I have married into the Chinese Civilization, my wife is full Chinese. Although she grew up in India and her beliefs are very much flavored by Hinduism. The Hindi believers may come to view me as an incarnation of Shiva – Destroyer of Worlds. My two sons are half Chinese and therefore all of the Chinese ancestors have become my own personal ancestors. In fact I accept all of our ancestors as my own personal ancestor, for all of their great accomplishments I feel proud. And for all the many crimes that have been committed I feel deep shame; but the crimes in the world go on. Whether you believe in a theory of evolution or the Genesis story or some idea about Intelligent Design that falls somewhere in-between; all of these stories draw to the same conclusion. Every single one of us shares at least one common ancestor with every other single living human being on planet Earth. We are one family, we are blood relatives, even the people of different races share some common ancestors. Its a sure thing and a sufficiently proven fact; no one should be allowed to deny this any longer. Even those people around the world who hate us and are angry; these people are our bothers and sisters, even those people who don't share all of our beliefs.
And the Moon will become the footstool to the Earth.
Our faithful companion Luna has been in orbit around the Earth for as long as anyone can remember. Now what would happen if the Moon's orbit could be brought to a complete standstill? Then naturally the Earth and the Moon would begin to fall into one another and the Human world would be utterly and completely destroyed. The Earth and the moon would be combined into one new world which may continue to orbit our Sun. And because life is so tenacious it may even maintain its grip upon the world through such a cataclysm, life may once again assert itself on Planet Earth. And it pleases me very much to think that even if the Human Species is unable to survive forever, at least the Earth itself may survive forever. If I could move one mountain i would choose the moon for my mountain, and it would be moved to a position between the Earth and Sun and this condition maintained indefinitely. Now I must say that I do very much enjoy bright and sunny days, and its very depressing for me when the sky is overcast. But I desire to show the people of the Earth a complete and total solar eclipse, unexpected and unscheduled, enduring for many many years if necessary. The reduction in sunlight reaching the planet from such an eventuality I expect will have an impact on the people's mood. And it may have an impact on the world's food crops as well. But it might also have an impact on the problem of global warming so that it can be reversed. It is the Sun's energy that heats the oceans and drives hurricane force storms, so that I expect such storms could be reduced as well. The world's Ice caps might very well reform over the course of a few decades. Of course some carbon dioxide must still be eliminated from the Earths atmosphere or else the whole process would just start up again. Perhaps such molecules in the atmosphere can again be viewed as mountains on a different scale and also moved. If I could succeed at moving one mountain then I would expect to move many mountains. And therein lies the nature of my most persuasive argument; your world can be destroyed, and I will only have to make a decision for it to be so. So you see I expect Heaven to provide me with labor to accomplish my own goals.
There was a story in the US news not so long ago about a man who became trapped in the wilderness all alone. This fellow had his right hand pinned between two large stones, and there was no-one that he could call to to help free him. He may very well have died in this situation from exposure and thirst. But this man cut off his own right hand in order to escape from the trap and survive! Now let me ask you if there is some sacrifice that you would be unwilling to make in order to assure the survival of your own species? If it ever could be made clear and evident to you that there really was an immediate risk to your own personal hide, is there something that you would be unwilling to give up in order to go on living? And its not only your own lives at risk, it is also the lives of everyone you have ever known or cared about. Everything in the world that you value or desire for yourself may be destroyed as well; everything that mankind has labored to build. Your cars, your homes, your favorite possessions all gone, everything that you have ever accomplished in life undone.
You may call this a dream or a fantasy, I call it a possibility. If the mountains can be moved by the power of faith then one single person would have the power to threaten the world itself. One person will have the power to dominate you, to beat you into submission. But this person must be motivated by Love in order to accomplish this. And I do care about all of you as if you were my very own biological children. I believe that people have the capacity to learn, I believe that the people have the capacity to obtain a better understanding. If I didn't believe these things about you, then I think you would not be worth all my time and effort.
Jesus made his final plea to Heavenly Father so many years ago, “Forgive, for they know not what they do.” And thousands of years later I have heard his prayer, and I have taken this into consideration. But still the people will not escape judgment; I will not allow you to carry on with your everyday lives with this lack of understanding.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
The King's Edicts
A Message to the US Federal Government and other World Governments.
