Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Deception to End All Deception
Of course I do not possess some strange mental power that can produce the effects that I have described. My power is exactly the same as anyone else's, the power to imagine a possibility coupled with desire. But I have a personal advantage that most people don't enjoy, I know that there is a God in Heaven and that it's paying attention to events here on Earth. And I know that that God is aware of my plans and schemes my desires and my dreams. I have never recieved any kind of instructions from God, no advice or directions. I never heard of a single person who was born with an instruction manual and thats just the way it is for all of us. Everything I had to figure out on my own, I had to exercise my own judgement to best of my ability. Although I have received no direct guidance, I have experienced a number of vivid and interesting dreams. I will never claim to be God or A God, I am just a simple human being trying to realize his own potential. And I believe that our individual potential will be best expressed through a partnership with Heaven.
In the hour that the Nations of the World will be judged, it has been suggested that the mysteries of God would be revealed. And it is my intention in this mortal lifetime to provide that judgement. At this time no lasting judegement will be made against an individual person, I will only address how we interact with one another as national groups. And as the nations have delt with one another, they shall also be delt with in the same vein. The power to destroy or the verifiable threat therof, is the only consideration that the nations and the leaders of this world will ever respect. It is unfortunately true that only the threat of destruction will lend enough weight to my arguments to be seriously considered.
You will however still be judged individually according to the things that you have done or said but not according to the things that you merely believed in. And you will not be judged entirely by one judgement, but you will be judged 14 billion times over. All that you have done will stand revealed and there will be no more secrets, the light will remove every shadowy corner of your life. In the end, after we have obtained a full comprehension and understanding of how we have been a cause in the world, and how we have been a victim, we must be able to forgive ourselves. In order for a person to be completely redeemed by love, they must be able to love themselves. No matter what the outcome of my judgement may be, you will be made to live again on this Earth, and to live long enough for the task of judement to be completed. The resurrection is guarenteed, and even though I don't know exactly how it will work, I know that its true. Because whether or not you realize this at the moment, this Universe that we live in is a very strange and wonderful place. It still holds some surprises for us to discover I think. And if I have my way with the world you will soon discover that there is real power in Heaven.
Moving Individual Atoms
There exists somewhere within the vastness of the Universe atomic elements of Uranium which have reached a stable and non-radioactive state. And I propose to replace all of the radioactive elements of Uranium with those stable isotopes from elsewhere. A simple exchange of atom for atom, a translation beneath the fabric of space that depends somewhat on the uncertainty of exact location. And this will be accomplished over the spanse of a brief moment in time. There will be no deadly burst of radiation and there will be no electro-magnetic pulse when this event occurs.
As a consequence of this action, every nuclear powered nation of the world will be instantly dissarmed of all warheads that make use of this material. Additionally all of your nuclear powered navies will come to a standstill. As an unfortunate side effect of this event, all of the world's nuclear power plants now generating electical power for our communities will also go offline. But as a fortunate side effect, every place in the world that has been despoiled by this material will be rendered clean. I can not allow one ounce of this material to remain here on the Earth or even within it. Yes even this material within the Earth will be rendered inert, this may have some geological consequences but they may take a long time to develope. Henceforth I will decree that this material is outlawed upon the Earth, the people can not be trusted to have it here. If perchance some of this material will be found elsewhere within our solar system, it may not be returned to the world.
I have admired President Ronald Reagen for his Star Wars Missle Defense idea, I liked the idea so much that I have pursued it in my own time. I only beleive that it might have lead to some grevious consequences if the United States had such a defense system and the rest of the world's nations did not have the same benefit. So I have designed a Star Wars defense system of my own. In fact there is an old testament biblical story where just such a force was deployed, and i have carefully considered the ways in which it might be done. This power to strike the Earth with a focused beam of the Sun's energies will be my defense system. It will be a force of sufficient power and precision to strike a single person dead. And I will begin to defend every nation of the world against aggression with this power. And this power may even be used to defend my personal self against acts of hostility or violence. This force may strike any place in the world daytime or night.
Subsequently I will request that public air transportation be brought to an end, the planes must all be grounded. It will be unsafe to travel by air, while this Star Wars defense is active. Rapid transit around the globe is a hazard to the world communities, as a viral or bacterial agent may easily be spread in this way. I can not eliminate the possibility of plague in any other way.
No person will be allowed to bear arms within a 10 mile radius of my person. Any person carrying such arms within that radius may be rendered unconscious and may require some medical attention to be revived. A person's intent alone to do some violent act may be enough to get them killed. If the Leader of a Nation gives the order to move military forces against myself or a neighboring country, that national leader may be struck dead. And if a person hears such an order given and moves to act upon that order, they may be found guilty as well. I will consider any effort to restrict my freedom of movement, to confine or restrain me in any way, to be an act of violence against me. And the person who gives the command for such a force to be deployed, as well as every person in that chain of command may be struck dead.
And it will be made known to the public media that the Landlord has come. I will make a public address detailing how the entire substance of the Earth has become my very own personal property. And a jubilee year will be decreed for all the people of the world. All debts will be forgiven, all persons being held in captivity will be pardoned and released. And for all that the people have labored to produce in the world, I will assess a portion for myself, to be paid by every person of means. It will serve as a fee for services rendered and a demonstration that the people will recognize the value of my time and opinions. My opinions will carry the most weight in the world as evidenced by my great wealth they will be so valued. The people will immediately begin the labor required to dissarm the world and all the people. No person will be allowed to own a firearm for self-defense or even for the sport of hunting or target shooting. Of course many people will still have the knowledge of how such things are made and I can not make those people forget, but I believe I can make a persuasive case that you will not make use of that knowledge again. I will not even allow you keep such items as a museum piece.
