The following content is re-posted from an internet conversation:
We can not dismiss the human experience as invalid simply because we do not share a similar experience ourselves. Testimony must always be considered as evidence in any court of law, and should have some influence upon our own judgements. If we believe our fellows to be dishonorable because they have made some choices which we ourselves would not make, it still does not invalidate that person's personal experience. And what they have learned from their different personal experiences may be as true to them, as our own truths are so dear to us. For all that is considered to be subjective is no less genuine for being solitary.
While our own personal knowledge may be subjective, that knowledge or mere belief will somewhat govern what we choose to do in the world. As the actions of others are a part of the reality that we have to deal with on a daily basis, those beliefs and choices may be relevant to us in-as-much they can influence our lives. Do you believe that human behavior, or the will is quantifiable and measurable and predictable? If it was, governing our world would not be such a difficult job. Of course it is still possible for us to learn better behavior, and we choose our own authorities on the topic of how we should behave. It is good that there are some things about our world that we can trust; but we must continually ask ourselves, do we really know the things that we think we know? Some of us may have made poor decisions in life and elected to trust the wrong principles and authorities, but can they be blamed given our limited capacity to be aware of the world around us? It's hard to verify and validate some ideas with absolute certainty but we still need those ideas in order to make life manageable.
We can not dismiss the human experience as invalid simply because we do not share a similar experience ourselves. Testimony must always be considered as evidence in any court of law, and should have some influence upon our own judgements. If we believe our fellows to be dishonorable because they have made some choices which we ourselves would not make, it still does not invalidate that person's personal experience. And what they have learned from their different personal experiences may be as true to them, as our own truths are so dear to us. For all that is considered to be subjective is no less genuine for being solitary.
While our own personal knowledge may be subjective, that knowledge or mere belief will somewhat govern what we choose to do in the world. As the actions of others are a part of the reality that we have to deal with on a daily basis, those beliefs and choices may be relevant to us in-as-much they can influence our lives. Do you believe that human behavior, or the will is quantifiable and measurable and predictable? If it was, governing our world would not be such a difficult job. Of course it is still possible for us to learn better behavior, and we choose our own authorities on the topic of how we should behave. It is good that there are some things about our world that we can trust; but we must continually ask ourselves, do we really know the things that we think we know? Some of us may have made poor decisions in life and elected to trust the wrong principles and authorities, but can they be blamed given our limited capacity to be aware of the world around us? It's hard to verify and validate some ideas with absolute certainty but we still need those ideas in order to make life manageable.