The Federal Government of the United States of America and other nations around the world will be required to disarm and disband all military forces. You may train your young men and women to be diplomats and psychologists or economists instead. No nation of the world may ever again train a soldier in the ways of killing. All armed conflict around the world must come to an end, you may negotiate with one another with all the force of a verbal argument and no more force than this. If a nation has military forces abroad they will be required to return home and dismantle their bases. All military personnel will be returned to the general population. China must obey this edict as well. It has been said that capability is not the same thing as intent; but intent does not matter, capability is enough of a crime. And of this crime many nations are guilty. Prepare yourselves for war and you must reap war, as grain may be sowed in a field and we would expect to reap grain.
The War on Drugs must come to an end as well. No national government may place restrictions on the trafficking of these materials across national borders. It will no longer be considered a criminal offense to buy or sell these recreational substances. It will not be considered a criminal offense to make use of these substances. The path to sanity requires this act, the people must learn moderation and they will never learn it by having restrictions placed upon their freedoms. Of course I do realize that many people may die because of this, but I do encourage you to intervene in one another's lives. You may intervene in another person's life and you may restrain a person if they become violent or pose harm to themselves or others. But you may not incarcerate a criminal indefinitely, there to be forgotten and ignored by society. The factors which cause the formation of the criminal mind may be well understood by the arts of Psychology; Psychology is a well refined and practical science and it needs to be better applied within our communities.
Because the Nations will now be freed from spending billions of dollars on military build up, that money can be used to solve other kinds of problems. And I want the world's attention to be focused upon the causes of social problems, and finding solutions. Some effort has been made in this direction already I believe but it is not enough. The children must be instructed in assertiveness, they must learn the difference between aggressive and passive behaviors, and what passive-aggressive behavior means. Many young children I believe are born with a natural talent for Ethics, and that talent goes mostly undeveloped and ignored. Ethics should be added to the curriculum of all public school age children. And also from a young age people should be required to learn the fundamentals of Logic as well.
No nation will levy a tax against their citizens for a period of at least one year. But if the government requires it's citizens to save a retirement account or pay for medical insurance or other kinds of insurance benefits; then those payments will not be considered a tax. The governments may not levy a tax against the people according to income, personal property or even to collect a sales tax.
The minimum wage in the USA will be increased to $12 per hour, no person will perform an hour of labor in this country unless they are paid the full amount by their employer. All persons who are employed and receive gratuities in the course of their work will also benefit from the full minimum wage. No person may be paid a salary which amounts to less than the minimum wage for the hours they have actually worked, even if those hours exceed 40 per week. All other nations around the world will be required to enforce a minimum wage as well, equal to $12USD per hour in the currency of that country. Each country may adjust their currency exchange rates against the US Dollar in order to alleviate some of the burden of this edict. If a person is employed by themselves and manufactures a product or provides a service within the community, they will of course exercise the freedom to determine what the value of those services will be. If you so choose earnings that would be below the minimum wage in the course of self-employment that will of course be your privileged. All businesses which provide services in the community including banking services must be made available 24 hours of the day. The same level of services must be available for all hours of the day. This should help with unemployment rates when all of these military personnel are suddenly seeking new work.
I will require from the US Federal government to mint for me 8 billion US one dollar coins for my own personnel use. No special design will be issued for this proof, the current one dollar coin design must be used. The letter 'K' will be embossed on these coins where the mint mark would normally go, this is the only way they should be distinguishable from other coins. Because I know that these coins will have on them the words, “In God We Trust.” I will of course pay the Federal Government the full face value for those coins.
Mr Bill Gates will be required to pay me 60% of his worldly assets, and he will also be required to grant me a 60% share in all his business enterprises. And every other person in the world will be required to pay me a percentage of their wealth according to a standard measure. For the wealthiest individuals the amount will be 60%, and for some the amount will be 30%, but for most of the people in the world the amount will be only 10%. A person of little to no means will not be required to pay a penny, and 10% of very little is very little indeed. And therefore I will become the wealthiest person who has ever lived, I will exceed the accomplishment of Mr Gates and other individuals by miles and miles. Therefore the great competition for worldly goods will be won, and the race must come to an end. Every person will be reduced by the same amount and I will be increased. But the people will also receive services from me of equal value, even though those services may be rendered in the form of advice or an opinion alone. But if Heaven will move my mountains then I will unleash a new order of material abundance in the world. The material assets of the Sol Star System will be reorganized to make them more readily available and accessible to our species. The people will still have to labor to obtain these resources and it may be a perilous undertaking, but i have faith that our technology may overcome any hurdles.