The art of a true leader is not to eliminate the freedom of choice from the people they govern, but to limit the number of choices available. The people have always enjoyed the freedom to make their own choices, and they will always enjoy that freedom. But I will limit the choices available to you in such a way that you will either obey me or be destroyed. And there are varying degrees of destruction available that i might employ; up to and including the complete and total destruction of all life on planet Earth that you can see with your own eyes. Every single work that the people have labored to produce in the world, and every material thing that you value may be destroyed along with the species. And the human story on Planet Earth may come to an end if the beast can not be tamed. You must show me that you can be meek and deserve to inherit my world, if you show me pride and arrogance you may be evicted from the world.
The Author of A Story
But has the world truely been promised a day of judegment by Heaven, or is it just a myth, a pleasent fantasy? If the story of humanity is supposed to include 1000 years of peace on Earth and then a resurrection to immortality; I really must admit that I like it very much. I have a deep personal interest in seeing the billions of human beings enjoying an immortal life here on Earth. I love the Earth, its a truely beautiful world despite all the works that mankind has done here. And manifestation is all that really matters to me, this Universe is a really interesting place that holds many possibilities for us. If some spiritual existence awaits us and we should become divorced from the material world and unaware of it, I would feel very sad. The truth isn't always exactly what we want it to be though, but each of us has a true story. I may not last forever but I feel confident that my story will, and that comforts me.
Jesus left us with a little riddle. He asks, "What should a man gain if he were to win the world but lose his soul in the process?" I have considered the question for a good little while and I have decided that perhaps the answer isn't all that obvious. Consider the whole Earth as a field that a man did perform labor within, even that field from the parable of a buried treasure. If a man did desire to purchase the Earth, how should he pay for it. You know the material substance itself is of very little value actually it might be purchased for a mere pittance. But a person can not offer the substance of the Earth in payment for the substance of the Earth. How can one man earn the price of the world, to purchase it and claim the treasure? Well you know we should really consider what the nature of that treasure may be which is buried within the field, obviously the treasure is a thing of real value. The treasure is desireable, anybody would want to posses it if they knew where to find if, if they knew that the treasure existed!
The real treasure here is the human story, the experiences of 14 billion or so individuals, the experiences themselves are the only thing of value here. Gold or Silver or Platinum or any material goods that may have been formed from these or other materials don't even compare to the wealth of human experience. Imagine that every person's life story were imprinted on video tape, and you could get a copy of the story without depriveing the owner of the property. You may now enjoy that person's lifetime of experiences at your leisure, it could be experienced as a pleasent dream or perhaps a nightmare. And you will be able to learn from those experiences and grow as an individual. To become a knowledgeable and mature personality is the ultimate good, to advance along the paths of wisdom divine.
If one person could consume the beast, and obtain the full benefit of 14 billion lifetimes of experience, then a new kind of person would be born into the world. This person has a name in some religious traditions he is called, "Ancient of Days."
Now how did I apply for the job? At some time in the not too distant past, my life was shattered by an event which amounts to the loss of innocence of childhood. A person that I worked with created a lie, to make me look like a thief, for their own personal gain. I was upset about the situation and I began reading the Gospel of the New Testament. I did have a strong feeling of inspiration from the teaching of Jesus in those books, and I decided in a manner of speaking to leave the world behind and follow the master. I gathered a few thing and the bit of money i had saved and left my family and got on an airplane to anywhere. And on this flight I met a man, who persuaded me to investigate the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I knew just a little bit about the Mormons, enough to think they are interesting people, but I did not know exactly what they believe in. And so I altered the course of my flight to Salt Lake City, Utah; and there I arrived alone. I was alone at the airport late at night with very little money, and I went out a ways so that I found some solitude.
Now I was at the end of my Journey, I had reached a destination and I was alone. And I became very angry with God because a man may profit from lies in this world. If we are to enjoy a ressurection to immortality then why delay? If there are things that people are failing to understand then everyone should be able to benefit from a lifetime that is 1000's of years long I imagined. Yes if the people did live for hundreds and thousands of year then they would be forced to become wise I thought. And if the people had more wisdom, then neccessarily the world would become a better place. And so there I stood with one foot on the sea and one on dry land and proclaimed that enough is enough there should be no more wait. On that evening I witnessed the morning star fall to the Earth, and received the key to the abyss and opened it up and released the ancient red dragon from its chains. And I promised my life to become the answer to a prophecy, to fulfill any role that might be required to insure that the resurrection may come to pass. It was said that Jesus did certain things in order to fulfill a prophecy, and I proclaimed that I would even be willing to play the part of the great villain and to suffer unending torment with the beast. If I could only know that the billions of human beings who have ever lived would enjoy the full benefit of things that have been promised, then I would be satisfied to sacrifice myself.
And I said to God, before an apparition of starlights, to take my life and make good use of it. I said, I am not strong, temper me so that I will be strong enough to do whatever needs to be done. Yes I even wanted to overcome the world myself, I wanted to rule it, this consideration was in my mind and my heart at that time. And then I walked away, I returned to the airport and had just enough time to get on a flight headed back home. And I was feeling very high because I had been successful, God had given me a sign, only me. And there was a woman on the flight across the asile from me who was blind, and I wanted to touch her, I wondered if she would see. But I did not move from my seat, I was afraid to fail.
These events occured in October 1982.
Since that day, God has made me to become familure with the wide range of human emotions and to be on friendly terms with insanity.
Ethics of Convienience
If you believe in a principle of basic human dignity and God given rights as I do, then we should be forced to exercise tollerance. We should show no preference to one person or another on the basis of thier beliefs or how strongly they feel about those beliefs. But when a person's attitudes and behaviour differs from our own, it is not safe to simply ignore them. If we are kind-hearted we must make an effort to persuade other people to see the world in a different light than they are ordinarily accustomed. And this is how one person can change the world, by getting other people to adapt to a different point of view.
