I have married into the Chinese Civilization, my wife is full Chinese. Although she grew up in India and her beliefs are very much flavored by Hinduism. The Hindi believers may come to view me as an incarnation of Shiva – Destroyer of Worlds. My two sons are half Chinese and therefore all of the Chinese ancestors have become my own personal ancestors. In fact I accept all of our ancestors as my own personal ancestor, for all of their great accomplishments I feel proud. And for all the many crimes that have been committed I feel deep shame; but the crimes in the world go on. Whether you believe in a theory of evolution or the Genesis story or some idea about Intelligent Design that falls somewhere in-between; all of these stories draw to the same conclusion. Every single one of us shares at least one common ancestor with every other single living human being on planet Earth. We are one family, we are blood relatives, even the people of different races share some common ancestors. Its a sure thing and a sufficiently proven fact; no one should be allowed to deny this any longer. Even those people around the world who hate us and are angry; these people are our bothers and sisters, even those people who don't share all of our beliefs.
And the Moon will become the footstool to the Earth.
Our faithful companion Luna has been in orbit around the Earth for as long as anyone can remember. Now what would happen if the Moon's orbit could be brought to a complete standstill? Then naturally the Earth and the Moon would begin to fall into one another and the Human world would be utterly and completely destroyed. The Earth and the moon would be combined into one new world which may continue to orbit our Sun. And because life is so tenacious it may even maintain its grip upon the world through such a cataclysm, life may once again assert itself on Planet Earth. And it pleases me very much to think that even if the Human Species is unable to survive forever, at least the Earth itself may survive forever. If I could move one mountain i would choose the moon for my mountain, and it would be moved to a position between the Earth and Sun and this condition maintained indefinitely. Now I must say that I do very much enjoy bright and sunny days, and its very depressing for me when the sky is overcast. But I desire to show the people of the Earth a complete and total solar eclipse, unexpected and unscheduled, enduring for many many years if necessary. The reduction in sunlight reaching the planet from such an eventuality I expect will have an impact on the people's mood. And it may have an impact on the world's food crops as well. But it might also have an impact on the problem of global warming so that it can be reversed. It is the Sun's energy that heats the oceans and drives hurricane force storms, so that I expect such storms could be reduced as well. The world's Ice caps might very well reform over the course of a few decades. Of course some carbon dioxide must still be eliminated from the Earths atmosphere or else the whole process would just start up again. Perhaps such molecules in the atmosphere can again be viewed as mountains on a different scale and also moved. If I could succeed at moving one mountain then I would expect to move many mountains. And therein lies the nature of my most persuasive argument; your world can be destroyed, and I will only have to make a decision for it to be so. So you see I expect Heaven to provide me with labor to accomplish my own goals.
There was a story in the US news not so long ago about a man who became trapped in the wilderness all alone. This fellow had his right hand pinned between two large stones, and there was no-one that he could call to to help free him. He may very well have died in this situation from exposure and thirst. But this man cut off his own right hand in order to escape from the trap and survive! Now let me ask you if there is some sacrifice that you would be unwilling to make in order to assure the survival of your own species? If it ever could be made clear and evident to you that there really was an immediate risk to your own personal hide, is there something that you would be unwilling to give up in order to go on living? And its not only your own lives at risk, it is also the lives of everyone you have ever known or cared about. Everything in the world that you value or desire for yourself may be destroyed as well; everything that mankind has labored to build. Your cars, your homes, your favorite possessions all gone, everything that you have ever accomplished in life undone.
You may call this a dream or a fantasy, I call it a possibility. If the mountains can be moved by the power of faith then one single person would have the power to threaten the world itself. One person will have the power to dominate you, to beat you into submission. But this person must be motivated by Love in order to accomplish this. And I do care about all of you as if you were my very own biological children. I believe that people have the capacity to learn, I believe that the people have the capacity to obtain a better understanding. If I didn't believe these things about you, then I think you would not be worth all my time and effort.
Jesus made his final plea to Heavenly Father so many years ago, “Forgive, for they know not what they do.” And thousands of years later I have heard his prayer, and I have taken this into consideration. But still the people will not escape judgment; I will not allow you to carry on with your everyday lives with this lack of understanding.
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