The Federal Government of the United States of America and other nations around the world will be required to disarm and disband all military forces. You may train your young men and women to be diplomats and psychologists or economists instead. No nation of the world may ever again train a soldier in the ways of killing. All armed conflict around the world must come to an end, you may negotiate with one another with all the force of a verbal argument and no more force than this. If a nation has military forces abroad they will be required to return home and dismantle their bases. All military personnel will be returned to the general population. China must obey this edict as well. It has been said that capability is not the same thing as intent; but intent does not matter, capability is enough of a crime. And of this crime many nations are guilty. Prepare yourselves for war and you must reap war, as grain may be sowed in a field and we would expect to reap grain.
The War on Drugs must come to an end as well. No national government may place restrictions on the trafficking of these materials across national borders. It will no longer be considered a criminal offense to buy or sell these recreational substances. It will not be considered a criminal offense to make use of these substances. The path to sanity requires this act, the people must learn moderation and they will never learn it by having restrictions placed upon their freedoms. Of course I do realize that many people may die because of this, but I do encourage you to intervene in one another's lives. You may intervene in another person's life and you may restrain a person if they become violent or pose harm to themselves or others. But you may not incarcerate a criminal indefinitely, there to be forgotten and ignored by society. The factors which cause the formation of the criminal mind may be well understood by the arts of Psychology; Psychology is a well refined and practical science and it needs to be better applied within our communities.
Because the Nations will now be freed from spending billions of dollars on military build up, that money can be used to solve other kinds of problems. And I want the world's attention to be focused upon the causes of social problems, and finding solutions. Some effort has been made in this direction already I believe but it is not enough. The children must be instructed in assertiveness, they must learn the difference between aggressive and passive behaviors, and what passive-aggressive behavior means. Many young children I believe are born with a natural talent for Ethics, and that talent goes mostly undeveloped and ignored. Ethics should be added to the curriculum of all public school age children. And also from a young age people should be required to learn the fundamentals of Logic as well.
No nation will levy a tax against their citizens for a period of at least one year. But if the government requires it's citizens to save a retirement account or pay for medical insurance or other kinds of insurance benefits; then those payments will not be considered a tax. The governments may not levy a tax against the people according to income, personal property or even to collect a sales tax.
The minimum wage in the USA will be increased to $12 per hour, no person will perform an hour of labor in this country unless they are paid the full amount by their employer. All persons who are employed and receive gratuities in the course of their work will also benefit from the full minimum wage. No person may be paid a salary which amounts to less than the minimum wage for the hours they have actually worked, even if those hours exceed 40 per week. All other nations around the world will be required to enforce a minimum wage as well, equal to $12USD per hour in the currency of that country. Each country may adjust their currency exchange rates against the US Dollar in order to alleviate some of the burden of this edict. If a person is employed by themselves and manufactures a product or provides a service within the community, they will of course exercise the freedom to determine what the value of those services will be. If you so choose earnings that would be below the minimum wage in the course of self-employment that will of course be your privileged. All businesses which provide services in the community including banking services must be made available 24 hours of the day. The same level of services must be available for all hours of the day. This should help with unemployment rates when all of these military personnel are suddenly seeking new work.
I will require from the US Federal government to mint for me 8 billion US one dollar coins for my own personnel use. No special design will be issued for this proof, the current one dollar coin design must be used. The letter 'K' will be embossed on these coins where the mint mark would normally go, this is the only way they should be distinguishable from other coins. Because I know that these coins will have on them the words, “In God We Trust.” I will of course pay the Federal Government the full face value for those coins.
Mr Bill Gates will be required to pay me 60% of his worldly assets, and he will also be required to grant me a 60% share in all his business enterprises. And every other person in the world will be required to pay me a percentage of their wealth according to a standard measure. For the wealthiest individuals the amount will be 60%, and for some the amount will be 30%, but for most of the people in the world the amount will be only 10%. A person of little to no means will not be required to pay a penny, and 10% of very little is very little indeed. And therefore I will become the wealthiest person who has ever lived, I will exceed the accomplishment of Mr Gates and other individuals by miles and miles. Therefore the great competition for worldly goods will be won, and the race must come to an end. Every person will be reduced by the same amount and I will be increased. But the people will also receive services from me of equal value, even though those services may be rendered in the form of advice or an opinion alone. But if Heaven will move my mountains then I will unleash a new order of material abundance in the world. The material assets of the Sol Star System will be reorganized to make them more readily available and accessible to our species. The people will still have to labor to obtain these resources and it may be a perilous undertaking, but i have faith that our technology may overcome any hurdles.