Ethical considerations can become very inconvienient to us at times; and we may easily discard them in favor of accomplishing our own personal goals. If someone interfers in our sense of justice, we may easily become angry or hateful in our response. Practically everybody is subject to the vageries of an emotional response because we are animals of a kind. We are biological entities and subject to our own body chemistry. We each believe that we know what course will be in our own best interests, yet some people still manage to behave in opposition to their own interests. Some people on occassion have shown markedly self-destructive behaviour. There are many frustrations in life that we must face on a daily basis and sometimes it becomes overwhelming. If we don't get enough good quality sleep or rest we will suffer from mental fatigue, resulting in poor judgement. In order to circumvent all of these problems of basic human nature, we must learn to exercise patience toward getting what we want, and never to be in a big hurry.
Modern Society; in the western world at least, seems to be all about instant gratification. If there is a job to do, we care very much about accomplishing it by the most efficient and least labor intensive way possible. Organizational skills are highly valued, and the people who are knowledgeable about methods highly sought after. We don't enjoy life when its hard, when life is too hard its not fun. But the people who learn to view situations as challenges to overcome will apply thier intellect to solving every problem. There are battles to be won in life, if there were no opposition there would be no battles. Before we can apply ourselves to solving a particular problem we must be aware of what the problem is, we must get some understanding of the nature of the problem. But for every problem there is always a solution, at least one possible solution and very likely many possible solutions.
Yes there are problems in the world today, but we didn't create them and we are powerless to do anything about them. Its not my problem, its other people's problem. My attitude and my opinions are good, I like my own opinons the best, doesn't everybody?
Do you want to decide what the rules will be, or are you comfortable to let someone else make those decisions for you? We would all like to enjoy as many privledges in life as possible, we would like many and diverse opportuities to experience things. The more people that we have in our network of friends, the more opportunities should present to us. We must take advantage of one another to get the things in life that we really want. How can we reach our own personal goals without causing another person to become dissadvantaged in some way? Is it possible to deliver all the advantages to all the people around you and still WIN, and still be successful? What would you be willing to sacrifice personally, in order to improve the welfare of the whole human species? What personal sacrifices would you be unwilling to make if the welfare of your very species were at serious risk? Most of us are not trying to change the world so much as earn a comfortable livelyhood within it.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
The Win-Win Attitude
Basically if you treat EVERYBODY in any particular situation with civility, then you are demonstrably civilized. If everybody could accomplish this improbable feat, then and only then does civilization emerge and become the norm. And what does this require from each of us? Patience, tolerance, concern for the welfare of others? But lets go back to the matter of Equality for a moment. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…”. According to many Kabalists the nature of the human animal is, “unlimited desire”, I personally feel this is a reasonably fair assertion. Every human-being large or small, famous or infamous or simply unknown has a common set of needs. Enough food to eat, clean water to drink, sanitary shelter, clothing; and beyond these basic necessities the uncountable and varied things that we simply want. I’d even be willing to add friendship and entertainment to the list of basic needs. To this extent we are obviously all equal, but there is more to the story.
We share this idea of ‘Importance’. Some things are important, some things are insignificant; and we choose to attribute one another with the property of being important or insignificant And it’s a sliding scale too, not just simply black and white. We see ourselves on that scale somewhere, if we are assertive people and we have much self-esteem then we place ourselves at the Important end of the scale. If we are not self-motivated or confident in our own abilities then we place other’s above us on this scale very often. Maybe we think that we are not smart enough, there is always someone smarter or simply more knowledgeable. As far as I know we don’t get to choose how smart we are and its not a crime to be below average in the intelligence department. We like to believe that we know right from wrong, that we know good from evil, we like to believe that we know best what serves our own interests. Morality, Ethics, Aesthetics are more or less community customs that we either accept or reject, we pick and choose between a variety of off-the-shelf public opinion. People that disagree with our view of things are likely to be characterized at the low end of the scale toward insignificance. But essentially every single one of us is important whether we own that realization for ourselves or not, not one person is truly insignificant. Yet when you start placing yourself on a sliding scale with other people then that’s when the problems begin, and people are very pleased with themselves to do this very thing. I put to you the following statement: “Equality is about the perception of others being no more and no less important than yourself.”
Now with this new realization we are forced to admit that the other guy’s feelings are justifiable, because if we believe this to be true of our own feelings then we must pay the same dues to our peers. My ideas are good ones, I really quite enjoy believing that; therefore I must acknowledge that other people’s ideas are worthwhile too. Who’s ideas are these? Surely not that guy who robbed the liquor store last night, I don’t want to be associated with that guy. No I mean everybody’s. Its really quite impossible to escape your association with every other single living human being on the face of planet Earth. You may not be aware of the association between yourself and some starving children in Africa but there surely is one. I am willing to have a conversation, anytime anywhere with anybody. I do not choose to neglect the other person’s need for a good friendship, to be inspired or entertained. I have something to contribute to the community and it is something that in some small way fulfills the needs of any person. Socialize, Habilitate, show concern, love, respect – when you can do this for everyone without prejudice or preference then you have become successful at demonstrating civilization. When you have achieved this, when you are the example to others it’s a win-win situation.
2nd Excerpt
You will now begin to do these things, if you do not comply with my demands then all life on planet earth will be destroyed. The human race will only exist as a memory in this universe. I have taken responsibility for you all as my very own children, this includes responsibility for both the living and those yet to be born. Therefor you will refer to me as Sire ken. I am the very landlord that Jesus warned you people about, and because you have not learned to be a peaceful people from the prince of peace, you will now learn it from me.
