Islam is one nation of people, it is not a nation with national borders and it does not have a body of governors or a standing army. Christianity is another nation of people and in many respects similar to the nation of Islam. And although Judaism is represented by only a very small fraction of the world's population, it too is a kind of nation. Judaism is most recognizable as the nation of Israeli people, whos civilization and traditions are unique in the world. In some respect both Islam and Christianity depend from Judaism.
These three nations are also 3 kings of the beast, as portrayed by a vision of John from Patmos. Very little is known about this particular John I imagine, and I do not care to discuss the nature of visions, whether or not they may be divinely inspired. The Revelation of John is a particularly popular and well known story because it has been included in publications of the Bible. The beast of this vision is identified by having 7 heads and 10 horns upon them, and these horns are in a sense kings or kingdoms of the world. But these kings i believe are not represented by actual individual people, and three of them are named Islam, Christianity and Judiaism. It is in the nature of these 3 horns that they share one common root, and that root is arguably corrupt, that root is Moses.
In fact Moses played an elaborate hoax on the people of Israel, even though he may have been assisted by the agency of Heaven, he was not particularly guided by this agency. Basicly everything that Moses did or said or wrote was according to the judgement of Moses, and he was not informed by a divine source any more than the average human being has been. Now I would acknowledge that Moses was a very well educated person for his time, and if there is a God of desires, who did desire to free the people of Israel from captivity, then probably Moses was the best man for the job. Moses relates an event to us of the burning bush, and for reasons of my own I suspect that may have been an authentic experience. But even though he hears the voice of God direct him to free Israel, in all probability Moses had already been contemplating how to solve this problem on his own long before this event came to pass. In other words it was the judgement and desires of Moses that really mattered, and not the judgement or desires of some Godly being. But for some reason I do not know, Heaven chose to support Moses with signs in order to make it easier for him to sell his own judgement to the people. And I believe that it must be true that Moses was willing to make a personal sacrifice in order to serve the wellfare of Israel, the nation with which he himself identified to belong to.
And I know that all the above assertions about Moses are true because he gave us the evidence against himself by his own words. At a mountain in Sinai the people did gather, and a storm was produced upon the summit of that mountain in order to convince the people that God himself was present there. And Moses went up to consult with this person and then he had much to say about the nature of justice to the Israli people at that time. And everything that Moses said about the nature of justice was perfectly tailored to the customs that the people already practiced, with some refinements. I think that it must be a natural desire for us to receive some form of directions or knowledge from a higher source, to be given understanding is something that we desperately want in some passages of life. And this desperation for guidance that Moses felt produced the 10 Laws or commandments. Naturally we would like to believe that we may recognize right from wrong, and if we can not then someone should tell us. The Jewish people love Laws above all else, they love to argue the fine points of language and meaning. In fact the 10 Laws of Moses were not enough for Israel, I do believe that they have over 200 seperate laws they must abide in order to be pure before God. And if there were not a law to tell us that we are missbehaving, then we would have no idea at all how a God might be pleased with us or disspleased.
But as the story at Mount Sinai goes, the people did produce the golden calf and begin to jubilate before this idol. And according to Moses, God was furious. God was so angry about this situation that he even considered destroying all the people all at once. And somehow, someway, a mere human being was able to talk God down from his anger. One man talked God out of destruction, he controlled God's anger, he persuaded God to change his mind! This is so remarkable that it is beyond the shadow of a doubt a complete fabrication. But Moses who could control God's anger, could not control his own anger. So he descended from the mount, assembled a posse of loyal young warriors and had them mercilessly slaughter 1000 of his own people! Moses who had already by this point become aware of the 10 commandments and particularly the prohibition against murder, became a murderer 1000 times over. And he tells us this story about and angry and violent God in order to justify this act. Moses was clearly an easily angered and vengeful man, so it is not so hard to understand how he might imagine an angry and vengeful God. But in my personal opinion, and from my own personal experiences, I do not believe that such a God truely exists.
And at the end of this long expedition through the wilderness, Moses came to rest. With one broad wave of his arm he declared that the country before the people was their promised land. And clearly he said this thing according to his own jugement and not according to some directions from God. And although it may have been unavoidable by this point in time, it was not a particularly wise decision. It is not possible that God in all wisdom, with a perfect understanding of consequences, would ever promise land to one group of people. It was a decision which would only create division between groups of people to this very day. And what cause should God have to divide us, one nation against another? I believe that Jesus remarked that a house divided is easily conquered, should we believe that God desires conquest of the human species? I think that if all the armies of the world could be combined into one army; and with all the advantages of technology that we have, this would still not make a super-power before the power of Heaven. The one true and most high God has no cause to divide us, division is something that we do choose for ourselves. The basic human being is perfectly capable to create deception in the world, and it requires no blame upon spiritual entities to explain why there is deception in the world.
But the Jewish people want to believe that THEY are circumscribed, they are particularly chosen among people. And what should it mean that one nation of people were chosen above others, naturally they should rule all the other nations of the world. But they are not circumscribed, they are still human beings. They still share common ancestors with the Palestinian people and every other people of the world today. But they do not know those people are their brothers and sisters, they believe that Jacob or Israel is the father of a nation and deny Adam his nation. When Moses waved his arm so long ago and promised the land, they took it by force, it did not matter that there were people already living in the area. And they do the very same thing in the modern age, and they are still practicing the old addage, "an eye for an eye."
If the nation of China said to the USA, "There can be no negotiations between us and there can be no peace, so long as you can not eliminate the crime of murder from among your own people!" Because the people of the USA can not control themselves, because they believe that to kill another person is the way to solving problems, they are a barbarian people. What other nation of the world should respect the national leaders of the USA and honor any negotiations with them? If China said this to the US Government it would be very much the same manner of treatment that the government of Israel shows to the government of Palestine. How much control do the governers actually have over the people that they govern?
But it does not really matter if Israel should exist as a soverign nation. For all the long years of the diaspora and while they have suffered the holocaust, they did never cease to be a nation of people. The Jewish people maintained their seperate identity throught recent history, and kept their own traditions intact. Israel is a nation without borders, it now covers the whole face of the Earth, it exists within every other nation. Just like the nations of Christianity and Islam, these are whole countries without borders.
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