The adherants of Christianity have long expected an Anti-Christ to come into the world. And if the One True and Most High God has promised the people a ressurection, it would appear to be conditional. Perhaps it is neccessary for some prophecy to be fullfilled, in fact we know that several of the things which Jesus is said to have done, were done to fullfill a prophecy.
Now Jesus came into the world teaching a principle of forgiveness, and he appeared among that nation of people who were most in need to learn the lesson of forgiveness.
While I, on the other hand, am all about judgement. And this nation of people, the United States of America where I was born, may very well be most in need to learn the lesson of judgement. It is no longer good enough to be babtised and to say that we have Jesus for a personal savior. The people must be able to overcome thier own ignorance as well. We may not continue to favor our own beliefs, while good knowledge has become available and goes neglected. If a person has sinned, they must be brought to the understanding of how they have sinned, and to know why it is a sin. The people must be made to admit to thier own mistakes, some lack of knowledge may no longer be used as an excuse.
The children of the Earth must finally be brought to discover the truth, and to recognize how much they have been lied to. In my own opinion, the people should not be held accountable for believing one thing or another, especially if they have been taught to believe a thing. But the people have made some poor choices, and this assertion is well supported by observing the state our world is in. Yes, we must finally discover which of our favorite stories are factual or fictional. And for the fact that we have been lied to, we have no one to blame but ourselves; and our inate tallent for imagination. There is no Great Deceiver, we are victims of our own desires. And we have been victimized because we DO NOT automaticly recognize what desires are good for us, and which desires cause harm.
If a very good fantasy comes along, and it makes us appear more powerful than we really are, it is very easy to embrace. And if we can get some external validation for our choice of beliefs, so much the better! Afterall, if I can get enough people to agree with my opinions then I really might be more important. But I want the people to learn that thier own authority never goes further than thier own personal actions.
Jesus is considered to have been a king by many people; and it has long been the preogative of kings to make a grant of land, even for all perpetuity. Moses made such a promise of land and it is clear that he favored the people of Israel over all other people. But Jesus also made a promise of land the likes of which had never before been made or since. Jesus promised all of the land of this Earth, and he favored those people who should be considered as meek!
Think about yourself for a moment, and I want you to answer the question, would I be considered as meek? If you are not meek in your own opinion, what exactly do you think it would take to bring you to a condition of meekness? Do you believe that it's possible that I, through some application of force, may break your pride? If I were to confront you with violence, could you be rendered meek, or would you only be rendered angry? I would like to honor that promise that Jesus has made, but it would appear that the only way to put the meek in charge of the world, is to kill off all the aggressive people. This is the way that the people and the nations of our world deal with problems, we have placed our faith in superior firepower. In order for us to enjoy some peace and security, all that is required is for us to kill off all the bad people who oppose our interests. The people of America once said the words, "Peace through Strength." And of course its obvious that if the thugs and rogues of the world see us as too much of a challenge, we may enjoy some security. But now the rallying cry has become, "Make the World Safe for Democracy!" And nobody says the words, although we seemingly subscribe to this policy, "Might Makes Right!"
The fathers and sons of America at one time fought and died, so that the people could live free from tyrany. And only so that the people of this once great nation could become the world's greater tyrant. IMHO, our form of Representative Democracy has failed misserably to prove itself incorruptable. Public opinion may be subject to manipulation, the people can be moviated to march to the next battle which needs to be fought. We enjoy our civil rights and freedoms in America and believe they are worth killing for. Therfor our young men and women are trained to be soldiers and combatants, to kill the enemy, and to go anywhere in the world to do that job.
But the problems of violence may never be solved through violent means. We can not become criminals in order to fight crime, to right wrongs and injustices. The USA is so well prepared to fight war, and we have dedicated so many of our resources to the cause, that war becomes the best option for solving problems. We could have been training our young men and women to be diplomats and problem solvers; but we are not problem solvers in America we are problem makers.
It is really the American lifestyle that we are fighting so hard to defend, we desire to maintain our high standard of living. But its simply not possible to raise everyone's standard of living to the same level that we enjoy here in the Western World. Therfor the American people promote unfair conditions, we want the lion's share of the World's resources because we believe that we best know how to make use of those resources. Business is good, the people have enjoyed some prosperity, we are comfortable with our own popular beliefs. The late generation has every expectation to enjoy a comfortable retirement, there is enough stability in the World to last to the ends of our lifetimes perhaps. We have every reason to be satisfied, all is well.
Yet the bubbling pot of social crisis is still on the burner, and all we can do is add fuel to the fire.
In order for the meek to be put in charge of the world and peace established, I am hoping that it will not be neccessary to kill off a majority of the world's population. It should not even be neccessary to assinate many of the world's leaders. The bad guys should either be reformed or retired somehow, but how to solve the problem in practical terms? And I need a solution that can be applied by one person. If only I could convince a great many people that they really are powerless; that thier opinions and feelings are irrelevant. What possible arguement may be employed to change your mind in just that way? I need the people to know that thier judgement is not good enough to be actionable, and the many people who are acting in the world today are taking us further along the path to an inevitable extinction.
But still there are many good people living in the world today, i must admit. I have had the good fortune to meet a few of them along the way, and I realize that many more exist whom I've never met personally. People who present excellent examples of meekness, people who I would describe as saintly. And I do believe in the saints of our world, they have won my trust; if it were not for them I wouldn't even bother to try saving the world AGAIN! But the survival of our very species demands another saviour. And if my judgement may be validated by Heaven, the work can be accomplished by a true King. And if my judgement is not validated by Heaven, there may still be someone who can get the job done, who can be a king and a judge and the landlord. But if God or Heaven will not intervene in Human afairs and back a King, and the status quo is allowed to proceed unchecked, the species will surely fail. I consider it unlikely that Humanity will survive the next 3000 years, and that is a fairly short amount of time considering that we have over 100,000 years of history here. And if the Neanderthal species managed to survive here for 200,000 years before becoming exinct, it would appear that we may be far less successful than they were; despite our great intelligence, facility with languages and literacy. Clearly Humanity has no competition for Lordship over the Earth, but we do Lord over one another endlessly, and it may very well be the death of us.
Only a King will be able to turn the world around, it will require for one man to win the popular support and respect of all the people, without respect to national divisions or religious beliefs. And in order for that man to be an effective leader he will also need to be a priest, and recognized as such. Of course its not possible in modern times for one man to be the biological progenitor of the species, but in every other way this person must realize the identity of Adam. Adam who has existed only as a myth, living in modern times as an actual historical person. Our Sire, our Heavenly Father, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And the Kindom of Heaven may be realized upon this Earth.
I have professed to be a nation unto myself, and my dominion within the world is very small. It may extend to the surface of my skin and no further, none-the-less it is still a dominion and a region of Heaven. For I am, and this is true for all of us, an inhabitant of the Eternal Kingdom, and I am a citizen of Heaven. Therfor the Kingdom of Heaven has already been well establish upon the Earth, but it is still a very small thing. The Kingdom is so small it appears insignificant next to the great nations of the world, but it has the potential to grow and encompass the world.
For it has been written this story of a small stone, a stone which was cut out without hands, and was set aside as unsuitable material by the builders and framers of our society. This very stone became the cornerstone, and became the mountain which would fill up the entire world.
Jesus once proposed that faith has the power to move mountains. And if the mountains can be moved then the destruction of the Earth may be assured by one man of faith. And it may just take the threat of overwhelming force to get the world's attention. And it may be in the very nature of the iron rod that such a threat can be produced. Who will wield the iron rod? No one yet has won the battle for faith. Jesus has won the keys to death and hades, now i pray that someone may win the key to freedom. Amen.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Qualities, Continued
The One True and Most High God is the source of all consciousness and all inspiration.
I have heard it explained that, "The Human Being is a creature of unlimited desires." And it is within God's nature, "Unlimited Abundance." Therefor God is needed for our fulfillment. I believe there is some truth in this teaching.
Perhaps we should not imagine that God is a person of desires, like ourselves. And if God is free from all desires, how could such a God desire to give us laws and to govern us? But it would seem that there really is something that God wants, and this simply to be "Glorified."
I believe that it is a true saying, that everyone of us is a child of the One True and Most High God. But we can never become like God, there is now and ever will be One. If we could somehow merge our spirits with the Most High, our own seperate identities as individuals would surely be lost forever. Therefor we must be satisfied with the speration that we have, the seperation that allows us to exist independently and be aware of ourselves as individuals.
It has long been a principle of the Hebrew teachings, that Humanity is suffering some seperation from the One True God, we have fallen away. We do live and labor here upon this Earth and that God is far from us, we do not enjoy his presence or companionship. In fact this God is viewed to be very much like a Human Being, having a physical body and form. But this is merely wishful thinking on our part, it is a kind of racial prejudice, an overestimation of our own importance within creation. The people have even gone so far as to say that the Hebrew Language is the language of God's Creation, we do enjoy this view of our own superiority so much!