Now you will recognize that I am the most powerful human being in the history of this world, and I will become the wealthiest man alive today. Therefor I win your petty competitions for money and power. Money and the power to destroy are the only things that the children of the earth respect. All of you say that you desire peace, but you say we will have it by overwhelming our opponents with the threat of superior force. Because this is the way that you squabbleing children have dealt with one another, this is the manner in which i have chosen to deal with you. You are all children to me, but children that I care very much about, so I have bargained with god in order to give you one-thousand years of peace.
I want to give you this understanding before I go:
There is only one human race upon the face of planet earth. Every person of this earth is descended from your personal ancestors, therefor you bear a family relationship to every other person in the world. By my own choice, i deny that I am a citizen of these united states of america. Nor am i a citizen of any other nation, I am simply a citizen of the entire earth and god's eternal kingdom. Every man is my brother and every woman is my sister and every child is my child, I am a member of the family of man. I am not a caucasian, I am not african, I am not asian, I am not native american; but I am all of these things equally. I do not claim to be god and I do not claim to be wise, I am a mortal man. But I am also your father, simply because I choose to be; I choose to feel the responsibilites of a father toward every single one of you and i behave accordingly. My feelings are genuine feelings, and my desire to help you is real. I am the will of the world, but I can not wish one choice or another upon you. You are free to make your own choices, you always have been and you always will be. But you are also free to suffer for the choices you make. If you would like to be free from suffering then you must choose not to cause suffering. When you see suffering you must act to rectify it. No violence or use of force can solve the problem of violence, it can only aggravate the problem. Therefor your choices will make you a part of the solution and if they do not then you are part of the problem.
Finally, as far as we should be concerned about what other people do, God is pro choice; and I don't want to hear any further argument about that.
That is all I have to say to you for now. God bless you all and keep you safe through these difficult times.
A Public Address
I have begun to reorganize the solar system in order to make virtually unlimited material resources fall easily within your reach. Obtaining those resources will be technically challenging and a dangerous endeavor, but I have confidence in your capability to do these things. For the work that I am doing, every person alive today owes me a personal debt. Your children as yet unborn owe this debt to me and every generation of humanity to come owes this debt. Therefore I desire to be paid for my work. Every person of means and personal property, from every nation, will pay me cash monies to be deposited in my personal bank account. For most people around the world the amount of this payment will be equal to ten percent of the value of all their material assets and cash holdings as of today. However if a person's total material and cash assets are equal to or greater than five million in united states dollars, then that person will be required to pay thirty percent of their total assets. Additionally if a person's total assets today is equal to or greater than one-hundred million united states dollars, then that person will be required to pay sixty percent. All of this debt is to be paid only with cash money, material goods will not be accepted for payment of this debt.
Until this debt has been paid in full and for at least one year, I declare a tax holiday for all people around the world. No government will levy a tax against its people for this period of time. Also, all current financial debts of individual persons are hereby forgiven. If you owe money on personal property or have any kind of loan outstanding, I hereby order your creditors to forgive these debts immediately.
For the purpose of collecting this debt to me in full, all corporate entities will be considered as persons. All companies that issue shares of stock will issue me stock in the amount of sixty percent of the companies' total assets. I prefer that this be a single piece of paper, printed with the appropriate contractual agreement and valuation, with embelishments. All other shares of stock in these companies must be de-valued accordingly. You will stop trading shares of stock now, until this task is completed wall street is closed. Therefor any stock that is held by individual persons will not be counted as part of their total material assets today, for the purpose of paying this debt to me.
Now I will become the wealthiest man alive once this work has been completed.
If you have a deed or title to land of any kind, that contract is hereby null and void. All the land belongs to me now. Therefor land does not have any monetary value to you and will not be considered as part of your total material assets. So that I have become your landlord, although I will not be assessing rent against you for your use of the land. You must still barter with one another for use of land but no person from this day forth will have a title of ownership of land.
I also require your gold, all of the gold in the world will be delivered to the location that I will designate. There to be incorporated into a public project. This will include all gold coins and bars, items of jewelry and other objects of art made of gold. This demand for gold extends even to relics and historic artifacts, all churches and governments and banks and individuals must make this sacrifice. Those of you who have gold incorporated into dental work or any other part of your bodies will not be required to sacrifice that gold. If there is gold leaf incorporated into the structure of a building, that gold will not be required. Therefor gold has no monetary value to you and for the purpose of paying your debt to me, it will not be included in the calculation of your total material assets. The monetary value of gold is now offically zero, you will no longer use it for trade. All of this gold will be incorpated into a single object and this object is my personal property.
Not only do I require this money and material substance from you, I will also require some work from each of you. Every able bodied man, woman and child will give me some of their personal time to perform this work. All people who perform this work for me will be paid by me.
All nations around the world will open their prisons now and release all people confined therein, these people are now pardoned for their crimes. This does not mean that their sins are forgiven, I am not the one who forgives sin. From this day forward no person will be made to pay a death penalty for their actions, anywhere around the world. Anyone who commits the crime of murder will be considered to have commited an act of insanity and treated accordingly.
The citizens of the united states of america and all other nations around the world, will no longer have the right to keep and bear arms. All arms and amunition are to be collected from the general population, these objects will be destroyed or salvaged. All officers of the law and military personel will continue to bear arms until this work is completed, but they too must bow to this edict eventually. If you are in the business of manufacturing weapons or ammunition, please stop what you are doing, your business is closed.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
A Millenium of Peace on Earth?
At the present moment in time it seems that just about no-one in the world today, of any significant authority, is even considering the possibility of beating swords into plowshares.