An Introduction to My Blog
It is a very well advertised and popular notion in our world that there is honor and glory to be found on our battlefields. To fight in the defense of a cause such as freedom for example the highest contribution that an individual can make to our world and our communities. But killing is murder; and murder is murder by any other name. It does not actually matter if the victim was a combatant or an innocent bystander, we have seen in our world that even women and very young children can become combatants. There is nothing noble about killing, no matter how high the cause may be. Murder is either completely justifiable in every case, or else it is never justifiable, there is no gray area in-between. This matter is a basic premise of my own faith.
If capital punishment may be justifiable and in the best interest of the community, then perhaps it was also in our interest when someone was killed outside the laws of the land.
The human species now possesses the capacity to destroy the biosphere of planet Earth. We have the ability to make the world nonviable for human habitation. I would like to believe that the species could survive here for billions of years to come, the Sun will certainly shine for that long. Its feasible that the world may continue to support life for billion of more years, even in the face of global climate change. The natural disasters of the Earth have no power to completely wipe out the entire species, short of an impact from space! Personally I believe that if the Earth is not hit by a comet or asteroid in the next 2-300 years then it will never happen. We should eventually have the technology to prevent such an event, its reasonable to think we may be able to accomplish this.
But if we look at our world today, we find that the people are still at war with one another. If the people love war and believe they can get glory from it, then probably our world will continue to suffer wars. And there is no-one to be found in the world today with the power to put a stop to it. There has never been a person in all of our long recorded history who has had the capacity to capture the entire world's attention and persuade the people away from fear and hatred. Jesus came and went in the world, some people called him the “Prince of Peace,” but even so the world is not at peace.
According to one ancient prophecy the children of the Earth will enjoy 1000 years of peace, prior to a resurrection. But its interesting to note that this prophecy describes the Earth of this resurrection as being a world without any oceans. Conceiveably billions of years may have to pass before the Oceans would disappear from our world by any natural causes. And yet some people do believe that these are the end times prior to our day of judgment. Some people have observed the most recent modern events as fulfilling the conditions of a Revelation that John made nearly 2000 years ago. We don't know very much about this John, we do not know if his vision was truly inspired or is just a case of wishful thinking. But this fellow John is not the only person who has predicted a day of judgment for the world, the people want there to be such a thing as real justice and not just the blind justice that we enforce upon one another.
I have a distinct advantage over most people in the world; I happen to know for a fact that there really is a God. Personally I do not believe in an angry and vengeful God, I do not even believe that God is really disappointed with the way things are in our world. Perhaps all human behavior is in some way justifiable, if every factor affecting our lives could be taken into consideration. But if the world must have a judge, then I wonder if God could even do the job!? Perhaps it will be required for one of us to fulfill that role in the world. Judgment is a natural aspect of human nature, everybody exercises judgment every day of their lives. Judgment is a part of the human condition, and some people have more talent in this respect than others. Is it possible that one person will be found in the world who's capacity for judgment is exceptional? In the same sense that a popular fictional character named Johnathan Livingston Seagull achieved excellence in flight, all birds can fly but Johnathan revealed an unexpected capability in training that skill. Johnathan Livingston Seagull was dedicated to the joy of flying all his life. Now we need a man or woman who has been dedicated to judgment, to achieving excellence and revealing a previously unexpected capacity.
Jesus said that faith has the power to move mountains, and perhaps we should have a reason to believe that he meant literal mountains. This man who turned water into wine and supposedly walked upon a troubled sea, why should he have a reason to believe that mountains could actually be moved? Whatever this faith is that Jesus was describing; few people have ever managed to understand it, at best some people have enjoyed a benefit from a fleeting moment of faith. The people who have lived have reported witnessing miraculous things, and i think we have sufficient reason to believe that miraculous things are possible. The Universe that we live in is a strange and wonderful place, it still holds many surprises for us. If the Universe has in store for us to live again on this Earth and to live an immortal life as well, then there will be ample time for penance.