Indeed, the One True and Most High God is present, here and now! The seperation which the people have percieved is a fallacy, an illusion. It is through the spirit of God that consciousness becomes a possibility, and that spirit is present throughout the very furthest reaches of our Universe. All of the substance, and the very vacume of space, far from empty; is blessed by the spirit of God's presence. And we may never forsake God and then continue to enjoy consciousness, and awareness, and an experience of the Universe, and a mind, and a personal identity; it's really quite impossible.
For as long as we can say these words, "I observe that I exist, and therefor I am!" God must also be present.
I have heard it explained that, "The Human Being is a creature of unlimited desires." And it is within God's nature, "Unlimited Abundance." Therefor God is needed for our fulfillment. I believe there is some truth in this teaching.
Perhaps we should not imagine that God is a person of desires, like ourselves. And if God is free from all desires, how could such a God desire to give us laws and to govern us? But it would seem that there really is something that God wants, and this simply to be "Glorified."
I believe that it is a true saying, that everyone of us is a child of the One True and Most High God. But we can never become like God, there is now and ever will be One. If we could somehow merge our spirits with the Most High, our own seperate identities as individuals would surely be lost forever. Therefor we must be satisfied with the speration that we have, the seperation that allows us to exist independently and be aware of ourselves as individuals.
It has long been a principle of the Hebrew teachings, that Humanity is suffering some seperation from the One True God, we have fallen away. We do live and labor here upon this Earth and that God is far from us, we do not enjoy his presence or companionship. In fact this God is viewed to be very much like a Human Being, having a physical body and form. But this is merely wishful thinking on our part, it is a kind of racial prejudice, an overestimation of our own importance within creation. The people have even gone so far as to say that the Hebrew Language is the language of God's Creation, we do enjoy this view of our own superiority so much!
Indeed, the One True and Most High God is present, here and now! The seperation which the people have percieved is a fallacy, an illusion. It is through the spirit of God that consciousness becomes a possibility, and that spirit is present throughout the very furthest reaches of our Universe. All of the substance, and the very vacume of space, far from empty; is blessed by the spirit of God's presence. And we may never forsake God and then continue to enjoy consciousness, and awareness, and an experience of the Universe, and a mind, and a personal identity; it's really quite impossible.
For as long as we can say these words, "I observe that I exist, and therefor I am!" God must also be present.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Qualities of God
The One True and Most High God would never ever beg one person to take another person's life. This could never be the same God of Moses who said, 'thou shalt not commit the crime of murder." And the One True and Most High God would never require a person to prove thier obedience. Not the same God of Jesus who could see into our very hearts and minds. None-the-less this is exactly the type of God which many people believe in. This is the God of the Old Testament, which required one man to sacrifice his own son in order to prove obedience. This is the God of the Book of Mormon who begged Nephi to take another man's life. In my own belief, no such god exists, unless there is a great pretender. But its not far and away too hard to imagine that one human being is capable of fooling even themselves.
In current events recently a Mother killed her own children, and professed that God had told her to do it! And in our courts of law we argued as to wether or not the woman should be considered a victim of insanity. Perhaps there really was a god who begged the woman to do just as she had done, perhaps it was no kind of fantasy. But if we believe that it was a fantasy, then it must also be evidence of insanity. It simply does not matter that people are able to know right from wrong, given the proper emotional conditions any kind of behaviour can be somehow justified. There is some kind of rational available, we only have to reach for it, and sometimes that rationality is very easy to come by. No person is above being conned, and we can not be blamed for believeing one thing or another, especially if we have been taught to believe. But the things that we do or say is everything that matters. And in the various ways in which we have delt with others, we give our permission to be delt in the same vein. However we have exercised our own judgement, we should be made subject to judgement. And we should be willing to entertain a conversation with all those people that we can judge to be our peers, and even though we may walk away from an arguement, we can not afford to turn away forever. Our relationship with other people should be infinitely renewable, if we are able to exercise any kind of patience. It's really quite impossible to get to know another person in one day, and if I am mature and responsible, getting to know you is a neccessity. And we must somehow learn to view every person as a peer; because as i have already explained, no one person should be viewed as more or less important.
There are very few things that I can say that I know for certain, beyond all doubts.
But among these things I can say that there really is a God.
That God is paying attention.
That God cares, and I don't know why God cares about our wellfare but evidently he does.
And I believe that the promise of a ressurection is good.
I want it to be true, i really like the idea; but i know full well that no matter how much I want it, belief and strong feelings alone have no power to make something true.
But I know that if the promise of a ressurection is good, then by all appearances God has conditions that have to be met.
I have been taught that the One True and Most High God favors the person who is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good!
And I can not be blamed for believeing its true.
But in some respects, it is this belief which governs my life.
In current events recently a Mother killed her own children, and professed that God had told her to do it! And in our courts of law we argued as to wether or not the woman should be considered a victim of insanity. Perhaps there really was a god who begged the woman to do just as she had done, perhaps it was no kind of fantasy. But if we believe that it was a fantasy, then it must also be evidence of insanity. It simply does not matter that people are able to know right from wrong, given the proper emotional conditions any kind of behaviour can be somehow justified. There is some kind of rational available, we only have to reach for it, and sometimes that rationality is very easy to come by. No person is above being conned, and we can not be blamed for believeing one thing or another, especially if we have been taught to believe. But the things that we do or say is everything that matters. And in the various ways in which we have delt with others, we give our permission to be delt in the same vein. However we have exercised our own judgement, we should be made subject to judgement. And we should be willing to entertain a conversation with all those people that we can judge to be our peers, and even though we may walk away from an arguement, we can not afford to turn away forever. Our relationship with other people should be infinitely renewable, if we are able to exercise any kind of patience. It's really quite impossible to get to know another person in one day, and if I am mature and responsible, getting to know you is a neccessity. And we must somehow learn to view every person as a peer; because as i have already explained, no one person should be viewed as more or less important.
There are very few things that I can say that I know for certain, beyond all doubts.
But among these things I can say that there really is a God.
That God is paying attention.
That God cares, and I don't know why God cares about our wellfare but evidently he does.
And I believe that the promise of a ressurection is good.
I want it to be true, i really like the idea; but i know full well that no matter how much I want it, belief and strong feelings alone have no power to make something true.
But I know that if the promise of a ressurection is good, then by all appearances God has conditions that have to be met.
I have been taught that the One True and Most High God favors the person who is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good!
And I can not be blamed for believeing its true.
But in some respects, it is this belief which governs my life.
My Hope is Strong
If you can not get past first impressions, and you don't even have the common courtesy to offer me some of your time for a conversation; then I don't care about you, honestly I don't. But I still want you to be blessed and successful because my happiness depends on you, it really does. I want to have the opportunity to meet absolutely everyone and have a friendly conversation, nothing would bring me more joy. I want to hear you share the stories of your life, I want to get to know you personally, I want a relationship. And this relationship is truely inevitable because we are all companions within the eternal kingdom; In fact some kind of relationship exists between us wether we would choose it or not. Absolutely everybody in the world bears some kind of family relationship to absolutely everybody else. For any two living persons that we can point to, there will always always be some common ancester. This will be true wether you believe in evolutionary science, or the genesis story of creation - both stories draw to the same conclusion. And while the matter has become undenialble fact, its the hardest thing in the world to get other people to agree with; people are living thier lives in denial. And since this is true we hate the people who are different from ourselves, we love the people who are most like us. We will always share certain interests with others, and there will always be other people with whom we want no personal involvement. Some people there will always be in the world to behave in opposition to my own personal interests, because of the behaviour of some people life can be made so much more risky. But I beleive that we all share a common desire for our own comfort at least if not peace, life on Earth does not need to be so much of a struggle! Human life is played very much like a big competitive game, everybody is keeping score, we are constantly comparing ourselves to the people around us. It is not good enough to have some personal accomplishments, our accomplishments need to be as good or better than the accomplishments of our peers. And after all has been said or done, we are all equals; no one person is more or less important than another person. Clearly we can be un-equal in so many different ways. Some people are more or less educated; some people are more or less intelligent; some people have more or less physical endurance; some people are faster or stronger; and some people are more or less wealthy. Its very easy to see how we are all different, and its clear that each person is defined by certain personal accomplishments, and we do not all have the same accomplishments in life. Even though we can be un-equal in so many different ways, its still not possible that one person can be more or less important than another, in this respect we are absolutely equal.
My hope that every human being is capable of becomeing mature and wise is the only reason that I have to exercise patience and tollerance. And I do honestly believe that even insanity can be overcome in due course of time. Our world is in dire need of maturity; intellectual maturity and more importantly, emotional maturity. And I would qualify that need in one word, "Civility." The people need to learn civility, and good manors have much to do with civility. Without some measure of civility we are not civilized; it is not good enough to observe that we are city dwellers, living in a city is no gaurentee of civilization. And Human Nature being what it is, we all share a common and fundamental need for companionship. Modern society is suffering for a lack of social sensibility, every person needs to be socialized. No person should be deprived of a good friendship. It is absolutely detrimental to human developement and physical well-being to go un-socialized within the community. None-the-less certain people will fail to compete in the venue of friendship, and become shunned. And so long as people play life as a competitive game, there will always be some people who are unable to compete on our terms.
