When I was 18 years old, I made my personal commitment to serve the welfare of humanity. I've always had my own ideas about what would serve the greater good. But how can I act beyond the limits of my own personal ability? The commitment I made back then is a good and durable thing; and on the day I made it I was rewarded with a little favor, from a higher power. But after carefully considering the problem for 30 years; I'm still powerless to make a difference, perhaps that's the way it's supposed to be. By making that commitment; I believe I have found my own way into God's heart, simply being willing seems to be enough for God's love. Regardless of what anyone else is able to achieve in life; whether it is more or less than I've been able to do, there is still a personal relationship between us and we are peers for all perpetuity. I have a desire for all those other people; and I deem it to be a good and loving desire, but I can't make it happen independently. In my own estimation it may be possible to accomplish great things; we only need to win one supporter, if it is the right supporter. I can easily imagine a person of superior authority and power, someone as ancient as the Universe itself. Naturally such an individual could be aware of my thoughts and opinions, if I knew they were paying attention, perhaps they could be persuaded. Such a person should easily exercise an independent will and judement, just as we do. But what can we offer in the form of persuasion, to motivate such a person into action in our behalf? What do we as human-beings have to offer, what service might we provide in exchange for a little favor? Perhaps if we had an unlimited life-time to make the effort, there would be something of value even to a supreme being and intelligent designer. But I don't know what that would be beyond offering our good faith in companionship; we can not make an offering of material goods to the author of manifestation. We will not live forever to make good on any offer without some help in the first place.
For my greatest Lord and creator I choose the ancient dragon, who is not a god itself, but dependent upon god for a self-awarness in the same way that we are dependent. I Love the Universe for what it appears to be, a wonderous and strange thing to be a part of. Although I can appreciate that it is not Eternal, as we believe it has a definite beginning, it still appears to be a very durable thing. The most likely scenario for the fate of humanity, if left to pursue the status-quo, is inevitable extinction. I can see it clearly as the natural consequence to pursuing the principle that, "might makes right." Eventually one human-being will be strong enough and able to bring about global genocide for the entire species. Considering our wonderful capacity for reason, the rational to justify such an act is well within our ability to grasp. It's a possibility and it's only becoming more so as time passes and technological advances are made. In my opinion we really do need an interventionist God or Higher-Power to save us. Without some kind of intervention, which to date is well beyond human technology, it's perfectly foreseeable that our World will eventually be rendered uninhabitable and subsequently destroyed by our Sun. We can predict that there will be a definite end to the Earth some day, by natural causes. Of course such natural causes would be very slow to manifest themselves; but the odds say we have far less time available, all things being considered.
In my estimation our one true and most-high God; however else we might describe it, is not particularly pro-life. It has rarely ever been seen to intervene to prevent a murder; within some religious dogma it is shown to encourage the act from certain individuals. If I heard a voice professing to be God, demanding that I take a life, I would just chalk it up to insanity and refuse to act accordingly. But historically many people have vested their faith into such voices. It makes me wonder if professing to be a God is a popular past-time for some higher-powers, who had an interest in directing human history. The experience of a voice can be a very convincing thing; whether or not there is an actual person behind it, apart from our own subconscious minds. In fact the hallucination of voices is a very common thing among my brother and sister bi-polars; but I have been more fortunate in this respect, never having heard a voice. So I have never been given any directions or special insights; I always had to make the best of my own judgement. In life, divine instruction is very hard to come by, although historically several individuals have claimed to be privledged with divine instruction, I think that perhaps they were misstaken or intentionally making false claims. The practice of deception is very much a part of human nature, I don't believe we need to invoke a higher-power to take all the blame there. To the best of my own understanding; the one true and most-high God is the source of all human inspiration, even when the people have had very bad or destructive ideas. Anyone can claim divine insight, and probably be correct in making that assertion. In any event the human personality seems to be mostly governed by our genetic heritage; much of our personality is formed by the time of our birth, at least it seemed that way with my two sons.
It may seem a little bit crazy hoping for impossibilities, but even with all the knowledge we have we can not define every possibility. There are still some aspects of creation that remain a mystery to us, although we are aware of certain remarkable truths. In my own personal experience, I was made aware of the existence of a higher-power. If they live as a part of the bigger picture, and as we do exercies some power over reality, its pretty easy to imagine some pretty wild works as being possible. Such persons may very well be subject to limitations and restrictions of their own, perhaps they are even governed by rules with someone to enforce them. The possibilities may be worthy of consideration but we can't just believe something will happen, it's not true until we see it happen. Most of us have a favorite idea of what the ultimate truth should be like; my own favorite idea is that an underlying unity defys all possibility of separation. I think it's quite common to believe in a justice which demands separation and unequal favor, perhaps even punishment for some. But when i think about the possibility of punishment, I always think about the final arguement of Christ. Who said, more or less, that our condition of ignorance sould serve as our pardon. And afterall how many of us do not suffer the limitation of imperfect knowledge? In my own personal experience, God knows all and reveals nothing to anyone. In terms of factual knowledge, the only way to get it is by direct personal experience, and perhaps a little trust in the testamony of our peers. Which serves as the perfect validation for my own reasoning that the best cure for ignorance is more personal experience, and a life-time unlimited by mortality to pursue that experience. And since its very clear that mortality has already taken it's toll on a poriton of humanity, we need a ressurection to experience more life! And clearly if we are slated to live forever, we would need a habitable Earth to live on forever. Which as I've already pointed out, would require some form of intervention in the way of a technological capacity beyond our ken.