Of course I do not have the means to subdue the American people on my own, but I never work alone. The number of companions I have available is simply unknown, I may easily have a majority opinion behind my great cause. But the truth is I only need to win one supporter, if that person has greater authority and strength than the American people can muster.
If I propose that the world needs to be forced into peace, then obviously such an idea will not make me popular. I could make more of an effort to gather support from the greater community of humanity, but popularity is not a requirement for the King to do his job. We don't vote for a King you see, the King votes for himself, the ultimate minority. The King defines his own career, he's self-employed always. And we should only hope that the person who wins authority over every nation of the world, is motivated by the noblest intentions. Ideas like, "the greater good" should prevail over personal gain.
But what does our world really deserve, and what are the people expecting? Are they expecting a Kind and Loving Father to rise up from their midsts and guide the world to prosperity? A good judge who will not punish the people. Most people seem to agree that there are some wicked men and women here on planet Earth who do deserve punishment. If there is no punishment they will be greatly dissappointed.
But many people who follow the New Testament Bible are expecting an Anti-Christ to rise to power over the world. A great villan and tyrant, but still a person of considerable authority. This person's authority does not come from God, or so it is believed; this is not a person of superior faith. It all seems to depend on the agency of some Higher-Powers which exist between God and Men. A pact with the Devil perhaps, or should we call him the Ancient Dragon? Clearly this person's time and authority on Planet Earth will be limited, if we follow the prophecy. If we look at this person as the Anti-Christ he is just doing a job, and a neccessary job by all indications. And for his part of the work there is a reward, the reward does not sound very appealing but someone has to claim it.
These are the conditions that will advance our great cause, the ultimate survival of our species depends on this. And the promise of our immortality and ressurection depends on this. Therefor we must consider the possiblity that our favorite enemy, the expected anti-christ, is motivated to make the personal sacrifice out of compassion.
Its long been a saying that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
And Hell is meant to be a place of everlasting suffering, nobody wants to end up there. Who can cope with that, and endure it? Only the Most-High-God can grant us the strength to endure everlasting torment. The person who finds himself there may long for an end to come, but the end will be far removed from his reach. Curiously this condition does represent a kind of immortality, and the life of that man must be preserved indefinately.
Of course our great tyrant does not go alone to the fire, he has a companion in the Ancient Dragon, and the Beast of the Earth. I've never talked about the nature of the Beast in my blog as yet. This is a creature of Humanity, it is made up of men and women. Possibly every man and woman should be considered as a part of it. In a sense it represents the modern age of humanity, and our civilization is characterized by it. No one has ever been able to tame the beast, it has a life of its own and pursues it's own interests. Those interests are characterized by 7 heads and 10 kings or horns. We could try to guess at the meaning of those 10 horns, and it would be fair to say that material wealth is one strong motivation among men. Political Authority is another strong motivation, in fact religious leaders depend on that kind of authority as much as leaders of nations do. But we don't really need to have it all well defined in order to understand what it is, in essence it is the system that governs our world today.
If we look at our world today and see evil intentions at play, we might conclude that some of the people are evil. We may believe in a Satanic Higher Power, whispering inspiration into the ears of men. A force that opposes life and peace, engenders hatred and not love. But I have never believed in our purity, as manifest beings we depend on immpurity. And I will never be convinced that a spirit of pure evil exists to oppose the Most-High-God. I will never be convinced that a personality may be seperated from God's presence and continue to exist. Therefor I will never agree on seperate realms of existence, where a God is present in one exaulted realm and absent from another realm. The One-True-And-Most-High-God has no enemies in my humble opinion. The Most-High-God is indifferent about life, it is not particularly Pro-Life, it's neither a champion or opponent of Life. But it is a champion of Persons, and Pro-Choice.
I am still unconvinced that a personality may exist and exercise any will or agency within the Universe unless it is also manifest in some way. Therfor I don't agree with a view of Heaven that has it populated by disembodied unmanifest spirits. I'm willing to consider the posibility that our little Universe has more than 3 physical dimensions, perhaps as many as 10. Clearly there is something to this manifestation that we have been unable to observe. I think that the Universe is a wonderful thing and should be preserved and not destroyed. Personally I can't think of a better way to enjoy the experience of Life, than what we've been given. The Earth is still a beautiful world, it shouldn't be a place of suffering.
I'm perfectly content to live here forever in this Universe just the way that it is, without modification, and with good companions.
If the Ancient Dragon will be a good and faithful companion to me I'm willing to meet this person. I'm willing to meet every person as a peer, and to extend the hand of friendship. To walk and talk together, conversation is the best past-time. Even a good argument can be enjoyable if we can manage our own temper. The best way to enjoy life is to treat the other guy as an equal, and to be treated as an equal, even if we are not equals.
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