It is easy to see how the honorable man is deserving of our respect, but what is respect if not dignified treatment? And if you want to believe in 'Basic Human Dignity' as any kind of principle that elevates us above the animal kingdom, then you must must must be willing to show that dignity to absolutely everyone. The criminal is clearly undeserving, they have shown the community some behaviour which is not justifiable. We must somehow be brought into the agreement that all human behaviour is somehow justifiable, truely a fair argument can be made in support of that statement. Killing is Murder, irregaurdless of your cause; it is either justifiable under every condition or else it may never be considered justifiable, you absolutely can not have the matter both ways just as it pleases you. Killing in self-defense is often viewed as justifiable in our modern world, and such views are well supported by Old Testament Biblical philosophy. Revenge is a fair motivation for us to act upon, the victims of a crime deserve closure we say. But the only thing that will ever make a difference is for the perpetrator of a crime to see the victim as another human being. And for that cause to be best served, simple conversation is all that should be required.
Therefore I am desireing of the promise of a ressurection. The promise of a ressurection to our immortality is the ultimate good IMHO. When you are made to live upon this Earth again; and as one human being among 14 billion or so people, you will finally come to appreciate your true importance. When there is never again the possibility of excuseing ourselves from having a conversation by saying that, "We don't have the time," the people can not fail to grow wise. Jesus taught the world a principle of forgiveness, and I do believe that its possible to be forgiven, but we may not be given to forget. We must be able to admit to the things we have done in life, you must tell your story and be judged 14 billion times over. Yes forgiveness is a possibility but judgement is a certainty! And our forgiveness can never be complete unless we are able to forgive ourselves; and we may only be able to forgive ourselves by learning to forgive others as well.
But my HOPE is strong, maturity is a possibility.
My hope that every human being is capable of becomeing mature and wise is the only reason that I have to exercise patience and tollerance. And I do honestly believe that even insanity can be overcome in due course of time. Our world is in dire need of maturity; intellectual maturity and more importantly, emotional maturity. And I would qualify that need in one word, "Civility." The people need to learn civility, and good manors have much to do with civility. Without some measure of civility we are not civilized; it is not good enough to observe that we are city dwellers, living in a city is no gaurentee of civilization. And Human Nature being what it is, we all share a common and fundamental need for companionship. Modern society is suffering for a lack of social sensibility, every person needs to be socialized. No person should be deprived of a good friendship. It is absolutely detrimental to human developement and physical well-being to go un-socialized within the community. None-the-less certain people will fail to compete in the venue of friendship, and become shunned. And so long as people play life as a competitive game, there will always be some people who are unable to compete on our terms.
It is easy to see how the honorable man is deserving of our respect, but what is respect if not dignified treatment? And if you want to believe in 'Basic Human Dignity' as any kind of principle that elevates us above the animal kingdom, then you must must must be willing to show that dignity to absolutely everyone. The criminal is clearly undeserving, they have shown the community some behaviour which is not justifiable. We must somehow be brought into the agreement that all human behaviour is somehow justifiable, truely a fair argument can be made in support of that statement. Killing is Murder, irregaurdless of your cause; it is either justifiable under every condition or else it may never be considered justifiable, you absolutely can not have the matter both ways just as it pleases you. Killing in self-defense is often viewed as justifiable in our modern world, and such views are well supported by Old Testament Biblical philosophy. Revenge is a fair motivation for us to act upon, the victims of a crime deserve closure we say. But the only thing that will ever make a difference is for the perpetrator of a crime to see the victim as another human being. And for that cause to be best served, simple conversation is all that should be required.
Therefore I am desireing of the promise of a ressurection. The promise of a ressurection to our immortality is the ultimate good IMHO. When you are made to live upon this Earth again; and as one human being among 14 billion or so people, you will finally come to appreciate your true importance. When there is never again the possibility of excuseing ourselves from having a conversation by saying that, "We don't have the time," the people can not fail to grow wise. Jesus taught the world a principle of forgiveness, and I do believe that its possible to be forgiven, but we may not be given to forget. We must be able to admit to the things we have done in life, you must tell your story and be judged 14 billion times over. Yes forgiveness is a possibility but judgement is a certainty! And our forgiveness can never be complete unless we are able to forgive ourselves; and we may only be able to forgive ourselves by learning to forgive others as well.
But my HOPE is strong, maturity is a possibility.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Welcome to the Kingdom of Heaven
This Universe and Heaven are one and the exact same thing. Heaven is a place of manifestation and NOT a place of disembodied spirits, no such place truely exists. We do not go to Heaven when we die, but instead we come to Heaven on the day that we are born. The place in our Universe for the dead is called Hades, and Hades is not a place of suffering, but a condition of unconsciousness. In Hades the dead do sleep, and they experience nothing, not even the passage of time. This Heaven and this Universe is just one room in the mansion of the Eternal Kingdom, the possibility that other Universes exist completely seperate from this one is real, and so there may be other Heavens. But we do exist within the embrace of this Heaven and seperation is unobtainable. And Heaven evidently is not the place of perfection that the many people have believed it should be, in our world Heaven is characterized by conflict and competiton. But the Earth falls well within the domain of Heaven. According to the people of ancient times, Heaven was simply the place where the stars did reside, which were believed to be Angles or Demons or Gods or Kings of old. Today we know that the Earth moves through the exact same space that the stars above inhabit, and we know that some of the heavenly bodies that were believed to be stars are actually planets of this solar system. Our Sun is very much like the most distant of stars, but it is different from many stars because it contains some of the heavier elements that could only have been the product of prior stars. Some of the stars of Heaven are very old and have been formed from the orignal material of creation. It is through the process of creation and the product of the Stars that all of the heavier elements have been formed, elements that we depend on for our kind of life to exist.
Jesus is famous for saying the words that, "the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," could he have known how close we are to Heaven? And Jesus told several stories to illustrate what the Kindom of Heaven is like, and the Kindom of Heaven is very much like life on Earth.
I have perfomed my labor in the world for these past 45 years, and finally I have produced a thing of great value. I have produced the mature personality, it is one possible personality among six and one-half billion possibilities, and if we should count all those people who have already lived and passed away from the world, the true number may be closer to 14 billion! Therefor I exist not only as a physical person but as a personality in Heaven, I am a citizen of the greater Kingdom because I recognize this fact for myself. And for those of you who have never realize on your own that we do reside within the Kingdom of Heaven, I would like to bid you welcome to the Kingdom! Welcome to Heaven, and welcome to eternity.
Jesus is famous for saying the words that, "the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand," could he have known how close we are to Heaven? And Jesus told several stories to illustrate what the Kindom of Heaven is like, and the Kindom of Heaven is very much like life on Earth.
I have perfomed my labor in the world for these past 45 years, and finally I have produced a thing of great value. I have produced the mature personality, it is one possible personality among six and one-half billion possibilities, and if we should count all those people who have already lived and passed away from the world, the true number may be closer to 14 billion! Therefor I exist not only as a physical person but as a personality in Heaven, I am a citizen of the greater Kingdom because I recognize this fact for myself. And for those of you who have never realize on your own that we do reside within the Kingdom of Heaven, I would like to bid you welcome to the Kingdom! Welcome to Heaven, and welcome to eternity.
The Earth is a Temple
God's presence exetends over every square inch of this planet's surface and no one place is more or less holy than another. It extends into the depths of this Earth, and the depth of the seas and into the farthest reaches of the sky above. The Whole Earth is a temple to God and no structure raised by the hand of man will ever rival her beauty. But God's presence extends from the great outdoors even into our homes and buildings, God is a witness to our lives and the day to day events of our world.
It is a true saying that we are each children of the most high God, but we can never become like God, there is one and only one God.
It is a true saying that we are each children of the most high God, but we can never become like God, there is one and only one God.
Soverign Territory
For the cause of inadequate representation, I proclaim my independence from these United States and its governing agencies. Furthermore I deny my birth right to be considered a citizen of this country, I am no patriot of yours. Instead I prefer to be considered a citizen of the whole Earth, without respect to national borders. Also I claim that my personal property in this world is extensive enough to be considered a soverign territory, my national borders extend to the surface of my skin and no further. Therefor I am a nation unto myself, the least of our world's nations, a nation of but one citizen. And this country is goverened by monarchy, therefore I am a King and I claim all of the exact same privledges that have been afforded to any other King throughout our long history.
Also I would like to make it known that I have been ordained with a priesthood. I am a priest of the Aaronic priesthood according to the records of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The chief concern and vows of the Aaronic priesthood pertain to the worldly and material well being of all people, it is to provide for the welfare of the people on this Earth. And the vows of the Aaronic priesthood have endowed me with all the exact same responsibilites that Adam would have had as the biological progenitor and father to our species.
