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Monday, April 30, 2007
The Life of Adam
I have said that the Genesis story is mythological in nature, no person such as Adam ever lived, at least not at the time he is said to have lived. But still the story is very important to me. I have enjoyed learning this story and I have enjoyed reading it.
I have taken many hours of enjoyment from imagining what the life of Adam might have been like. I like to place myself in his shoes and ask the question, "What should I do?" What discoveries would I need to discover in order to have a comfortable life, free from all the modern convieniences that we have today? I have imagined that the invention of String or Thread would be high up on my list of basic neccessities. And the knowledge required to make bricks would certainly be handy to have. Aside from the ability to produce fire, it would be a very good thing to recognize the value of charcoal and how to make it. I wonder how long it would take me to figure out that chipping two stones together might form a decent cutting edge. But cutting stone and masonry is an art that I believe would be beyond my patience to develope.
And aside from the need to find food and shelter, you would constantly be burdened with young children. Its hard to imagine enjoying a moment of peace under such circumstances. If I could somehow invent one single luxury, it would simply have to be hot water. Yes I think that access to a hot bath or shower is essential to human comfort.
But if I could be removed from the world bodily and transported away to a pristine world, uninhabited by any kind of intelligent life. If I had such a choice available to me, would I take it?
Of course I must have a wife with me to help populate such a world, I do not enjoy such a relationship at the moment, perhaps one can be made for me :D Of course one must enjoy a long and youthful life in order to begin a whole world like this. I will need all the advantages of a Tree of Life in my world. If I knew that my world would be a recreation of this Earth, if I knew that my own children would suffer all the things that the people of the Earth have suffered. Would I want to be the cause of recreating human history all over again? Should I even try to imagine that I might be able to do something differently, to improve the course of such a history? Perhaps I would be able to impart some lasting wisdom with my children if I made a special effort, that would allow them to avoid some of the more serious problems. Well for all that I have tried, I can't imagine things turning out much differently than they have here on Earth.
The development of agriculture is neccessary and inevitable. The developement of industrialization seems pretty inevitable as well. But of course I should want all my descendents to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, as comfortable as they can possibly make it. I would not want to see large numbers of my children suffering discomfort or dissadvantages. Even while I can imagine some mystical tree of life to keep me alive, I find it very hard to imagine immortality. Nothing in this Universe it seems is made to last forever, and the human body is certainly not created to last for very long. So my children will all have to suffer mortality and I as well eventually.
It is fun and romantic to think that this is exactly how worlds are created, even this Earth. Some person or two people who were the first human beings, were brought here from some other planet perhaps? But I do not believe that this is true. All the different kinds of life that we see here in this world is perfectly native to this world I believe. It all was formed here from a single germ, a single simple organism. And I believe there is plenty of room within a story of evolution for intelligent design to occur.
Now try to imagine that our Adam could be returned to this world. How do you think he would feel about the way things are?
I have taken many hours of enjoyment from imagining what the life of Adam might have been like. I like to place myself in his shoes and ask the question, "What should I do?" What discoveries would I need to discover in order to have a comfortable life, free from all the modern convieniences that we have today? I have imagined that the invention of String or Thread would be high up on my list of basic neccessities. And the knowledge required to make bricks would certainly be handy to have. Aside from the ability to produce fire, it would be a very good thing to recognize the value of charcoal and how to make it. I wonder how long it would take me to figure out that chipping two stones together might form a decent cutting edge. But cutting stone and masonry is an art that I believe would be beyond my patience to develope.
And aside from the need to find food and shelter, you would constantly be burdened with young children. Its hard to imagine enjoying a moment of peace under such circumstances. If I could somehow invent one single luxury, it would simply have to be hot water. Yes I think that access to a hot bath or shower is essential to human comfort.
But if I could be removed from the world bodily and transported away to a pristine world, uninhabited by any kind of intelligent life. If I had such a choice available to me, would I take it?