But if you really want to see peace then we must begin to prepare the world for peace, and to not prepare the world for war. We should be teaching our young men and women to be diplomats and psychologists rather than killers and murderers. The world may just seem far to dangerous for us to begin to let down our guard, but you can not solve the problems of violence with violence. We are not createing a safer more secure world by fighting a war. Converting the whole world to Representative Democracy may not be in the best interests of all the people, but it certainly seems to be in the interest of some of the people. The people in the world who are favored to become representatives in a Democratic government have thier own interests at heart all of the time. And the people who are supposed to be represented, may not be represented as well as they should be. For the most part, most of the people don't really know what is in their best interest, and may not even be aware of what decisions are being made that may influence their own lives.
But I believe that 1000 years of peace on Earth is a promise that Heaven will make good on.
All the people of the world will be united under a single monarchy, one man will rule it with an iron rod. This man will have the power of Heaven behind him, so that he will be able to make a very persuasive arguement in favor of peace. This global community will finally be realized as one single nation and one single species and one single community. All barriers of language and race and culture may finally be overcome. These things which exist in the world to divide us from one another are all human creations. We have classified and catagorized and segmented the world around us to such a degree that it even extends into the structure of our societies. We have concieved the heiarchy, a way to divide up our labors into parts so that a large work may be undertaken. Heiarchy is the perfect way for us to organize a group effort, but are the people at the top of our heiarchies really more important than the people further down? We choose to divide our daily work into individual tasks, and we assign those tasks some level of importance. This method is so effective that we go right on to assign some level of importance to the people around us as well. We often judge one another by the careers they perform, some careers are more important that others, or at least more in demand or may require more qualifications.
One place in the world is most Holy and another place is less Holy; the whole idea of holiness is just a way to divide people and places from one another. From my point of view, the entire Earth is God's temple; every square inch of it, and no structure that may ever be raised by the hand of man will ever rival the Earth in sheer beauty (or holiness). One person is more important than myself, and some other people are less important than myself. My immediate family and friends and co-workers are most important to me personally. Some people living elsewhere in the world are entirely un-important to me personally. Some people are more intelligent and some less. Some people are physically handicapped and some perfectly healthy and fit and strong. There are certainly differences between us, but do these differences make us unequal?
From Heaven's point of view, I believe that all of these differences do not make us unequal. It is just like the founding fathers of the US Declaration of Indepence put it, "All men (and women) are created equal." But we hate people who are better than us. We hate people who are different from us. We hate people who dissagree with our own beliefs and feelings. The things that some people do may be very harmful to the welfare of the community, and we hate people who missbehave. Hatred because there are differences between us, and fear because of things people do - these things are driving the world to the brink of insanity. We have been taught insanity, even if we do not realize we are suffering, we may be causing others suffering. We may cause suffering by our lack of action, and some of us may purposely act to be such a cause in the life of another. When we are angry, we want the people in our community to know we are angry, we want other people to suffer with us. And when we are very angry we may easily be inspired to violence. The rest of the world seems to be telling us that violence is ok, violence may be the solution to our problems, this is how other problems get solved in the world today! That the large majority of us are suffering from a condition of insanity and poor understanding is a very serious problem. But it is a problem that may be solvable via education, its possible for the people to get a better understanding. But for the most part this one root cause goes unadressed in the world, the one main problem of our human condition is mostly ignored.
If the world could be freed from violence then perhaps we may have a better chance to address the issues of hatred that motivate so many of our lives. If we have no more reason to fear one another then perhaps we can come out and talk about the things that truely concern us. We need to learn social responsibility, companionship is a basic neccessity of human life. We need to make sure that everybody has companionship in their lives. Offering our attention and our friendship to the person who is being most ignored by the community is a good and worthy thing. Everybody needs to be socialized and it is everybodies responsibility to see that they are.
The 'Prince of Peace' has come and gone in the world, so many years ago, yet still there is no peace. It is time now for the King to come and judge all the nations of world and rule them. A King to turn the world away from the path of violence. A King to command dissarmament, to commence the work of beating swords into plowshares. A King to inspire the people to be motivated by Love and not Hatred, a good father to all the people without reservation. This world is ruled by the nature of the beast, and if the beast can not be tamed it must be destroyed. Like a dog that has been trained to attack by its owner. The responsible members of the community must sieze that dog and destroy it lest it break out of the yard and harm a young child. And the dog's owner should be held accountable if that dog does harm. The one true King will come and gaurentee the children of this Earth 1000 years of peace, and if that guarentee can not be made good then the world must be destroyed. This King may rule the people as a tyrant rules, and the people must show this man meekness. For it has been promised all the land of the Earth to be inhierited by the meek. Those people who all love violence because it empowers them; those people who want the world to be ravished by war because it keeps them in authority, those people may be killed by the power of Heaven itself.
And if you want to teach people Sanity, I could be perfect for the job.
The Immanent Social Crisis
The world is on the brink of a social crisis, we seem to be living on the edge and this condition may seem obvious to many of us every single day. Despite having so many time-saving convieniences in the modern world today, most of us lead hectic lives enslaved to the clock. It seems like we always have more things that need to get done, than the amount of time we have available. Despite the fact that there are an amazing number of very high quality entertainments available to us, young people in the world today seem to be suffering from unendurable boredom.
Many people have high faith in our technology, they believe it will be able to solve every problem that we ever may face. But in actuality it may very well contribute to our downfall more than it can save us. There have been some remarkable advancements in medical science in the last 200 years, our understanding of gross human anatomy seems complete. We are unlocking the very secrets of the human genome, the molecules of our design. We are seeing the human body now at the scale of individual molecules, and not just a collection of living cells, but understanding how those cells are made. Medical Science will beyond the shadow of a doubt advance human life expectancy significantly in the coming years. Life expectancy has been gradually increaseing for as long as we know there have been human beings living on this Earth. But a very real possibility exists that Medical Science will break through a barrier, with one or more discoveries, treatments or techniques to advance life expectency by a large amount all at once! If Human life expectancy could be extended by as much as 50 years, this could very well be the cause of a world-wide crisis that would end it all.