And so I make it known that I am a King and a Priest among the people of Humanity.
Also I would like to make it known that I have been ordained with a priesthood. I am a priest of the Aaronic priesthood according to the records of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The chief concern and vows of the Aaronic priesthood pertain to the worldly and material well being of all people, it is to provide for the welfare of the people on this Earth. And the vows of the Aaronic priesthood have endowed me with all the exact same responsibilites that Adam would have had as the biological progenitor and father to our species.
And so I make it known that I am a King and a Priest among the people of Humanity.
To Be Alive in Eternity
According to the teachings of the Mormon Church, the highest accomplishment obtainable to us is to achive ETERNAL LIFE. And the members of the church believe that the Eternal Kingdom is yet to be established, and for all those people who fail to win the victory there will be two lesser kingdoms established. So according to Momorn belief, Humanity will be divided. However the meaning of the word ETERNITY includes the concept of having no begining and so the only thing that can be esablished about the ETERNAL KINGDOM is that THIS IS IT!
And all those hopes for seperation and eternal life may never be realized. Our concept of what it means to be alive is fairly well defined, and every living creature upon the face of this Earth has a definate begining and a definate end. But the Mormons subscribe to a belief that they have enjoyed some prior existence as immaterial spirits. Personally I feel there's no harm in believing in it, but it isn't neccessarily true, and clearly such an existence is not the exact same thing as being alive. So since we know that the Universe has some history and we were not alive in it, eternal life becomes an impossibility.
But we do live now in Eternity and thats almost as good! Even though we each have a definate begining at the time of our birth or conception, all that material substance from which we have been formed has been here as a part of the Earth since the Earth was formed. So in some sense, the begining of the Earth and our solar system was also a begining for ourselves. And to the best of our current understanding even the Universe itself has one absolute begining, and that too is one of our beginings. We may have existed only as a possibility for billions of years, but NOW all of that history has become a part of our personal history. It should be very easy for you to see how an Apple is produced from a long series of beginings. First we have the apple seed which grows into the tree and produces the fruit; and that seed was produced from the fruit of another tree, which in turn was produced from a seed. Every apple has a long series of trees and seeds in its history, but now I eat the apple and it becomes a part of me, and so all those beginings become a part of me as well. Therefor while it is true that we each have one begining, we also have many beginings.
The process of creation is on-going, it is happening now within the heart of our Sun. It is the Stars which perform the labor of creation and in some sense it may be described as a chemical process. And the processes of life are a part of the process of creation, we are participants in the act. This Universe and Heaven are one in the same thing, and Heaven is inhabited by a multitude of personalities, there are persons both great and small within Heaven's embrace. The true number of person's in Heaven may not be defined by life on Earth, we must at least consider the possibility of life on other worlds to be a likelyhood. But even life itself may be insufficient to number the personalities in Heaven, every sun and planet may have a personality of its own. This universe has been blessed with consciousness, and the force of consciousness pervades all the substance and even the emptyness of space.
And all those hopes for seperation and eternal life may never be realized. Our concept of what it means to be alive is fairly well defined, and every living creature upon the face of this Earth has a definate begining and a definate end. But the Mormons subscribe to a belief that they have enjoyed some prior existence as immaterial spirits. Personally I feel there's no harm in believing in it, but it isn't neccessarily true, and clearly such an existence is not the exact same thing as being alive. So since we know that the Universe has some history and we were not alive in it, eternal life becomes an impossibility.
But we do live now in Eternity and thats almost as good! Even though we each have a definate begining at the time of our birth or conception, all that material substance from which we have been formed has been here as a part of the Earth since the Earth was formed. So in some sense, the begining of the Earth and our solar system was also a begining for ourselves. And to the best of our current understanding even the Universe itself has one absolute begining, and that too is one of our beginings. We may have existed only as a possibility for billions of years, but NOW all of that history has become a part of our personal history. It should be very easy for you to see how an Apple is produced from a long series of beginings. First we have the apple seed which grows into the tree and produces the fruit; and that seed was produced from the fruit of another tree, which in turn was produced from a seed. Every apple has a long series of trees and seeds in its history, but now I eat the apple and it becomes a part of me, and so all those beginings become a part of me as well. Therefor while it is true that we each have one begining, we also have many beginings.
The process of creation is on-going, it is happening now within the heart of our Sun. It is the Stars which perform the labor of creation and in some sense it may be described as a chemical process. And the processes of life are a part of the process of creation, we are participants in the act. This Universe and Heaven are one in the same thing, and Heaven is inhabited by a multitude of personalities, there are persons both great and small within Heaven's embrace. The true number of person's in Heaven may not be defined by life on Earth, we must at least consider the possibility of life on other worlds to be a likelyhood. But even life itself may be insufficient to number the personalities in Heaven, every sun and planet may have a personality of its own. This universe has been blessed with consciousness, and the force of consciousness pervades all the substance and even the emptyness of space.
The Final Argument of Christ
According to the Gospel stories Jesus was crucified for his heretical teachings.
And his final prayer upon the cross has been recorded for all posterity; and two-thousand years later I heard his prayer. In a few words, Jesus gave his endightment of humanity; he said in effect that yes indeed the people are ill behaved, and he blamed this condition on a lack of knowledge. Jesus may as well have said the words, "God, bless these people with much knowledge." And since that time the amount of knowledge in the world has increased considerably. We have created knowledge about all things, in fact there is so much of it that no one person can master it all. There is a science and a formal system for every topic of interest to us. But it shouldn't be neccessary for us to KNOW everything in order to understand everything; yet clearly some knowledge is key to understanding. And curiously Jesus directed his prayer to Heavenly Father rather than God, and he pleaded for forgiveness. Now up to the present day, the knowledge has finally become available and accessable to all the people, but still the people are ill behaved! Perhaps Jesus was wrong, perhaps knowledge was not the problem at all. It would appear that the final argument of Christ is no longer valid.
Jesus came into the world teaching forgiveness, now it is time for the world to learn the lesson of judgement.
And in the hour of judgement it has been said that the mystery of God would at last be revealed, so you should expect a revelation and if you were smart you should expect to be surprised.
But will Heavenly Father show mercy to the people so that the species may survive and not be destroyed?
And his final prayer upon the cross has been recorded for all posterity; and two-thousand years later I heard his prayer. In a few words, Jesus gave his endightment of humanity; he said in effect that yes indeed the people are ill behaved, and he blamed this condition on a lack of knowledge. Jesus may as well have said the words, "God, bless these people with much knowledge." And since that time the amount of knowledge in the world has increased considerably. We have created knowledge about all things, in fact there is so much of it that no one person can master it all. There is a science and a formal system for every topic of interest to us. But it shouldn't be neccessary for us to KNOW everything in order to understand everything; yet clearly some knowledge is key to understanding. And curiously Jesus directed his prayer to Heavenly Father rather than God, and he pleaded for forgiveness. Now up to the present day, the knowledge has finally become available and accessable to all the people, but still the people are ill behaved! Perhaps Jesus was wrong, perhaps knowledge was not the problem at all. It would appear that the final argument of Christ is no longer valid.
Jesus came into the world teaching forgiveness, now it is time for the world to learn the lesson of judgement.
And in the hour of judgement it has been said that the mystery of God would at last be revealed, so you should expect a revelation and if you were smart you should expect to be surprised.
But will Heavenly Father show mercy to the people so that the species may survive and not be destroyed?
Monday, August 11, 2008
I can be reached
Token Star is currently playing Runescape 2.
My in game name is Toonix
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My in game name is Toonix
If you have Windows Live Messenger I may also be reached with the address
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Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Modern day Axoims
Other people missbehave, therefore its ok for me to missbehave in self-defense.
Other people commit crimes, therefore its ok for me to commit a crime for justice to be served.
Violence should be answered with violence and never diplomacy.
IF it were in my power to destroy your household from a distance,
then evidently I would also have the authority to govern your life and to say how you may spend your time, upon what you may labor, and for what purpose you should do no labor.
The power to destroy is the only power that the several nations of the world will ever respect.
The force of an argument alone will never be enough to grant me authority over other people's lives.
I can always make my own decisions but I will never have the power to make a decision for you.
If we are endowed with rights by our Creator then such rights as these must be inalienable.
If I depend on an external authority to guarentee my rights, then these rights may eventually be considered privledges and suspended.
For every cause there is a militia or an army ready to fight.
I stand here alone, a person of little to no influence in my community.