Of course I must have a wife with me to help populate such a world, I do not enjoy such a relationship at the moment, perhaps one can be made for me :D Of course one must enjoy a long and youthful life in order to begin a whole world like this. I will need all the advantages of a Tree of Life in my world. If I knew that my world would be a recreation of this Earth, if I knew that my own children would suffer all the things that the people of the Earth have suffered. Would I want to be the cause of recreating human history all over again? Should I even try to imagine that I might be able to do something differently, to improve the course of such a history? Perhaps I would be able to impart some lasting wisdom with my children if I made a special effort, that would allow them to avoid some of the more serious problems. Well for all that I have tried, I can't imagine things turning out much differently than they have here on Earth.
The development of agriculture is neccessary and inevitable. The developement of industrialization seems pretty inevitable as well. But of course I should want all my descendents to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, as comfortable as they can possibly make it. I would not want to see large numbers of my children suffering discomfort or dissadvantages. Even while I can imagine some mystical tree of life to keep me alive, I find it very hard to imagine immortality. Nothing in this Universe it seems is made to last forever, and the human body is certainly not created to last for very long. So my children will all have to suffer mortality and I as well eventually.
It is fun and romantic to think that this is exactly how worlds are created, even this Earth. Some person or two people who were the first human beings, were brought here from some other planet perhaps? But I do not believe that this is true. All the different kinds of life that we see here in this world is perfectly native to this world I believe. It all was formed here from a single germ, a single simple organism. And I believe there is plenty of room within a story of evolution for intelligent design to occur.
Now try to imagine that our Adam could be returned to this world. How do you think he would feel about the way things are?
What is Heaven?
Heaven is in no sense of the word a living person. It is not a biological entity, but still it is subject to a certain kind of chemisty. The expanse of Heaven as we do observe it today has become divided into Stars and Planets, and these stars and planets are formed into Galaxies and Solar Systems. And despite the individuation of all things, there is still an underlying unity, there is a single source for all of this stuff!
The stars are considerably massive objects, and wherever matter does accumulate into a single body there also consciousness accumulates. Every star posesses a unique and individual personality, with a mind and awareness. The labor that the stars do perform, create all the heavier elements that we find in the world today. And some of the substance of the Universe is constantly being annihilated and converted into visible light with this process. If we are willing to imagine light as a massless particle moving at very high speeds, we think of the photon. And the vast emptyness of space is absolutely full of these photons moving in currents in every possible direction. And there are numerous other kinds of particles moving though space constantly as well, so that it can in no way be said to be empty. The pressure of light may even produce a force upon the fabric of the vacume. The vacume may be flat or curved in some places, and our currents of light may follow that curvature.
How is it possible that entirely nothing at all may have any properties at all, such as curvature or temperature? It seems to me that the vacume is something. But whatever it is it definately reaches to here! The atoms in our bodies have much space in between them, even if we imagine particles of protons and neutron and electrons. The forces that one atom exerts on another may give a substance of atoms some rigidity and resistance to seperation. But the vacume still exists inbetween all these particles, it even reaches to the Earth's core.
And so I say that a star is a kind of person with a unique personality, and therefore Heaven is populated with many persons. We do not need to look to the stars to see that Heaven is populated by many persons, we can look at one another and see that this is true. So Heaven is not just an individual person but also a community of people. There are many different kinds of stars in Heaven and the thing which distinguishes them the most from one another is the amount of Mass. But also the elements present in the body of the star affect it's chemistry. We understand the lives of stars very well, we can predict their life cycles. And even though it is true that a star may eventually cease to shine with visible light, there will generally always be something left over. So that once a star has manifested as an individual it may never entirely pass away from manisfestation. The stars have a truely immense lifespan compared to a single human lifespan, even when compared to the lifespan of the human species as a whole.
If natural events are allowed to follow thier course, then it is neccessary that our Earth will one day become a barren world. It will no longer support life as we recognize it. Even so it might be possible that the human species can outlive the viability of planet Earth, but it looks very unlikely. But if Heaven has a muscle, and the volition to move that muscle then the lifetime of our star Sol may be extended indefinately. And the viability of the Earth may also be sustained indefinately, allowing the Human species to survive here forever.
