Friday, February 7, 2014

Getting Validation From Subjective Truths

The following content is re-posted from an internet conversation:

We can not dismiss the human experience as invalid simply because we do not share a similar experience ourselves. Testimony must always be considered as evidence in any court of law, and should have some influence upon our own judgements. If we believe our fellows to be dishonorable because they have made some choices which we ourselves would not make, it still does not invalidate that person's personal experience. And what they have learned from their different personal experiences may be as true to them, as our own truths are so dear to us. For all that is considered to be subjective is no less genuine for being solitary.

While our own personal knowledge may be subjective, that knowledge or mere belief will somewhat govern what we choose to do in the world. As the actions of others are a part of the reality that we have to deal with on a daily basis, those beliefs and choices may be relevant to us in-as-much they can influence our lives. Do you believe that human behavior, or the will is quantifiable and measurable and predictable? If it was, governing our world would not be such a difficult job. Of course it is still possible for us to learn better behavior, and we choose our own authorities on the topic of how we should behave. It is good that there are some things about our world that we can trust; but we must continually ask ourselves, do we really know the things that we think we know? Some of us may have made poor decisions in life and elected to trust the wrong principles and authorities, but can they be blamed given our limited capacity to be aware of the world around us? It's hard to verify and validate some ideas with absolute certainty but we still need those ideas in order to make life manageable.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I've only made my best guesses at where this all will lead, I have no particular ability to see into my own future, nor do I claim to have the benefit of divine insight. Thankfully I have never been plagued with the very common problem of hearing voices, and if I ever had heard a voice it's likely something that I would have spent a lot of time worrying over. So no voice of God to educate and inform me, only my own innate power to exercise a capacity for rational thought. But I do know that I am(have been) loved, I trust that that is enough to secure my place in the future. I have enjoyed the good fortune of meeting my very own Eve, my truest companion, early in my lifetime. She was an unattractive woman, advancing in years towards the end of her life, and I was 19 at the time. But I will never forget that there has been at least one other human being that believed in my ability to save the world. As she clearly agreed with me that our world is still in need of some salvation, and who's responsibility should it be to get that thing? The man who see's the need has all the responsibility for meeting it, this is what it means to be a citizen of the Universe. And if I knew that there was a way in which I could achieve that goal, I would surely make the effort. I have already passed judgement upon our humanity and decided that we are all-together deserving of more life. From my own perspective the only true measure of a man's wealth is the experience of Life and Universe itself. In that sense of the word wealth; I believe that I am a wealthy man indeed, although it has been a mix of both good and bad experience over the course of my lifetime. Out of self-interest I would like to have so much more of that wealth than I do now, I don't think of this as greed for by gaining knowledge of the truth we have not deprived others of knowledge of the truth. To be able to benefit directly from the life experience of others is my greatest dream, a goal whether or not I know it to be obtainable it is something that I would like. My peers can scream to high heaven about their rights to privacy for all that I care, I still want what they have.

Monday, February 3, 2014

UNequal Opportunities

Everyone should enjoy the opportunity to meet someone like me over the course of their lifetime I think. You could do far worse than to have me for your judge; I'm willing to give everyone a fair pardon from punishment, without exception. Leave no person behind, they are worth fighting for. Yes even our misguided villains such as Hitler deserve a chance to learn and grow; his life provides an excellent example of what it means to be human. But what potential do we posses to become, given unlimited time to learn and grow, it's hard to guess what we would be able to achieve, individually or collectively. Despite the fact that we exist as individual personalities, we are in no way separate from one another or the Universe as a whole; we are rather inter-dependent individuals. Each of us exists as part of something far greater than ourselves, and so much bigger than life on Earth as well. Throughout Human History we have seen examples where one individual's life work made all the difference, influencing our world beyond the limits of a single lifetime. I think we forget how big the world really is, all that we know is boundaries and if they don't exist in nature we will impose them upon ourselves. Only to divide our reality into manageable chunks, but we don't always recognize the relationships between those parts.

None can be greater than the least favored among us, we all change the world a little bit simply by living in it, in our own way we make a difference. We are all children of humanity from the beginning to the end, without possibility of divorce. It will never be within our power to separate ourselves from all the rest. The underlying Unity behind all created things will always and forever defeat our desires for separation. No physical distance is great enough and it still be within this Heaven or Universe, we are and have been citizens for the full extent of the future. Because the Universe has a way of remembering itself, it contains information about every part thereof, past and present to the utmost detail.

Most of my life experiences exist in the past, unchangeable. There is not a single thing that you or anyone else can say or do to me that will turn my successful life to failure. And if you desire to see us fail, I can only feel some pity for you. My self-esteem is healthy enough because I know that I am loved, with or without your approval. Therefor I do not need additional accomplishments in my lifetime to make my life complete; and I do not feel the need to convert followers to my own point-of-view. I will never depend upon the whims of popular opinion or a majority vote; I have the only vote and supporter that really matters. I have no doubt that I have been loved, but clearly it may not follow that I will live forever. Our reward for a lifetime of labor may be the very same; a mortal end and whatever comes after. We've been given no good reason to expect more than this. I'm more than willing to be surprised by the outcome here, if I feel any disappointment I know that I can outlast such feelings. God grants us no guarantees that we will avoid hardship completely, to the best of my knowledge no-one has ever had such a guarantee.

The good prayer of our brother Jesus begs for a way to pardon us from all punishment. Perhaps that prayer was well heard and the simple argument that, "I did not know any better at the time." will serve us before our judges. I hope that is the truth.

I'm sure that I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I don't see that as a certain advantage in life.
I love being crazy though, clearly that is an advantage.

A Letter of Instruction for the 'Children of God & Mother Earth/Gaia'

A Letter of Instruction for the "Children of God & Mother Earth/Gaia" Step 1: Believe in yourself, Step 2: d...