And I have no army of the world's young men and women behind me who will be willing to fight and to kill for my cause. I would never ask another person to make such a sacrifice in my behalf. I have no followers and I have no need, the world is not in need of a new religion. But yet I do have many good companions in the world today, many of whom I have never met personally. And those people who would most like to rule the world may still be subdued and made subject to the rule of the meek. Because the armies of Heaven may march for the man of well developed faith, mountains may yet be moved by those armies. It may just take the immanent threat of extinction to have the world's attention focused on one man, but this may be in the nature of the iron rod. And if it is not myself who will wield the rod, then there will still be someone in due course of time. The people in control are surely comfortable about thier own accomplishements and they have enjoyed a good run of the show, but the interests of all the people and the very survival of our species here on Earth has not been served in every case. And if i had great wealth in the world then I should be able to command the labor of many to fulfill my desires. But I have a plan, upon which i have labored long and hard and through it a millenium of peace may be delivered to the world. But it will not be possible for myself to provide all the labor to meet the needs of that plan, every person must be encouraged to make some contribution. But even if all of the people in the world could be unified in one purpose it would still not be enough to complete the work that I have in mind. And therefore I chose to believe that there is a mind and a will and a muscle in heaven to accomplish some work in my behalf, or i should say in our behalf. But I have been advised that I may not break the mechanics of the Universe in order to save humanity. Yet many of the things of which common sense informs us to be impossible may acutally be possible here, manifestation is governed by strange principles. It may not be possible to realize everything that the mind can imagine, and its certainly true that the imagination alone has no power of creation. But if I had an idea for a product, and I may adequately communicate a description of what I want, then other people should be able to assist in the creation therof. And in this way much of our world has been produced, many of the objects we find in common use could in no way be produced by a single individual who was required to work entirely independently. And so I depend upon Heaven being populated by many kinds of persons both great and small, and some that we may easily describe as godly. I will pretend to be a lord to all of the angles and demons alike, until some evidence can be produced. And every other claim to lordship may be considered subjective, until it receives validation. I am still waiting for validation from Heaven, but i need no further validation from the world.
Other people commit crimes, therefore its ok for me to commit a crime for justice to be served.
Violence should be answered with violence and never diplomacy.
IF it were in my power to destroy your household from a distance,
then evidently I would also have the authority to govern your life and to say how you may spend your time, upon what you may labor, and for what purpose you should do no labor.
The power to destroy is the only power that the several nations of the world will ever respect.
The force of an argument alone will never be enough to grant me authority over other people's lives.
I can always make my own decisions but I will never have the power to make a decision for you.
If we are endowed with rights by our Creator then such rights as these must be inalienable.
If I depend on an external authority to guarentee my rights, then these rights may eventually be considered privledges and suspended.
For every cause there is a militia or an army ready to fight.
I stand here alone, a person of little to no influence in my community.
And I have no army of the world's young men and women behind me who will be willing to fight and to kill for my cause. I would never ask another person to make such a sacrifice in my behalf. I have no followers and I have no need, the world is not in need of a new religion. But yet I do have many good companions in the world today, many of whom I have never met personally. And those people who would most like to rule the world may still be subdued and made subject to the rule of the meek. Because the armies of Heaven may march for the man of well developed faith, mountains may yet be moved by those armies. It may just take the immanent threat of extinction to have the world's attention focused on one man, but this may be in the nature of the iron rod. And if it is not myself who will wield the rod, then there will still be someone in due course of time. The people in control are surely comfortable about thier own accomplishements and they have enjoyed a good run of the show, but the interests of all the people and the very survival of our species here on Earth has not been served in every case. And if i had great wealth in the world then I should be able to command the labor of many to fulfill my desires. But I have a plan, upon which i have labored long and hard and through it a millenium of peace may be delivered to the world. But it will not be possible for myself to provide all the labor to meet the needs of that plan, every person must be encouraged to make some contribution. But even if all of the people in the world could be unified in one purpose it would still not be enough to complete the work that I have in mind. And therefore I chose to believe that there is a mind and a will and a muscle in heaven to accomplish some work in my behalf, or i should say in our behalf. But I have been advised that I may not break the mechanics of the Universe in order to save humanity. Yet many of the things of which common sense informs us to be impossible may acutally be possible here, manifestation is governed by strange principles. It may not be possible to realize everything that the mind can imagine, and its certainly true that the imagination alone has no power of creation. But if I had an idea for a product, and I may adequately communicate a description of what I want, then other people should be able to assist in the creation therof. And in this way much of our world has been produced, many of the objects we find in common use could in no way be produced by a single individual who was required to work entirely independently. And so I depend upon Heaven being populated by many kinds of persons both great and small, and some that we may easily describe as godly. I will pretend to be a lord to all of the angles and demons alike, until some evidence can be produced. And every other claim to lordship may be considered subjective, until it receives validation. I am still waiting for validation from Heaven, but i need no further validation from the world.
Lesson - Part 2
To the best of my own personal knowledge it would never be possible for God or Heaven to become manifest as a Human Being. However in all of recorded history, there is one man who has made a convincing claim, and his name was Krishna. This man Krishna told some remarkable stories about fantastic realms of reality, and its hard to compare his stories with our own experience of this reality. But Heaven is full of a multitude of persons, we may never know the exact number, but its safe to assume that number may not be encompased by the total number of Human Beings here on Earth. Even our favorite pets seem to have personalities all of thier own, and by some stretch we may even venture to endow every living thing with a kind of personality. However it would be a further stretch of the imagination to endow non-living things with a personality. Yet it has been in several traditions that the Earth itself has a kind of personality, and even our Sun has been cosidered the manifestation of a God. I expect that the Univese is absolutely full with a wide diversity of personalities, we can not account for consciousness but we consider volition and movement as the best evidence for consciousness. In my opinion Consciousness is one of the natural forces of creation, in the same sense that gravity is a force. It is a force which pervades the entire Universe and interacts with all substance and the vacume. Now our Universe is believed to have some absolute begining, and therefore it has some limitations of scope, but we here on Earth may never be able to discern what those limits are exactly. The distribution of substance has some variation, matter forms together in clumps in other words, but its difficult to understand why this would be so. Clearly the substance of creation has coallesced into stars and planets, because this is the place as we find it. The Universe itself and Heaven are one and the same thing, but this Universe is only one of an unlimited number of possiblities. There could be enough Universes in the Eternal Kingdom for absolutely every event to be true, it is often imagined that another universe exists exactly like this one except for one small difference, perhaps you failed log on to the interent and read this Blog in THAT Universe. But even though the number of possible Univereses is uncountable, this one is still unique, and there may not be another exactly like it. But by making the point that this Heaven may not be the ONLY Heaven, we need not be concerned with possible events in other possible Universes because for the time being we are here, we are inhabitants of this Heaven and can never know another evidently. All in all its really quite a wonderful place, and the Earth is still a beautiful planet despite Human occupation. In fact I would go so far as to say that the Earth has been considerably improved by Human occupation, because we bring a higher degree of order into the world for everything we lay our hands upon. And all the works of Humankind may easily be considered works of art, although its hard to see the art in some objects. Just cutting the grass creates a work of art in my opinion.
Now the human animal being a creature of uncountable desires, some desires are still more or less common to all people. We are individual and unique, we enjoy a degree of seperation and yet for many of us there is still not enough seperation. We desire more seperation in many cases, for every person that you could point to, there should always be found one or several other members of the same community for which they want no personal relationship. Some people we would prefer not to give our attention to, our time and attention is limited afterall and we must make some choices. If we are well organized people we will make choices everyday about what matters are more or less important and need our attention. We should all list our daily tasks in a descending order of importance, and while we are choosing to think some jobs are more important, we also chooose to believe that some people are more or less important. Naturally the people that we deal with most often are going to be most important to us, but we would like to believe that some people are unimportant and that we shouldn't have to deal with them. Like it or not, we each bear some relationship to every other person on Planet Earth, of those who now live and all those people who have already lived and died here. For any two people that you can point to, there will always be a common ancestor, the only question really is how far back into history you would have to go to find one. And so for all intents and purposes the Human species is one family and one race, we have blood ties. And this is going to be true if you beleive in the story of Adam and Eve or in evolution, both stories work out to the same conclusion, there is at least one common progenitor for all people. Evidently God does love diversity and yet despite all our differences, there is more than enough similarity.
Now imagine poor Adam, the father of us all, what if he could be here today? What would he say, how would he deal with all his squabbling children? The one true King, takes upon himself the role of sire to the people; but of course it is not possible for a King to appear in the world today who is also the biological progenitor of our species. Personally I would prefer for all good things to continue moving forwards in time and never backwards, but Heaven is such a strange place its hard to rule out the possibility completely. I would like to see a world here on Earth, that would allow me enough days to meet and have a conversation with absolutely everyone. And I would prefer to believe that I could meet my companions without showing prefereces, but I know that I may have some personal favorites. Yes I would like to imagine a world here where everyone would have enough time to entertain a day of conversation with absolutely everyone else, and there should never be heard someone making the excuse of not having enough time! And this is exactly the Earth that God seems to have promised within the vision of John of the Revelations. I prefer to think that this vision of John's is authentic versus mere wishful thinking, because I love the way the story ends. What could be better than a ressurection to immortality? The people will finally have the time to become old and wise, and through the medium of conversation the cause of Justice may finally be served. In fact I do not believe that the cause of Justice may be served in any other way. So the promise of a ressurection is something that I dearly desire, if it could be packaged and placed on a store shelf I would buy it as a gift for my favorite friends, no matter the price! If the children of humanity can be made to live again here on Earth in immortality, this would be the ultimate good and the ultimate victory in my opinion.