But this is the main reason that we do not recognize Heaven as a person, we see little to no evidence for volition of any kind. In addition to this, there is no recognizable form of communication between ourselves and this person. The ability to communicate with us is the main ingredient for personhood in the world. But should our sun for example even have a desire to communicate with us? We certainly do not observe the sun doing anything that it should not naturally be doing. How can we ever know for certain that there is a personality associated with our sun or with our planet Earth for that matter? How can we ever know that there is a personality associated with the Universe at large? You may think that I am just making wild guesses and assumptions here but I do believe that I've seen enough evidence for myself.
If you want to call it the action of divinity or miracles, if we are paying attention there is evidence. So I think that it is true that Heaven is paying attention to us here on Earth, Heaven is aware of us. Perhaps even Heaven is concerned about us here. According to the beliefs of some people, Heaven does honor those people who place a concern for others above a concern for themselves. And as Moses was concerned for the welfare of one nation, I am also concerned for the welfare of all nations. The general populations of the world today are being held in captivity but there is no promised land to deliver them to.
But this is Heaven, right here and right now. If it can be a place at all then it must be this place. If there is an Eternal Kingdom, then it must exist at this moment and it must have always existed, otherwise it could in no way be described as Eternal. And if the Eternal Kingdom does exist, but it does not exist here, then it must in some way be limited. Heaven is not some mystical region seperate from manifestation that spirits depart to after life, it is the place that we come to when we are born here on Earth. Manifestation is everything that matters and there is no existence apart from manifestation.
The stars are considerably massive objects, and wherever matter does accumulate into a single body there also consciousness accumulates. Every star posesses a unique and individual personality, with a mind and awareness. The labor that the stars do perform, create all the heavier elements that we find in the world today. And some of the substance of the Universe is constantly being annihilated and converted into visible light with this process. If we are willing to imagine light as a massless particle moving at very high speeds, we think of the photon. And the vast emptyness of space is absolutely full of these photons moving in currents in every possible direction. And there are numerous other kinds of particles moving though space constantly as well, so that it can in no way be said to be empty. The pressure of light may even produce a force upon the fabric of the vacume. The vacume may be flat or curved in some places, and our currents of light may follow that curvature.
How is it possible that entirely nothing at all may have any properties at all, such as curvature or temperature? It seems to me that the vacume is something. But whatever it is it definately reaches to here! The atoms in our bodies have much space in between them, even if we imagine particles of protons and neutron and electrons. The forces that one atom exerts on another may give a substance of atoms some rigidity and resistance to seperation. But the vacume still exists inbetween all these particles, it even reaches to the Earth's core.
And so I say that a star is a kind of person with a unique personality, and therefore Heaven is populated with many persons. We do not need to look to the stars to see that Heaven is populated by many persons, we can look at one another and see that this is true. So Heaven is not just an individual person but also a community of people. There are many different kinds of stars in Heaven and the thing which distinguishes them the most from one another is the amount of Mass. But also the elements present in the body of the star affect it's chemistry. We understand the lives of stars very well, we can predict their life cycles. And even though it is true that a star may eventually cease to shine with visible light, there will generally always be something left over. So that once a star has manifested as an individual it may never entirely pass away from manisfestation. The stars have a truely immense lifespan compared to a single human lifespan, even when compared to the lifespan of the human species as a whole.
If natural events are allowed to follow thier course, then it is neccessary that our Earth will one day become a barren world. It will no longer support life as we recognize it. Even so it might be possible that the human species can outlive the viability of planet Earth, but it looks very unlikely. But if Heaven has a muscle, and the volition to move that muscle then the lifetime of our star Sol may be extended indefinately. And the viability of the Earth may also be sustained indefinately, allowing the Human species to survive here forever.