Consider that the best life extending treatments may only be accessable to the moderately wealthy few. The established people in the world, the ones who are running the show and leading the rest of us - they will benefit the most. And all of that wealth and control will remain the hands of these individuals 50 years longer on average than it currently does. Every new generation wants to know when they will be in control, when will will they secede their parents. And the young people in our world may very well see the possibility of control slipping further from their grasp. And the young men and women of our nations are the ones we call upon to serve as combatents in our wars. The frustration and anger of young people in the world may very well grow to an unsustainable level, and then something must break!
China and India in particular are two countries which are already facing population pressures. China is making an effort to deal with the situation and has made a law that will permit couples to have only one child. The result of this condition is that most parents desire to have male children, and female babes are often abandoned. A new generation of young chinese men is coming into the world today, and they will make up the armies of that country. And how will these poor men be able to find enough wives? If these young men can not find enough wives this is a situation which will inevitably lead to much frustration.
And the world may yet be forced into a war over matters of religious faith. Israel exists as a soverign state in the world but the country and the people are incomplete without the temple. And the temple MUST be rebuilt in Jerusalem on temple mount, on the exact same spot where it had been built in the past. Currently a Moslem mosque exists in that spot and the people of Islam have not expressed a desire to remove it.
The people may fight wars over dwindleing oil reserves, we may fight wars over the right to eat! We may be struggleing to produce enough food for the world's population, to an extent we already are struggleing. Some large populations in the world today have suffered from a condition of starvation and they can not afford to buy food for themselves. What would happen if the population of the USA, the world's self-proclaimed super-power, were faced with a similar struggle to feed it's own people? If our world is facing the advancement of another Ice Age that situation may arise in the future.
And finally the current situation in the world is that the wealthiest 1% of the worlds population is just getting further and further ahead of the rest of the world. The seperation between the wealthiest 1% and the next 9% is growing at an alarming rate. We have a great deal of faith in capitalism to produce large numbers of luxuries. Luxuries have to power to keep people content, quality entertainment may be had very cheaply. The middle class lifestyles that a large part of the world's population enjoys, has much that can lead to satisfaction with life. The number and quality of our freindships that we enjoy probably contributes more to human happiness than an overabundance of material goods. But still the most important decisions that are being made in the world today are being made by a very few. We may yet face a crisis of economics, which leads the world into the final social crisis.
In the end we could very well have a war that destroys the Earth's Biosphere completely, making it unviable for human habitation.
Risk of Extinction High
The World that we live in today seems to be under the constant threat of one kind of crisis or another. Our welfare has been devastated in small ways by natural events within the recent past. Weather conditions and Geological activity have both contributed to tremendous loss of life and property. AIDs has stuck some countries very hard, especially third-world countries, where adequate treatment may not be accessable to the majority of the populations. Its completely unimaginable that any natural event has the capacity to completely wipe out the Human Species, short of a large asteroid or comet strike. Personally I feel that the world will not likely be devastated by a strike from space, if something like this doesn't happen in the next 200-300 years it may never happen. Within 300 years we may have the technological capacity and the early warning capability to prevent this kind of natural disaster.
But what other kind of natural disasters is the world facing currently? Well everyone should be aware of the global warming situation or the climate changes. Our own technological advancement may very well have contributed to accellerating this condition, but at this point it doesn't really matter so much why it is happening. The Earth's ice caps are melting at an alarming rate, this may very well cause coastal flooding in low lying regions. And the melt of fresh water may de-salinate the oceans of the world to such a degree to have an influence on the ocean currents. The ocean currents drive the Earth's climate to a large degree, and if these currents are altered the possibility of an Ice Age is very real. Even though the climate is warming currently we may end up with an Ice Age which covers most of North America with 12 inches of snow year round. And if most of the civilized regions of the world were covered with snow year round, we wouldn't be able to grow enough food to feed all the people.
The oil reserve is dwindleing, the Earth's resources of oil have nearly all been plundered. We not only depend upon oil for fueling our high mobility lifestyles, it is also the source of most of the world's plastic products. Its very very hard for me to imagine what our world might be like if there wasn't any plastic. Nearly every single product on the market today depends on plastic components in some way it seems to me. We may be able to create Hydrogen-Electric vehicles or power them with pure Ethanol, technology may provide us with some solutions.
AIDs is one kind of global plague, the possibility of more plague still exists. And with our public air transportation system reaching nearly every single corner of the globe; plague may easily become a world-wide catastrophie. The virus or penecillen resistent bacterial infection may break out in one small region and be right on your doorstep before we even know something is wrong. Of course its not really possible that some kind of natural plague could cause our complete and total extinction.
Yellowstone National park in the United States of America is one of the largest and deadliest volcanoes on the face of this Earth. There are definate signs that it is building to an eruption, it is most definately an active volcano. When this volcano does erupt large portions of the USA may be covered in volcanic ash, including regions currently being used as cropland. So much material may be ejected into our atmosphere that the Sun's energy may be blocked world-wide. A kind of volcanic winter may occur and affect every region of the world. Now it may or may not erupt within the next 1000 years, but there will definately be an eruption at some time in our future.