But according to the vision of John it would appear that God still has conditions!
Among those several conditions, 1000 years of Peace on Earth must come to pass; and the people of every nation must be goverend by a king once again, a king who will rule with an iron rod! Now obviously it would be a great honor to be chosen to take the part of King for myself, but the personality of the King is not the only person of the vision. According to John's dream, there must also be a great villan who will do certain things and rule the world in his own way. In fact the officers of the catholic church have long imagined that there would have to appear in the world one day an anti-christ. And as the story goes, the propects for that person are not very good, it is said that he will suffer unending torment in the company of the beast and the ancient red dragon within the furnaces of Heaven. This is certainly not a very promising reward for someone who would be fulfilling some neccessary role in God's great plan. It is certainly not a fate that anyone would choose. But it may just be a job that needs doing, and once upon a time i voulenteered. I decideded that i would be willing to pay that price, for a guarentee of the ressurection for everyone else! And I proposed this very thing to God, I would take the part of the Villan, i was willing. And I knew that even the bad guy gets to overcome the world in some way, and I certainly had some desire to overcome the world.
On the day I made that promise to God, I witnessed an event; it was a very private miracle. And since that day I have known that there really is a God, and that he was paying attention to events here on Earth and even to the events of my life. And I guess that for some reason God really does care about us, because on that day i found my way into his heart, it was a personal victory. The events of one day in my life provide the full measure of a successful life, but even so I went on to become a father 3 times over, which is certainly something that I wanted to accomplish in life. Or well, at least I wanted to have sex; the urge can be overwhelming at times for a young man, and I suppose for women as well. I certainly would not say that I have won every one of life's battles, but I believe that victory will always be a possiblitiy and even a guarentee in the long run. I am a firm believer in eternity, and no thing that comes into existence ever truely passes away entirely.
So how can the role of the world's greatest villan, and that of King of Kings be one in the same? Is it possible that the anti-christ, the King, the general of Heaven's Armies, and our judge be rolled up into a single personality? The world has in some sense been promised a day of judgement, that there should be a Lord of Judgement appear in the world with power has been a favorite theme of apocalyptic thinkers. As we all should be aware, in the doctrines of christianity, Jesus came into the world teaching Forgiveness; and he appeared among the people who were most in need to learn the lesson of Forgiveness. Judgement may be considered the antithesis of Forgiveness. Perhaps the world is in need of another great teacher, someone to teach the lesson of judgement. Judgement is natural to human behaviour, its something so common, we all exercise judgement on a daily basis. But in the same sense that Johnathan Livingston Seagull excelled at flight, a trait common to all seagulls; is it possible for one man to prove excellence in judgement?
Please consider this for a moment, the final words of Jesus upon the cross are very well known. Essentially Jesus gave his endightment of humanity with those words, in effect he admited before God that, "Yes indeed the people are ill behaved!" But Jesus said that the cause of the problem was a lack of knowledge, and on that basis he makes his pleae for forgiveness. Jesus very well may have said the words, "God bless these people with much knowledge!" And so it has come to pass, knowledge has increased in the world tremendously, the people have been blessed by God. In fact our knowledge is so diverse and abundantly available now that we should really have to ask the question whether or not the final plea of Jesus is still valid. By all indications the knowledge is now available to the people, and yet the people are still ill-behaved! Perhaps Jesus was wrong in the end, and knowledge was not the problem? Even though factual knowledge may be available, the people still seem to prefer mere belief over evidence. Of course knowledge has become so abundant now that no one person can encompass it all. But knowledge is one thing, and understanding is something else, a little bit of good knowledge can go a long way toward understanding our situation in the world. It shouldn't be neccessary to know everything in order to understand everything. We are each a witness to events in the world and it may seem very difficult to get the big picture, there is simply too much going on. It would seem that we all have enough problems to worry about without considering that there may be still more problems of which we are mostly unaware!
But for every problem there is a solution, and part of the solution is understanding the problem.
Hatred is a problem in our world, because the many people have a will to violence.
And violence may be defined in the broadest of terms, as any application of force.
If hatred may be attributed to one cause, it has defied our ability to identify and eliminate it. Yet I believe that there are some indications that hatred may be subject to an education. We, as individuals can not be held responsible for the content of our education. If we have come to accept certain ideas for truth, and we have instead been decieved, then i guess that truth isn't always obvious.
We should always prefer to believe that we are special, that we belong to the best groups, and that the people who agree with us are the best people. Yet this kind of thinking leads to a denial of basic human dignity, as a concept of who should be deserving of fair treatment. The honorable man is clearly deserving of the best opportunities in life, they deserve our attention - and the dishonorable man deserves none. But for the lack of good companionship in our lives, the developement of healthy personality is handicapped; and despite the fact that friendship should be considered a basic human need, some people go shunned and unsocialized.
The problem of poor companionship has become more and more of a crisis in our world. Children have become mass murderers in the public schools, clearly this is evidence of some serious problems in our society. And it is a problem of exclusion and inclusion, because we exercise our judegement to make choices about other people.
No one is undeserveing of my attention, and i can not decide that one person is more or less important than another person.
Puting such principles into practice can lead a person into situations that many people would consider evidence of poor judgement rather than extraordinary judgement.
But i do care for my own opinions the most, and the opinions of another person may be of little to no significance. Because most people have the expectation of instant gratification, they will make thier observations and walk away. Patience and enduring commitment are hard to come by. All those shallow and destitue people still believe that speration is a possiblity, but in the long run it is not a possibility because we are all companions within Heaven and the Eternal Kingdom.
Now the human animal being a creature of uncountable desires, some desires are still more or less common to all people. We are individual and unique, we enjoy a degree of seperation and yet for many of us there is still not enough seperation. We desire more seperation in many cases, for every person that you could point to, there should always be found one or several other members of the same community for which they want no personal relationship. Some people we would prefer not to give our attention to, our time and attention is limited afterall and we must make some choices. If we are well organized people we will make choices everyday about what matters are more or less important and need our attention. We should all list our daily tasks in a descending order of importance, and while we are choosing to think some jobs are more important, we also chooose to believe that some people are more or less important. Naturally the people that we deal with most often are going to be most important to us, but we would like to believe that some people are unimportant and that we shouldn't have to deal with them. Like it or not, we each bear some relationship to every other person on Planet Earth, of those who now live and all those people who have already lived and died here. For any two people that you can point to, there will always be a common ancestor, the only question really is how far back into history you would have to go to find one. And so for all intents and purposes the Human species is one family and one race, we have blood ties. And this is going to be true if you beleive in the story of Adam and Eve or in evolution, both stories work out to the same conclusion, there is at least one common progenitor for all people. Evidently God does love diversity and yet despite all our differences, there is more than enough similarity.
Now imagine poor Adam, the father of us all, what if he could be here today? What would he say, how would he deal with all his squabbling children? The one true King, takes upon himself the role of sire to the people; but of course it is not possible for a King to appear in the world today who is also the biological progenitor of our species. Personally I would prefer for all good things to continue moving forwards in time and never backwards, but Heaven is such a strange place its hard to rule out the possibility completely. I would like to see a world here on Earth, that would allow me enough days to meet and have a conversation with absolutely everyone. And I would prefer to believe that I could meet my companions without showing prefereces, but I know that I may have some personal favorites. Yes I would like to imagine a world here where everyone would have enough time to entertain a day of conversation with absolutely everyone else, and there should never be heard someone making the excuse of not having enough time! And this is exactly the Earth that God seems to have promised within the vision of John of the Revelations. I prefer to think that this vision of John's is authentic versus mere wishful thinking, because I love the way the story ends. What could be better than a ressurection to immortality? The people will finally have the time to become old and wise, and through the medium of conversation the cause of Justice may finally be served. In fact I do not believe that the cause of Justice may be served in any other way. So the promise of a ressurection is something that I dearly desire, if it could be packaged and placed on a store shelf I would buy it as a gift for my favorite friends, no matter the price! If the children of humanity can be made to live again here on Earth in immortality, this would be the ultimate good and the ultimate victory in my opinion.
But according to the vision of John it would appear that God still has conditions!
Among those several conditions, 1000 years of Peace on Earth must come to pass; and the people of every nation must be goverend by a king once again, a king who will rule with an iron rod! Now obviously it would be a great honor to be chosen to take the part of King for myself, but the personality of the King is not the only person of the vision. According to John's dream, there must also be a great villan who will do certain things and rule the world in his own way. In fact the officers of the catholic church have long imagined that there would have to appear in the world one day an anti-christ. And as the story goes, the propects for that person are not very good, it is said that he will suffer unending torment in the company of the beast and the ancient red dragon within the furnaces of Heaven. This is certainly not a very promising reward for someone who would be fulfilling some neccessary role in God's great plan. It is certainly not a fate that anyone would choose. But it may just be a job that needs doing, and once upon a time i voulenteered. I decideded that i would be willing to pay that price, for a guarentee of the ressurection for everyone else! And I proposed this very thing to God, I would take the part of the Villan, i was willing. And I knew that even the bad guy gets to overcome the world in some way, and I certainly had some desire to overcome the world.