But this is the main reason that we do not recognize Heaven as a person, we see little to no evidence for volition of any kind. In addition to this, there is no recognizable form of communication between ourselves and this person. The ability to communicate with us is the main ingredient for personhood in the world. But should our sun for example even have a desire to communicate with us? We certainly do not observe the sun doing anything that it should not naturally be doing. How can we ever know for certain that there is a personality associated with our sun or with our planet Earth for that matter? How can we ever know that there is a personality associated with the Universe at large? You may think that I am just making wild guesses and assumptions here but I do believe that I've seen enough evidence for myself.
If you want to call it the action of divinity or miracles, if we are paying attention there is evidence. So I think that it is true that Heaven is paying attention to us here on Earth, Heaven is aware of us. Perhaps even Heaven is concerned about us here. According to the beliefs of some people, Heaven does honor those people who place a concern for others above a concern for themselves. And as Moses was concerned for the welfare of one nation, I am also concerned for the welfare of all nations. The general populations of the world today are being held in captivity but there is no promised land to deliver them to.
But this is Heaven, right here and right now. If it can be a place at all then it must be this place. If there is an Eternal Kingdom, then it must exist at this moment and it must have always existed, otherwise it could in no way be described as Eternal. And if the Eternal Kingdom does exist, but it does not exist here, then it must in some way be limited. Heaven is not some mystical region seperate from manifestation that spirits depart to after life, it is the place that we come to when we are born here on Earth. Manifestation is everything that matters and there is no existence apart from manifestation.
For The Sake of Purity
The Jewish people do observe, according to thier own traditions, that some degree of seperation does exist between God and Man. Man has fallen from a condition of grace when he could have enjoyed being in God's presence. I have heard some Kabbalist teachings that it is in human nature to be filled with desires, and it is abundance which is the nature of God. The human being is a source of unlimited desires which can in no way be fulfilled without God's abundance. And if the one true and most high God is a God of unlimited abundance, how can there be a desire found within such a God?
But this very God did desire to give us laws to live by. This God has desired for a man to prove his obedience to him. Is this the same God of Jesus who could know what is in a man's heart? The God who desires proof of obedience does not truely exist, but it is still within the mind of men to imagine such a God. We have observed a parent to murder their own children and then proclaim that God did tell them to do this thing! And what does the community think about such excuses these days? If God did ever command one person to take another person's life then I suppose that Justice has been done no matter how we might feel about it. But the one true and most high God has never given such a command. The one true God has no desire to give us Laws or rules to live by.
But somehow we must become pure in order to return to God's presence, according to Jewish traditions. This is the main purpose which the temple in Jerusalem did serve, if a person was guilty of transgressing a law they could make an offering at the temple and become purified. Moses taught the Israeli people to make a burnt offering of flesh, the amount of livestock that a person held was very much in the nature of wealth among people in those days. So the carcuses of cattle were burt to ash upon an altar within the temple, and blood was sprinkled round the holy of holy places. And then this ash was prepared with some herbs or spices into a forumla which could then be sprinkled upon the bodies of the unpure supplicant and thereby render them pure.
But the whole idea of purity is a terrible fallacy which the people have embraced for far too long. The true value of a thing is in it's impurity, without impurity our kind of life here on Earth would not even be possible. The elements required to make up the human body are numerous and have different qualities; they are not all one and the same pure element. It is not possible for us to be pure and also exist as living persons at the same time. The things that we value the most in our world, the things that we have formed from the substance of the Earth, benefit from impurity. The function of a transistor within our computer systems depends on impurities; impurity is far more functional than purity. Purity has hardly any properties at all, and for the most part does not even exist within the real world. It is nigh on impossible for us to produce purity by any force or technology available to us. But of course I am talking about material things, I am talking about manifestation, substance. Perhaps there is a spirit apart from manifestation which may enjoy a condition of purity even if it is associated closely with impure manifestation?