Inclement weather conditions may get much worse but even if they reach a plateu and even out, currently there has been much devastation from bad weather. Geological activity may very well increase, the New Madrid fault region in the USA is scheduled for a major quake sometime in our near future. All these kinds of events are commonly considered the wrath of God, but I don't believe they are the result of an angry God. In some ways events such as these can be described as neccessary conditions for life to even exist on our planet. The argument is really very simple and goes like this... All rocky core worlds experience some geological activity over the course of their lifetime. And all worlds with atmospheres have weather conditions and even sometimes severe conditions. Therefore since the rocky core planet with an atmosphere are both neccessary conditions for our kind of life to exit; all of the disasters that come with it and injure life are neccessary as well.
It appears that we may have some very bad times ahead of us, but still no concieveable natural events could wipe out the human race completely. The real threat comes to us from the possibility of a great social crisis partially driven by such events as we know will occur. Technological advancement has given us the capability to wipe out most higher forms of life from the planet. We may not be able to survive because of the human condition, which is so poor. Much of the world's population is driven or motivated by fear, anger, hatred, or greed.
And this is a condition that we will not be able to survive, that no technological advancements can save us from. We must save ourselves from one another or we will surely perish as a species on planet Earth.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Dangerous Ideas
In order for one man to rule the whole world with an iron rod, they will need to make a very persuasive argument. The ability to destroy the world and all people who live thereon is the only form of argument that all the nations and the people will ever respect. And the posibility for destruction has to be undoubtable, easy for every living person to observe. If one man ever obtained the understanding of faith that could move the very mountains, such an argument will become possible for that man.
I said that if one mountain should be moved, it is the temple mount in Jerusalem. But such a miraculous event may not be enough to impress all the people and the leaders of the world. The Jewish people will love the man who does this work, and the Islamic and Christian worlds may fall as well to this form of persuasion. But that is not the whole world. If a man could move mountains then perhaps he could move more than one. And a mountain could be a very large thing, as large as you can possibly imagine.
And it has been said that the Moon would become the footstool to the Earth. This may very well prove to be the first heavenly sign that the hour of judgement has begun upon this world. The Moon is one kind of mountain in a whole solar system of many such mountains. The people have been promised a new Heaven and a new Earth, one man with the power to move such mountains could easily deliver on that promise. The Sol star system could be completely reformed. And the rule of a king who can bring the whole world under one monarchy would neccessarily bring much social reform to the world.
Moving whole worlds around the solar system is obviously beyond any technology that humanity does currently posses. Few people have even seriously considered such a possibility, but some examples of stellar engineering can be found in works of science fiction. To arrest the Moon from its orbit around the Earth would be an overt demonstration of the power of Heaven at work.
It will be as though this man does carry a very big stick, he will have a gun pointed at the world and the very Moon is the bullet. If the Moon were to collide with the Earth then beyond the shadow of a doubt all human life would be destroyed. It would not be possible for us to escape such a cataclysmic event. No bunker, no matter how hard or deep will make such an event survivable. And we can not escape into space as well; currently it is beyond our technological capabilities.
If there was an iron rod to rule the world by; this modern world, there could never be a more effective rod. But does Heaven really have such a muscle and the volition to move it? I believe that it does. Will it actually move? I'm uncertain if even a man of perfect faith could possibly know until it actually happens. But I know that faith is more than mere belief, and it is more than simply feeling very strongly about something. Perhaps it is true that passion is a requirement of faith in action, but that is apparently not all it requires.
Of all the things that one man may accomplish in life, I am satisfied that I have already won the most significant personal battle of them all. In one day at the age of 19, I learned that there really is a God in Heaven, he was paying attention and perhaps he is concerned about us here. I didn't realize it right away; but I had found a way into God's heart, and by so doing I had won the greatest battle of them all. And I know that every important battle ahead of me should be winnable with perseverance, because that one battle was won. Few people have ever truely understood the meaning of faith I think and I do not in fact know if my own faith is but the mustard seed or a great tree. But I believe in the tree and I am eating its fruits. It may just be that Heaven requires one of us to act in the world, before it can act. And publishing one's ideas and opinions is a form of action within my capabilities.
I am the author or the architect of a plan and a strategy to reform the world and I have not even begun to detail it all here in this Blog. But if my plan bears no fruit, it doesn't matter. It only matters that the world will produce a King and that he will perform the job of judgement. Truth be told I am not perfectly suited to such a job, I do not manage stress so well. :)
What Does Christianity Require?
It was the labor of Jesus's life to bring Forgiveness to the world, and particularly to teach forgiveness. And Jesus appeared among the people who were most in need to learn forgiveness, the Jewish people.
So what exactly is required for a person to believe in, in order to be considered a Christian. Must we beleive that Jesus was and is God? Must we believe in the immaculate conception? Perhaps it is enough to believe that by his example, Jesus saved the whole world of humanity from Sin? And he really is our saviour; he is everybody's saviour, even the people who never heard of him or believed in him. Because upon the cross, with his dieing breath he uttered a prayer to our Heavenly Father. "The people do not understand what it is they are doing," he proclaimed. And to this day, two-thousand and some odd years later that prayer has been heard. And he's perfectly correct; the people do lack understanding, its as true today as it ever was back then.
The Christian community has long expected a great villan to arise to power in the world. An Anti-Christ, but I think this person may not be exactly what they are expecting. The world has been promised a day of Judgement, therefore there must be a Judge of all the Nations. If one man fulfills the mission of Judgement with his life; if a man comes into the world to teach Judgement, then in a sense he would be the anti-thesis of Jesus. Jesus fulfilled the role of the ideal First-Born Son, it is an archetype in human society of particular importance to the Jewish traditions. Now history will require one man to appear and fulfill the role of the ideal Patriarch, which is another great archetype from human society.