On the day I made that promise to God, I witnessed an event; it was a very private miracle. And since that day I have known that there really is a God, and that he was paying attention to events here on Earth and even to the events of my life. And I guess that for some reason God really does care about us, because on that day i found my way into his heart, it was a personal victory. The events of one day in my life provide the full measure of a successful life, but even so I went on to become a father 3 times over, which is certainly something that I wanted to accomplish in life. Or well, at least I wanted to have sex; the urge can be overwhelming at times for a young man, and I suppose for women as well. I certainly would not say that I have won every one of life's battles, but I believe that victory will always be a possiblitiy and even a guarentee in the long run. I am a firm believer in eternity, and no thing that comes into existence ever truely passes away entirely.
So how can the role of the world's greatest villan, and that of King of Kings be one in the same? Is it possible that the anti-christ, the King, the general of Heaven's Armies, and our judge be rolled up into a single personality? The world has in some sense been promised a day of judgement, that there should be a Lord of Judgement appear in the world with power has been a favorite theme of apocalyptic thinkers. As we all should be aware, in the doctrines of christianity, Jesus came into the world teaching Forgiveness; and he appeared among the people who were most in need to learn the lesson of Forgiveness. Judgement may be considered the antithesis of Forgiveness. Perhaps the world is in need of another great teacher, someone to teach the lesson of judgement. Judgement is natural to human behaviour, its something so common, we all exercise judgement on a daily basis. But in the same sense that Johnathan Livingston Seagull excelled at flight, a trait common to all seagulls; is it possible for one man to prove excellence in judgement?
Please consider this for a moment, the final words of Jesus upon the cross are very well known. Essentially Jesus gave his endightment of humanity with those words, in effect he admited before God that, "Yes indeed the people are ill behaved!" But Jesus said that the cause of the problem was a lack of knowledge, and on that basis he makes his pleae for forgiveness. Jesus very well may have said the words, "God bless these people with much knowledge!" And so it has come to pass, knowledge has increased in the world tremendously, the people have been blessed by God. In fact our knowledge is so diverse and abundantly available now that we should really have to ask the question whether or not the final plea of Jesus is still valid. By all indications the knowledge is now available to the people, and yet the people are still ill-behaved! Perhaps Jesus was wrong in the end, and knowledge was not the problem? Even though factual knowledge may be available, the people still seem to prefer mere belief over evidence. Of course knowledge has become so abundant now that no one person can encompass it all. But knowledge is one thing, and understanding is something else, a little bit of good knowledge can go a long way toward understanding our situation in the world. It shouldn't be neccessary to know everything in order to understand everything. We are each a witness to events in the world and it may seem very difficult to get the big picture, there is simply too much going on. It would seem that we all have enough problems to worry about without considering that there may be still more problems of which we are mostly unaware!
But for every problem there is a solution, and part of the solution is understanding the problem.
Hatred is a problem in our world, because the many people have a will to violence.
And violence may be defined in the broadest of terms, as any application of force.
If hatred may be attributed to one cause, it has defied our ability to identify and eliminate it. Yet I believe that there are some indications that hatred may be subject to an education. We, as individuals can not be held responsible for the content of our education. If we have come to accept certain ideas for truth, and we have instead been decieved, then i guess that truth isn't always obvious.
We should always prefer to believe that we are special, that we belong to the best groups, and that the people who agree with us are the best people. Yet this kind of thinking leads to a denial of basic human dignity, as a concept of who should be deserving of fair treatment. The honorable man is clearly deserving of the best opportunities in life, they deserve our attention - and the dishonorable man deserves none. But for the lack of good companionship in our lives, the developement of healthy personality is handicapped; and despite the fact that friendship should be considered a basic human need, some people go shunned and unsocialized.
The problem of poor companionship has become more and more of a crisis in our world. Children have become mass murderers in the public schools, clearly this is evidence of some serious problems in our society. And it is a problem of exclusion and inclusion, because we exercise our judegement to make choices about other people.
No one is undeserveing of my attention, and i can not decide that one person is more or less important than another person.
Puting such principles into practice can lead a person into situations that many people would consider evidence of poor judgement rather than extraordinary judgement.
But i do care for my own opinions the most, and the opinions of another person may be of little to no significance. Because most people have the expectation of instant gratification, they will make thier observations and walk away. Patience and enduring commitment are hard to come by. All those shallow and destitue people still believe that speration is a possiblity, but in the long run it is not a possibility because we are all companions within Heaven and the Eternal Kingdom.
There is God who is responsible for consciousness, and then there is Heaven who is responsible for Manifestation. We must learn to distinguish between God and Heaven. There are many people who believe that it is in God's nature to be entirely free from desire; and personally I believe the idea has some validity. It is difficult for me to imagein a person who is free from all desires and anything at all like a Human Being. Being Human is being filled with an unlimited number of desires it seems. It is common practice to view God as a kind of person because after all the Bible tells us that we are created in his image. But I consider the whole idea to be mere wishful thinking. I suspect that its fair to say that we are all children of God, however I do not think it would ever be possible for us to become 'like' God. But Heaven is a different kind of person entirely, it may be possible for us to become more like Heaven. So what then is Heaven like? Heaven has a mind and awareness of immense capacities, to the extent that it can be aware of every event that transpires within the Universe. And Heaven has a perfect memory of every event since the very begining, such as it is - this is what constitutes TRUTH.
You see the very fabric of space itself is ever-expanding. And even though the vast emptyness of space seems to go on forever, the very vacume itself is still part of manifestation. The vacume extends everywhere; it is inside of your body, it etends to the very core of the Earth and the heart of the Sun. You may say its not true, there is matter here, there is solidity; but much of this percieved solidity is emptyness. The vacume exists around every atom and within it, and all of that space is still expanding. In fact the vacume is expanding absolutely everywhere, and not just at the edges of our Universe an unimaginable distance away. And this stuff, whatever it may be, is very much like video tape in the sense that it contains a record. And there may be found the memories of Heaven within the fabric of space itself. And each and every one of us is connected to that fabric in some way. It has never been well understood how our memories are stored in the Brain, but that these things may be saved by mere matter is an erroneous point of view. It is the fabric of space itself that saves all your personal memories and the Brain that somehow connects and retreives and catalogs those memories.
As I have said, Heaven is a kind of person, and it is a person with the capacity to experience itself in terms of events. In this sense the lifetime of one human being is an event within the Universe and everything that has ever been experienced by one of us is also experienced by Heaven in the exact same way and at the exact same time. Heaven in this way experiences itself in the exact same way that we experience it, and every tragic thing that has ever been suffered by one of us, has also been suffered by Heaven. Therefore our memories are Heaven's memories as well, and even though we each have a personal story and history here, those experiences of ours are not the same thing as 'intellectual property'. In fact our concept of intellectual property is entirely artifical, it is a Human invention and has no bearing upon the nature of reality.
If you really want to know what Heaven is like, I will tell you this...
Heaven is like a man who was laboring in his master's field and discovered a treasure buried therein. He hastily covered up the treasure and hid it away. Then that man did venture forth into distant lands to earn his own livelyhood, so that he could one day amass the personal wealth to return and purchase the land and claim the treasure!
And this treasure which is here on the Earth and has long been unclaimed, is the Human Experience. It is the sum total of everything each one of us has experienced, but of course the story goes on, its still being told. And you may easily ask the question, that if this is in fact the nature of the treasure, how can one man claim it? Indeed is it possible that the Earth itself could be purchased for any price?
I will tell you all that even Jesus himself paid homage to the heavely father which is the King of all Kings, but such a person has never before been seen in the world.
It is believed that Jesus himself was a king to his own people the people of Israel, although they have not accepted him. It is true he is considered a king to the gentile people's as well, and I beleive there is reason to think that he was a kind of king in his day. Among all the many things that a King has ever done in the world, it is not uncommon for a King to make a promise of land. Moses himself was a kind of King to Israel, he was the first King of record, and for the most part he created the record! Moses made a promise of land to the people of Israel which is well known around the world, but he said that it was God who made the promise. Now Jesus made a promise of land as well, the likes of which has never before been made or since. Jesus promised all of the land of this Earth to those people who should be considered as meek, remarkably he did not promise the Earth to the people of Israel, his own people. Instead he identified with the meek persons of the Earth, who may be found among every nation of people.
