It is a very well advertised and popular notion in our world that there is honor and glory to be found on our battlefields. To fight in the defense of a cause such as freedom for example the highest contribution that an individual can make to our world and our communities. But killing is murder; and murder is murder by any other name. It does not actually matter if the victim was a combatant or an innocent bystander, we have seen in our world that even women and very young children can become combatants. There is nothing noble about killing, no matter how high the cause may be. Murder is either completely justifiable in every case, or else it is never justifiable, there is no gray area in-between. This matter is a basic premise of my own faith.
If capital punishment may be justifiable and in the best interest of the community, then perhaps it was also in our interest when someone was killed outside the laws of the land.
The human species now possesses the capacity to destroy the biosphere of planet Earth. We have the ability to make the world nonviable for human habitation. I would like to believe that the species could survive here for billions of years to come, the Sun will certainly shine for that long. Its feasible that the world may continue to support life for billion of more years, even in the face of global climate change. The natural disasters of the Earth have no power to completely wipe out the entire species, short of an impact from space! Personally I believe that if the Earth is not hit by a comet or asteroid in the next 2-300 years then it will never happen. We should eventually have the technology to prevent such an event, its reasonable to think we may be able to accomplish this.
But if we look at our world today, we find that the people are still at war with one another. If the people love war and believe they can get glory from it, then probably our world will continue to suffer wars. And there is no-one to be found in the world today with the power to put a stop to it. There has never been a person in all of our long recorded history who has had the capacity to capture the entire world's attention and persuade the people away from fear and hatred. Jesus came and went in the world, some people called him the “Prince of Peace,” but even so the world is not at peace.
According to one ancient prophecy the children of the Earth will enjoy 1000 years of peace, prior to a resurrection. But its interesting to note that this prophecy describes the Earth of this resurrection as being a world without any oceans. Conceiveably billions of years may have to pass before the Oceans would disappear from our world by any natural causes. And yet some people do believe that these are the end times prior to our day of judgment. Some people have observed the most recent modern events as fulfilling the conditions of a Revelation that John made nearly 2000 years ago. We don't know very much about this John, we do not know if his vision was truly inspired or is just a case of wishful thinking. But this fellow John is not the only person who has predicted a day of judgment for the world, the people want there to be such a thing as real justice and not just the blind justice that we enforce upon one another.
I have a distinct advantage over most people in the world; I happen to know for a fact that there really is a God. Personally I do not believe in an angry and vengeful God, I do not even believe that God is really disappointed with the way things are in our world. Perhaps all human behavior is in some way justifiable, if every factor affecting our lives could be taken into consideration. But if the world must have a judge, then I wonder if God could even do the job!? Perhaps it will be required for one of us to fulfill that role in the world. Judgment is a natural aspect of human nature, everybody exercises judgment every day of their lives. Judgment is a part of the human condition, and some people have more talent in this respect than others. Is it possible that one person will be found in the world who's capacity for judgment is exceptional? In the same sense that a popular fictional character named Johnathan Livingston Seagull achieved excellence in flight, all birds can fly but Johnathan revealed an unexpected capability in training that skill. Johnathan Livingston Seagull was dedicated to the joy of flying all his life. Now we need a man or woman who has been dedicated to judgment, to achieving excellence and revealing a previously unexpected capacity.
Jesus said that faith has the power to move mountains, and perhaps we should have a reason to believe that he meant literal mountains. This man who turned water into wine and supposedly walked upon a troubled sea, why should he have a reason to believe that mountains could actually be moved? Whatever this faith is that Jesus was describing; few people have ever managed to understand it, at best some people have enjoyed a benefit from a fleeting moment of faith. The people who have lived have reported witnessing miraculous things, and i think we have sufficient reason to believe that miraculous things are possible. The Universe that we live in is a strange and wonderful place, it still holds many surprises for us. If the Universe has in store for us to live again on this Earth and to live an immortal life as well, then there will be ample time for penance.
Such ideas as these are the topic of my blog, it is a story about judgment day. I am the author of the story, and it has a beginning but it does not yet have an end. The contents of my blog are incomplete and if you read from the beginning to end it is already a lot of material. If you are interested please visit my private forum, there is a link there to my blogspace and a public access forum for discussion. At
Addendum: This topic was posted in a public forum hosted by Acclaim games here...
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