We are companions here on Planet Earth, you and I. And that goes for all of us of course. And the Earth travels round the Sun as it does, which in turn travels round the Galaxy, which travels through the greater kingdom of the Universe as a whole. And the Universe itself may only be a small part of God's Eternal Kingdom, but a significant part none-the-less. And this is the true nature of our circumstances, we live in Eternity and we will always be a part of it. And we have nowhere else to go! No matter how much distance we can put between us, we are still a part of something larger than ourselves. Therefor we will always be companions here, whether or not you approve of everything that I do or think. And if I do something that does cause you some disscomfort, that is a problem isn't it? Because we all want to feel comfortable if not happy, and to avoid disscomfort.
When we are no longer worried about the world, that is where peace of mind begins. So if we believe that we are saved for the Eternal Kingdom, we should not be concerned about the fate of the world. When we trust God completely to keep us whole and complete, and we have become established as personalities within the kingdom, we should fear no harm. Although physical injury, illness and infirmity are disscomforting, and as I've said, we should all want to avoid disscomfort. When we see no problems with the world the way that it is and trust in faith that all will be well in the long run, then we should no longer feel the need to change the world or make a difference. But of course, life is work and far from effortless. We can not survive by doing nothing. Over the course of our long history here on Planet Earth, the world has been improved considerably by our labor, especially in terms of human comfort. Most of the tasks that we need to complete to fulfill our needs have become very convienient. Our facility with tools allow us to accomplish difficult tasks, that might otherwise be impossible. And we save ourselves tremendous amounts of time because of our interdependence, some of the labor we each need done is done by someone else. It takes a great deal of time and attention to develope our skills, or simply to become knowledgeable about how jobs are done. For the most part we each have the freedom to choose how our time will be spent, upon what to focus our attention, and which skills we would like to develope. But world does make a few demands upon our time and attention, and we may have to sacrifice some of our freedom or suffer consequences.
Individually we are powerful, we each exercise a measure of control over the real world. However this great phenomena of consciousness and willpower moves the physical body, we have all the power needed to impose our own sense of order upon the world around us. And God has provided each of us with JUDGEMENT instead of instructions. To the best of my own personal knowlege, noone ever gets instructions, advice or guidance from the great divinity. We must apply our own judgement to making choices in life, to decide what we will do and believe in. And we must frequently make decisions about what is or is not important; and we apply a graduated scale of importance to all things, some things being more or less important to us. Unfortunately we often apply the same judgement to other people, deciding that some people are more or less important. Perhaps we need to do this because our time and attention is limited, and for each of us it is limited in exactly the same way. And because we are powerful, and whenever we can reach a consensus with others we are even more powerful, one man can impose his sense of order upon another man's life. We are Kings and Queens of the Earth and we lord over one another. That the people do need some form of governance is undeniable; however God himself has never stepped forward to do the job, he has always left it for one of us to do. When we do recognize the existance of a creator and a mind behind intelligent design, we consider that person to be the highest authority.
Our own authority extends as far as it does in the world, and we are more or less powerless to make demands, we can only make arguments. At least this is the way it should be for all men, the force of persuasion should be the only force. Every force more physical than argument alone is akin to violence. The children of humanity have always had the will to do violence, with or without reason. We have judged one another to be deserving or undeserving, most of us can think of at least one person who deserves punishment. How many of us believe that everyone deserves success? How many of us pray for the welfare of our enemies? Our concept of basic human dignity is very fickle. For every right that we believe we should have, we have always been willing to make exceptions. There are few guarentees in life.
If our creator has guarenteed us equal rights, its hard to say what those rights would be. As far as I know, no one has ever been guarenteed freedom from molestation, as much as we would all like to have that right guarenteed! Whatever natural rights we do enjoy, they shouldn't need a gaurentee from any government agency, nor should it be possible to suspend such rights. Obviously we would like to have more rights than our creator does guarentee, but its hard to get everyone to agree on what those rights should be. Among those rights that have been guarenteed by God, it is clear that the right to companionship would be one. No matter how small or how great our accomplishments may be in life, we will always have PEERS. Most of us can take some comfort in that but at the same time we crave seperation.
It would be very easy to solve the world's problems and settle all conflict by offering the people seperation. We just need to divide the people up into socially compatable groups and send them off to diverse corners of the Universe, it appears to be big enough. If one man could make this a possibility then I believe he would immediately become the popular hero. But will heaven allow the seed of humanity to spread? In that realm we have to contend with the will of higher powers and the possibility of a greater community. In as much as humanity is NOT entirely civilized and the people do have the will for violence, it may pose some threat to any greater community. But for the moment we are confined to the Earth and this situation is not about to change anytime soon. If I had the power, I wouldn't use it to give the people the seperation they desire, that would be irresponsible from my point of view. Unfortunately humanity must be forced to matureity, the people must learn civil behaviour. So long as people pursue this idea that might makes right nothing will ever be right with the world. Someone will always be stronger. The great game of life is played very competitivly and some people will fail to compete effectivly, but its still possible for everyone to win.
And here are the winning conditions, one King to govern and judge the world and then a millenium of peace on Earth. Without the rule of a King the peace will never be established. That man must be faithful and strong to rule the world, strong enough to make demands. If only the world could have its day of judgement without punishment, but then so many people would be dissappointed because they think punishment is deserved. Perhaps the threat of punishement would do well enough to motivate the people to fight for peace, and make all the sacrifices that peace requires.
I have laboured long and hard to understand this thing that the Lord called faith. "Faith" is just an overused word, few people have come close to unraveling the mystery of it's meaning. And while I have made some progress, its well beyond my understanding how faith alone can make us any more powerful than we already are. Jesus told a few good stories, and he said that mountains could be moved, but most of us never believed in literal mountains. No man could ever be that powerful. But our creator does have the power to move literal mountains, and we can only ask for a favor. But it wants something from us in return, a favor for a favor. For the price of the world all that one man really has to offer is his time and attention. And in order to get large favors we have to make large commitments of time. It doesn't depend on a belief in certain doctrines, the written word is not a living thing. But you are, believe in yourself, decide carefully what you want and ask for it. If it is good to the creator you may get the work you want. The challenging part is finding out what the creator will consent to do for us, but I think there is sufficient evidence to suggest that a higher power is interested in our affairs.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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