I still believe that there is one and only one true and most high God. To the best of my own personal knowledge this God is not Angry with us, he might not even be dissappointed with us. It may not be possible for God himself to judge us, it may be required for one of us to come forward and do the job. And it is a job, it is something that we all do each and every moment of the day. Judgement is a part of human nature, to exercise it only comes naturally to us. Judgement is a basic and common human talent in the same sense that flight is a natural talent to all bird life. And perhaps it is even possible for one person to excell in judgement in the same sense that the popular fictional character, Johnathan Livingston Seagull excelled at flight.
Even though Jesus was never recognized as the expected Messiah by his own people; or at least not all of them, in a sense he did deliver them from the Roman power over the world. The rise and spread of Christianity reached Rome, and in some respects was instrumental in its downfall. Jesus has been described as the, "Prince of Peace," and this has always been one of my favorite titles for him. He was a human being like us, and a true king with the power of Heaven behind him. He was titled, "King of the Jews," and I believe thats a true title. But he was not the King of Kings, who I believe is yet to come. The true General of the Armies of Heaven, the man who will make a pillar of flame fall from heaven and strike the Earth in the presence of men.
One King to Rule It
The book of Revelation seems to be making us some terrible predictions, seems like a lot of bad things have to happen if we follow the story. But the story ends with an amazing victory for all the people in the world, the promise of a resurection and to immortal life. Personally I don't know of any other place in the Christian Bible that promises anything like a resurection. I have no personal knowledge that the promise of a resurection was ever a part of any other major world religion. But if you believe that Jesus raised the dead and himself was raised up from the condition of death, then I suppose its only natural to expect a general resurection. For it was said that Jesus by his sacrifice broke the chains of death that bind us. We don't really know what kind of person this John, the author of the book, really was. He may simply have been prone to wishful thinking, its entirely possible that he suffered from a medical condition that made him more prone to entertaining fantasies. It happens in the modern day that such people do live, and suffer bouts of insanity, and can be diagnosed and treated with psychiatric medications. But no matter how the story originated, it has become a popular and well known story. Perhaps the expectations of the masses have some influence upon the fabric of reality?
But why should a King appear right now? Well Israel has become a soverign state again. Truth be told, Jesus never lived up to the Jewish expectations of a messianic figure. Consider that King David earned his place by liberating Israel from having to fight a terrible war, with a single sling-shot stone. Many of Jesus's supporters no doubt believed that he would liberate Israel from the oppression and occupation of the Roman Empire. But to be perfectly reasonable, an armed revolt against the power of Rome would have been unwinnable at that time. But in addition to the fact that Jesus did not call the Jewish people to armed revolt, he was also a rebel against the authority of the Jewish Establishment. By supporting John's Babtism, Jesus was saying that you didn't even need to go to the temple to be cleansed of your sins. Thats what the power of the temple was all about, making the people pure before God. But Jesus said, no no no you don't have to go there and make a burnt offering, all you need to do is take a bath. You can go down to the river or the sea and take that bath, anybody could afford to take a bath, you don't need to own livestock in order to do it! And not only will the bath cleanse you of your sins, one bath is good enough for life! This could be dissasterous for the authority of the temple priests.
Now the one thing that true believers desire above all else, of the Jewish people in Israel and around the world, is to see the temple rebuilt in Jerusalem. And it must be rebuilt in the exact same spot on temple mount because traditionally it was on that very spot that Adam was first formed from the clay. That spot where God formed Adam is the one place on all the Earth where man can be closest to God. Not only that, but the temple ordinances must be reinstituted in order for the Jewish people to ever have a hope of obtaining a condition of purity. In fact, many Christian believers would love to see the temple rebuilt as well. But one small problem, the Moslem shrine is currently in that spot. Now to the people of Islam, it should be noted that this Dome over the Rock is considered to be 3rd most holy site. But to the Jewish people the site is 1st most holy. If one man comes along now and makes it possible for the temple to be rebuilt, without threatening a terrible war with the people of Islam, then that man would most certainly be considered the true messiah.
Again why now, what is so important about this moment in time? Well according to the Jewish calander the 7th Millenium will commence in about 200 years from now. This is the 7th Millenium since Adam was born and the world was formed. As many of you may be aware the 7's are most holy in the traditions of Judaism, the 7th is the Sabbath and a day of rest. Traditionally all work must be completed prior to the Sabbath, and no labor can be performed on that day. And in the same sense the Sabbath Millenium must be a time to advance spiritual pursuits rather than worldly concerns, all of our worldly concerns should be taken care of. In addition to this timing, it has also been seen that a red hefer was born in Israel. The significance of the red hefer is that such cattle must be used in the burnt offerings for the forgivness of the sins. There has not been a red hefer born in Israel for a very long time, in fact an American fellow was offering to import the animals to Israel. But before it could be done, suddenly a red hefer was born naturally; only just recently this has happened.
Now I would like to remark that even the Moslems will agree that Jesus was a messenger, and what are the contents of his message. Among the messages of Jesus we find two promises that interest me in particular with respect to the need for a King. One, Jesus said that all the land of this Earth would be promised to the meek. Two, Jesus said that one man by the power of faith would be able to move mountains. Many people have assumed that he did not mean literal mountains; but this is also the man who turns water into wine and walks on water. I assume that Jesus might have believed that literal mountains could be moved. And of all mountains that need to be moved, the temple mount in Jerusalem is a prime candidate.
If one man could safely move the temple mount; the the people of Islam will say, "Behold, the mountain comes to Mohamed!" And so the Moslem people will not be angered. And the high place of the Jewish people will be laid low, but the way will be made clear for the rebuilding of the temple. If it is possible for one man to get power over the modern world; and rule every nation with an iron rod, then it will be neccessary for that man to have the power of Heaven at his call. In order for the current world leaders to submit to one man's authority, it will require a very persuasive argument. Just about the only kind of argument that has any influence in the World today is the power to destroy.
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