meekness? Do you believe that it's possible that I, through some application of force, may break your pride? If I were to confront you with violence, could you be rendered meek, or would you only be rendered angry? I would like to honor that promise that Jesus has made, but it would appear that the only way to put the meek in charge of the world, is to kill off all the aggressive people. This is the way that the people and the nations of our world deal with problems, we have placed our faith in superior firepower. In order for us to enjoy some peace and security, all that is required is for us to kill off all the bad people who oppose our interests. The people of America once said the words, "Peace through Strength." And of course its obvious that if the thugs and rogues of the world see us as too much of a challenge, we may enjoy some security. But now the rallying cry has become, "Make the World Safe for Democracy!" And nobody says the words, although we seemingly subscribe to this policy, "Might Makes Right!"
The fathers and sons of America at one time fought and died, so that the people could live free from tyrany. And only so that the people of this once great nation could become the world's greater tyrant. IMHO, our form of Representative Democracy has failed misserably to prove itself incorruptable. Public opinion may be subject to manipulation, the people can be moviated to march to the next battle which needs to be fought. We enjoy our civil rights and freedoms in America and believe they are worth killing for. Therfor our young men and women are trained to be soldiers and combatants, to kill the enemy, and to go anywhere in the world to do that job.
But the problems of violence may never be solved through violent means. We can not become criminals in order to fight crime, to right wrongs and injustices. The USA is so well prepared to fight war, and we have dedicated so many of our resources to the cause, that war becomes the best option for solving problems. We could have been training our young men and women to be diplomats and problem solvers; but we are not problem solvers in America we are problem makers.
It is really the American lifestyle that we are fighting so hard to defend, we desire to maintain our high standard of living. But its simply not possible to raise everyone's standard of living to the same level that we enjoy here in the Western World. Therfor the American people promote unfair conditions, we want the lion's share of the World's resources because we believe that we best know how to make use of those resources. Business is good, the people have enjoyed some prosperity, we are comfortable with our own popular beliefs. The late generation has every expectation to enjoy a comfortable retirement, there is enough stability in the World to last to the ends of our lifetimes perhaps. We have every reason to be satisfied, all is well.
Yet the bubbling pot of social crisis is still on the burner, and all we can do is add fuel to the fire.
In order for the meek to be put in charge of the world and peace established, I am hoping that it will not be neccessary to kill off a majority of the world's population. It should not even be neccessary to assinate many of the world's leaders. The bad guys should either be reformed or retired somehow, but how to solve the problem in practical terms? And I need a solution that can be applied by one person. If only I could convince a great many people that they really are powerless; that thier opinions and feelings are irrelevant. What possible arguement may be employed to change your mind in just that way? I need the people to know that thier judgement is not good enough to be actionable, and the many people who are acting in the world today are taking us further along the path to an inevitable extinction.
But still there are many good people living in the world today, i must admit. I have had the good fortune to meet a few of them along the way, and I realize that many more exist whom I've never met personally. People who present excellent examples of meekness, people who I would describe as saintly. And I do believe in the saints of our world, they have won my trust; if it were not for them I wouldn't even bother to try saving the world AGAIN! But the survival of our very species demands another saviour. And if my judgement may be validated by Heaven, the work can be accomplished by a true King. And if my judgement is not validated by Heaven, there may still be someone who can get the job done, who can be a king and a judge and the landlord. But if God or Heaven will not intervene in Human afairs and back a King, and the status quo is allowed to proceed unchecked, the species will surely fail. I consider it unlikely that Humanity will survive the next 3000 years, and that is a fairly short amount of time considering that we have over 100,000 years of history here. And if the Neanderthal species managed to survive here for 200,000 years before becoming exinct, it would appear that we may be far less successful than they were; despite our great intelligence, facility with languages and literacy. Clearly Humanity has no competition for Lordship over the Earth, but we do Lord over one another endlessly, and it may very well be the death of us.
Only a King will be able to turn the world around, it will require for one man to win the popular support and respect of all the people, without respect to national divisions or religious beliefs. And in order for that man to be an effective leader he will also need to be a priest, and recognized as such. Of course its not possible in modern times for one man to be the biological progenitor of the species, but in every other way this person must realize the identity of Adam. Adam who has existed only as a myth, living in modern times as an actual historical person. Our Sire, our Heavenly Father, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And the Kindom of Heaven may be realized upon this Earth.
I have professed to be a nation unto myself, and my dominion within the world is very small. It may extend to the surface of my skin and no further, none-the-less it is still a dominion and a region of Heaven. For I am, and this is true for all of us, an inhabitant of the Eternal Kingdom, and I am a citizen of Heaven. Therfor the Kingdom of Heaven has already been well establish upon the Earth, but it is still a very small thing. The Kingdom is so small it appears insignificant next to the great nations of the world, but it has the potential to grow and encompass the world.
For it has been written this story of a small stone, a stone which was cut out without hands, and was set aside as unsuitable material by the builders and framers of our society. This very stone became the cornerstone, and became the mountain which would fill up the entire world.
Jesus once proposed that faith has the power to move mountains. And if the mountains can be moved then the destruction of the Earth may be assured by one man of faith. And it may just take the threat of overwhelming force to get the world's attention. And it may be in the very nature of the iron rod that such a threat can be produced. Who will wield the iron rod? No one yet has won the battle for faith. Jesus has won the keys to death and hades, now i pray that someone may win the key to freedom. Amen.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
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