Tuesday, April 3, 2007

What is Gen?

Gen is one possible english spelling of a chinese word. Alternately the word may be spelled as 'Ken' but the letter e should have a carot over it; unfortunately I do not know how to produce that particular character in this text. Ken also happens to be my actual nickname, it is the name by which I am most commonly known. Ken is also a word in the english language which means, 'breadth of vision' or possibly 'knowledge.'
The chinese word stands for Mountain, of course I am unable to reproduce the chinese character here. But the word Mountain is also the name of a Hexagram in the book of I Ching, it is the name of a Hexagram and one of 8 nuclear tri-grams. This hexagram, according to the translation I have received, represents the idea of 'Standing Still'. It means that a person, while being observant of the goings on in society, offers little to no response or opinion about the things which other people are doing in the world. The Mountain represents a condition of being patient but attentive. And it is perfectly in accord with the philosophy of I Ching that conditions should naturally change, from one thing into something else.

According to one Christian tradition:
"A stone which was cut out without hands and set aside by the builders, became the very cornerstone, and became a mountain which fills up the entire world."

An examination of my life will bear forth proof that I am indeed of that very same stone. A stone which was set aside by the builders and framers of our society as unsuitable material. But how will I become the cornerstone? How will I become the Mountain? If this is possible it remains to be seen.

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