Its worthy of note that the supposed Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. made a similar promise of land to the mormon people. Such promises have always caused strife it would seem. For some reason Joseph came to believe that the Garden of Eden was here in North America, and at its center the Tree of Life stood in the vicinity of Independence, Missouri. Joseph told his followers that the land of Independence, Missouri was promised to them and that the city of Zion would arise there, and from that place the world would be governed one day. Among the principles that Joseph taught was that his church represented a restoration of Christ's church on Earth, and that the Church should always be lead by a prophet, naturally this is how the true church should be organized in his view. However I believe that in the Jewish traditions it would be a King who is also a priest, that would lead the true church. It should never be a prophet but a King, and we should think that Jesus himself is the prefered King, if he were ever to appear upon the Earth again. Also I do not believe that it would ever be appropriate for a prophet to make a promise of land, that would be the sole domain of a King. But I suppose that Joseph also said it was God who was making the promise, he did the same thing that Moses did unfortunately and it has only caused problems. In my opinion, the one true and most high God would never make a promise of land to one group of people, and therefor show some preference to one national or religious identity. This has only been the cause of division and thus conflict in the world, and why I ask would the one true God have a desire to divide us and to have us at war with one another? I beleive that Jesus himself remarked that a house divided is easily conquered; perhaps God has a desire to conquer us? Here we are fighting amonst ourselves all the time, we may not notice God sneaking in to take charge of things. Clearly it is a common belief that the people are in need of some kind of governance, but If God beleives that the people are in need of governance it does not appear he has ever volunteered to do the job. Perhaps God is satisifed to allow one of us exercise the authority here, God delegates to a King who then becomes responsible for all the work! But if you are an advocate of democracy then you should think its better for the authority to be shared among several people, with checks and balances! It would appear that good governance requires good laws, and Moses claimed that ten were delivered by the hand of God into his hands.
Now a God which is free from all desires should never desire to give us laws to live by. To the best of my own personal knowledge no one has ever recieved written instructions or even advice from God about what we should be doing here. And that includes Moses in my opinion, who's testimony should be considered suspect because afterall he was a mass murderer of his own people. And Moses claimed that God was angry, in fact God was so angry that he even considered destroying all the Israeli people... but somehow, someway Moses talked him out of it. Moses, a mere human being had somehow controlled and moderated God's temper! But evidently Moses himself was angry and in his own words he has 1000 of his own people put to death! Moses controlled God's temper, but he could not control his own temper. And this is not the first time he has been guilty of the crime of murder, for this reason he fled Egypt initially. However Moses had aready read the 10 commandments of God prior to the event of mass murder, evidently he was the only person aware of God's laws at the time because he had broken the stone tablets. But as we should all be well aware, 10 laws could never be enough for the Jewish people, 10 laws would never cover every possible circumstance. And so the Jewish people do love to argue the fine points of law, up until the present time when they now have more than 100 scriptural laws. Jesus is noted as saying that we only need two laws to cover every situation. To love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves, and to love God more than that. Personally I feel that less laws would be better, and i am afraid that much of what Moses did, he had done according to the judgement of Moses.
You see the very fabric of space itself is ever-expanding. And even though the vast emptyness of space seems to go on forever, the very vacume itself is still part of manifestation. The vacume extends everywhere; it is inside of your body, it etends to the very core of the Earth and the heart of the Sun. You may say its not true, there is matter here, there is solidity; but much of this percieved solidity is emptyness. The vacume exists around every atom and within it, and all of that space is still expanding. In fact the vacume is expanding absolutely everywhere, and not just at the edges of our Universe an unimaginable distance away. And this stuff, whatever it may be, is very much like video tape in the sense that it contains a record. And there may be found the memories of Heaven within the fabric of space itself. And each and every one of us is connected to that fabric in some way. It has never been well understood how our memories are stored in the Brain, but that these things may be saved by mere matter is an erroneous point of view. It is the fabric of space itself that saves all your personal memories and the Brain that somehow connects and retreives and catalogs those memories.
As I have said, Heaven is a kind of person, and it is a person with the capacity to experience itself in terms of events. In this sense the lifetime of one human being is an event within the Universe and everything that has ever been experienced by one of us is also experienced by Heaven in the exact same way and at the exact same time. Heaven in this way experiences itself in the exact same way that we experience it, and every tragic thing that has ever been suffered by one of us, has also been suffered by Heaven. Therefore our memories are Heaven's memories as well, and even though we each have a personal story and history here, those experiences of ours are not the same thing as 'intellectual property'. In fact our concept of intellectual property is entirely artifical, it is a Human invention and has no bearing upon the nature of reality.
If you really want to know what Heaven is like, I will tell you this...
Heaven is like a man who was laboring in his master's field and discovered a treasure buried therein. He hastily covered up the treasure and hid it away. Then that man did venture forth into distant lands to earn his own livelyhood, so that he could one day amass the personal wealth to return and purchase the land and claim the treasure!
And this treasure which is here on the Earth and has long been unclaimed, is the Human Experience. It is the sum total of everything each one of us has experienced, but of course the story goes on, its still being told. And you may easily ask the question, that if this is in fact the nature of the treasure, how can one man claim it? Indeed is it possible that the Earth itself could be purchased for any price?
I will tell you all that even Jesus himself paid homage to the heavely father which is the King of all Kings, but such a person has never before been seen in the world.
It is believed that Jesus himself was a king to his own people the people of Israel, although they have not accepted him. It is true he is considered a king to the gentile people's as well, and I beleive there is reason to think that he was a kind of king in his day. Among all the many things that a King has ever done in the world, it is not uncommon for a King to make a promise of land. Moses himself was a kind of King to Israel, he was the first King of record, and for the most part he created the record! Moses made a promise of land to the people of Israel which is well known around the world, but he said that it was God who made the promise. Now Jesus made a promise of land as well, the likes of which has never before been made or since. Jesus promised all of the land of this Earth to those people who should be considered as meek, remarkably he did not promise the Earth to the people of Israel, his own people. Instead he identified with the meek persons of the Earth, who may be found among every nation of people.
Its worthy of note that the supposed Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. made a similar promise of land to the mormon people. Such promises have always caused strife it would seem. For some reason Joseph came to believe that the Garden of Eden was here in North America, and at its center the Tree of Life stood in the vicinity of Independence, Missouri. Joseph told his followers that the land of Independence, Missouri was promised to them and that the city of Zion would arise there, and from that place the world would be governed one day. Among the principles that Joseph taught was that his church represented a restoration of Christ's church on Earth, and that the Church should always be lead by a prophet, naturally this is how the true church should be organized in his view. However I believe that in the Jewish traditions it would be a King who is also a priest, that would lead the true church. It should never be a prophet but a King, and we should think that Jesus himself is the prefered King, if he were ever to appear upon the Earth again. Also I do not believe that it would ever be appropriate for a prophet to make a promise of land, that would be the sole domain of a King. But I suppose that Joseph also said it was God who was making the promise, he did the same thing that Moses did unfortunately and it has only caused problems. In my opinion, the one true and most high God would never make a promise of land to one group of people, and therefor show some preference to one national or religious identity. This has only been the cause of division and thus conflict in the world, and why I ask would the one true God have a desire to divide us and to have us at war with one another? I beleive that Jesus himself remarked that a house divided is easily conquered; perhaps God has a desire to conquer us? Here we are fighting amonst ourselves all the time, we may not notice God sneaking in to take charge of things. Clearly it is a common belief that the people are in need of some kind of governance, but If God beleives that the people are in need of governance it does not appear he has ever volunteered to do the job. Perhaps God is satisifed to allow one of us exercise the authority here, God delegates to a King who then becomes responsible for all the work! But if you are an advocate of democracy then you should think its better for the authority to be shared among several people, with checks and balances! It would appear that good governance requires good laws, and Moses claimed that ten were delivered by the hand of God into his hands.
Now a God which is free from all desires should never desire to give us laws to live by. To the best of my own personal knowledge no one has ever recieved written instructions or even advice from God about what we should be doing here. And that includes Moses in my opinion, who's testimony should be considered suspect because afterall he was a mass murderer of his own people. And Moses claimed that God was angry, in fact God was so angry that he even considered destroying all the Israeli people... but somehow, someway Moses talked him out of it. Moses, a mere human being had somehow controlled and moderated God's temper! But evidently Moses himself was angry and in his own words he has 1000 of his own people put to death! Moses controlled God's temper, but he could not control his own temper. And this is not the first time he has been guilty of the crime of murder, for this reason he fled Egypt initially. However Moses had aready read the 10 commandments of God prior to the event of mass murder, evidently he was the only person aware of God's laws at the time because he had broken the stone tablets. But as we should all be well aware, 10 laws could never be enough for the Jewish people, 10 laws would never cover every possible circumstance. And so the Jewish people do love to argue the fine points of law, up until the present time when they now have more than 100 scriptural laws. Jesus is noted as saying that we only need two laws to cover every situation. To love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves, and to love God more than that. Personally I feel that less laws would be better, and i am afraid that much of what Moses did, he had done according to the judgement of Moses.
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