Such ideas as these are the topic of my blog, it is a story about judgment day. I am the author of the story, and it has a beginning but it does not yet have an end. The contents of my blog are incomplete and if you read from the beginning to end it is already a lot of material. If you are interested please visit my private forum, there is a link there to my blogspace and a public access forum for discussion. At rs2-metalsun.com.
Addendum: This topic was posted in a public forum hosted by Acclaim games here...
If capital punishment may be justifiable and in the best interest of the community, then perhaps it was also in our interest when someone was killed outside the laws of the land.
The human species now possesses the capacity to destroy the biosphere of planet Earth. We have the ability to make the world nonviable for human habitation. I would like to believe that the species could survive here for billions of years to come, the Sun will certainly shine for that long. Its feasible that the world may continue to support life for billion of more years, even in the face of global climate change. The natural disasters of the Earth have no power to completely wipe out the entire species, short of an impact from space! Personally I believe that if the Earth is not hit by a comet or asteroid in the next 2-300 years then it will never happen. We should eventually have the technology to prevent such an event, its reasonable to think we may be able to accomplish this.
But if we look at our world today, we find that the people are still at war with one another. If the people love war and believe they can get glory from it, then probably our world will continue to suffer wars. And there is no-one to be found in the world today with the power to put a stop to it. There has never been a person in all of our long recorded history who has had the capacity to capture the entire world's attention and persuade the people away from fear and hatred. Jesus came and went in the world, some people called him the “Prince of Peace,” but even so the world is not at peace.
According to one ancient prophecy the children of the Earth will enjoy 1000 years of peace, prior to a resurrection. But its interesting to note that this prophecy describes the Earth of this resurrection as being a world without any oceans. Conceiveably billions of years may have to pass before the Oceans would disappear from our world by any natural causes. And yet some people do believe that these are the end times prior to our day of judgment. Some people have observed the most recent modern events as fulfilling the conditions of a Revelation that John made nearly 2000 years ago. We don't know very much about this John, we do not know if his vision was truly inspired or is just a case of wishful thinking. But this fellow John is not the only person who has predicted a day of judgment for the world, the people want there to be such a thing as real justice and not just the blind justice that we enforce upon one another.
I have a distinct advantage over most people in the world; I happen to know for a fact that there really is a God. Personally I do not believe in an angry and vengeful God, I do not even believe that God is really disappointed with the way things are in our world. Perhaps all human behavior is in some way justifiable, if every factor affecting our lives could be taken into consideration. But if the world must have a judge, then I wonder if God could even do the job!? Perhaps it will be required for one of us to fulfill that role in the world. Judgment is a natural aspect of human nature, everybody exercises judgment every day of their lives. Judgment is a part of the human condition, and some people have more talent in this respect than others. Is it possible that one person will be found in the world who's capacity for judgment is exceptional? In the same sense that a popular fictional character named Johnathan Livingston Seagull achieved excellence in flight, all birds can fly but Johnathan revealed an unexpected capability in training that skill. Johnathan Livingston Seagull was dedicated to the joy of flying all his life. Now we need a man or woman who has been dedicated to judgment, to achieving excellence and revealing a previously unexpected capacity.
Jesus said that faith has the power to move mountains, and perhaps we should have a reason to believe that he meant literal mountains. This man who turned water into wine and supposedly walked upon a troubled sea, why should he have a reason to believe that mountains could actually be moved? Whatever this faith is that Jesus was describing; few people have ever managed to understand it, at best some people have enjoyed a benefit from a fleeting moment of faith. The people who have lived have reported witnessing miraculous things, and i think we have sufficient reason to believe that miraculous things are possible. The Universe that we live in is a strange and wonderful place, it still holds many surprises for us. If the Universe has in store for us to live again on this Earth and to live an immortal life as well, then there will be ample time for penance.
Such ideas as these are the topic of my blog, it is a story about judgment day. I am the author of the story, and it has a beginning but it does not yet have an end. The contents of my blog are incomplete and if you read from the beginning to end it is already a lot of material. If you are interested please visit my private forum, there is a link there to my blogspace and a public access forum for discussion. At rs2-metalsun.com.
Addendum: This topic was posted in a public forum hosted by Acclaim games here...
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