I want to inform you of a new theory on the nature of our Universe. And this theory says that, "Consciousness," is a force of nature. Consciousness is a force which is present in every corner of the Universe in much the same way that gravity is an everpresent force. Consciousness is a force which interacts with all matter AND the vacume. Here on Earth we may observe the force of consciousness at work, we may observe that it does indeed interact with matter. We observe that living things do exercise some volition, we are in motion relative to all the other matter of the Universe, and we make choices about how to move. But truely we have no device that can measure consciousness directly as a force, so few people have argued successfully that it is one of the forces of nature. But as a force, "Consciousness," exists from the very begining and it does not depend on the existence of living things to be a force. Living entities depend upon consciousness which gives birth to the mind and the personality.
We know that theoretically there may be multiple Univereses in creation, in fact I do believe that its true. One Universe may exist which will never interact physically with our own, even though both may be expanding endlessly. Some people have even imagined another Universe to be exactly like our own but different in one minor detail. But it should be of no consequence to us if such other universes did exist. What lies between all of these possible universes is the source of all consciousness. So that the force of consciousness pre-exists even the creation of our Universe. And that source is the one true and most high God, even if it does not exist as a type of person. We are familure here on Earth with many different kinds of personalities, but we should not believe that God also exists as a personality like we do. And the force of consciousness is present here all around us, over every square inche of the surface of the Earth, and throughout every cubic centimeter of its mass. There is no seperation between us and God, we depend on God to exist as individual persons, always and forever. It is not possible for us to foresake consciousness itself and continue to exist as a personality.
To the best of my own personal knowledge it is not possible for God to become manifest within this Universe. But the Universe itself is a manfest thing, it is full of substance and an expansive vacume. The Universe itself may be a kind of person with a personality because the force of consciousness is interacting with it throughout. If you want to imagine God as a kind of person, then Heaven would be that person. And I say that Heaven is just a more personal name for this Universe according to ancient traditions.
So I say it would never be possible for us to obtain purity. There is no seperation between ourselves and God. And if you want to know God as a person then you'll have to get to know Heaven.
But this very God did desire to give us laws to live by. This God has desired for a man to prove his obedience to him. Is this the same God of Jesus who could know what is in a man's heart? The God who desires proof of obedience does not truely exist, but it is still within the mind of men to imagine such a God. We have observed a parent to murder their own children and then proclaim that God did tell them to do this thing! And what does the community think about such excuses these days? If God did ever command one person to take another person's life then I suppose that Justice has been done no matter how we might feel about it. But the one true and most high God has never given such a command. The one true God has no desire to give us Laws or rules to live by.
But somehow we must become pure in order to return to God's presence, according to Jewish traditions. This is the main purpose which the temple in Jerusalem did serve, if a person was guilty of transgressing a law they could make an offering at the temple and become purified. Moses taught the Israeli people to make a burnt offering of flesh, the amount of livestock that a person held was very much in the nature of wealth among people in those days. So the carcuses of cattle were burt to ash upon an altar within the temple, and blood was sprinkled round the holy of holy places. And then this ash was prepared with some herbs or spices into a forumla which could then be sprinkled upon the bodies of the unpure supplicant and thereby render them pure.
But the whole idea of purity is a terrible fallacy which the people have embraced for far too long. The true value of a thing is in it's impurity, without impurity our kind of life here on Earth would not even be possible. The elements required to make up the human body are numerous and have different qualities; they are not all one and the same pure element. It is not possible for us to be pure and also exist as living persons at the same time. The things that we value the most in our world, the things that we have formed from the substance of the Earth, benefit from impurity. The function of a transistor within our computer systems depends on impurities; impurity is far more functional than purity. Purity has hardly any properties at all, and for the most part does not even exist within the real world. It is nigh on impossible for us to produce purity by any force or technology available to us. But of course I am talking about material things, I am talking about manifestation, substance. Perhaps there is a spirit apart from manifestation which may enjoy a condition of purity even if it is associated closely with impure manifestation?
I want to inform you of a new theory on the nature of our Universe. And this theory says that, "Consciousness," is a force of nature. Consciousness is a force which is present in every corner of the Universe in much the same way that gravity is an everpresent force. Consciousness is a force which interacts with all matter AND the vacume. Here on Earth we may observe the force of consciousness at work, we may observe that it does indeed interact with matter. We observe that living things do exercise some volition, we are in motion relative to all the other matter of the Universe, and we make choices about how to move. But truely we have no device that can measure consciousness directly as a force, so few people have argued successfully that it is one of the forces of nature. But as a force, "Consciousness," exists from the very begining and it does not depend on the existence of living things to be a force. Living entities depend upon consciousness which gives birth to the mind and the personality.
We know that theoretically there may be multiple Univereses in creation, in fact I do believe that its true. One Universe may exist which will never interact physically with our own, even though both may be expanding endlessly. Some people have even imagined another Universe to be exactly like our own but different in one minor detail. But it should be of no consequence to us if such other universes did exist. What lies between all of these possible universes is the source of all consciousness. So that the force of consciousness pre-exists even the creation of our Universe. And that source is the one true and most high God, even if it does not exist as a type of person. We are familure here on Earth with many different kinds of personalities, but we should not believe that God also exists as a personality like we do. And the force of consciousness is present here all around us, over every square inche of the surface of the Earth, and throughout every cubic centimeter of its mass. There is no seperation between us and God, we depend on God to exist as individual persons, always and forever. It is not possible for us to foresake consciousness itself and continue to exist as a personality.
To the best of my own personal knowledge it is not possible for God to become manifest within this Universe. But the Universe itself is a manfest thing, it is full of substance and an expansive vacume. The Universe itself may be a kind of person with a personality because the force of consciousness is interacting with it throughout. If you want to imagine God as a kind of person, then Heaven would be that person. And I say that Heaven is just a more personal name for this Universe according to ancient traditions.
So I say it would never be possible for us to obtain purity. There is no seperation between ourselves and God. And if you want to know God as a person then you'll have to get to know Heaven.
Moses Is The Root
Islam is one nation of people, it is not a nation with national borders and it does not have a body of governors or a standing army. Christianity is another nation of people and in many respects similar to the nation of Islam. And although Judaism is represented by only a very small fraction of the world's population, it too is a kind of nation. Judaism is most recognizable as the nation of Israeli people, whos civilization and traditions are unique in the world. In some respect both Islam and Christianity depend from Judaism.
These three nations are also 3 kings of the beast, as portrayed by a vision of John from Patmos. Very little is known about this particular John I imagine, and I do not care to discuss the nature of visions, whether or not they may be divinely inspired. The Revelation of John is a particularly popular and well known story because it has been included in publications of the Bible. The beast of this vision is identified by having 7 heads and 10 horns upon them, and these horns are in a sense kings or kingdoms of the world. But these kings i believe are not represented by actual individual people, and three of them are named Islam, Christianity and Judiaism. It is in the nature of these 3 horns that they share one common root, and that root is arguably corrupt, that root is Moses.
In fact Moses played an elaborate hoax on the people of Israel, even though he may have been assisted by the agency of Heaven, he was not particularly guided by this agency. Basicly everything that Moses did or said or wrote was according to the judgement of Moses, and he was not informed by a divine source any more than the average human being has been. Now I would acknowledge that Moses was a very well educated person for his time, and if there is a God of desires, who did desire to free the people of Israel from captivity, then probably Moses was the best man for the job. Moses relates an event to us of the burning bush, and for reasons of my own I suspect that may have been an authentic experience. But even though he hears the voice of God direct him to free Israel, in all probability Moses had already been contemplating how to solve this problem on his own long before this event came to pass. In other words it was the judgement and desires of Moses that really mattered, and not the judgement or desires of some Godly being. But for some reason I do not know, Heaven chose to support Moses with signs in order to make it easier for him to sell his own judgement to the people. And I believe that it must be true that Moses was willing to make a personal sacrifice in order to serve the wellfare of Israel, the nation with which he himself identified to belong to.
And I know that all the above assertions about Moses are true because he gave us the evidence against himself by his own words. At a mountain in Sinai the people did gather, and a storm was produced upon the summit of that mountain in order to convince the people that God himself was present there. And Moses went up to consult with this person and then he had much to say about the nature of justice to the Israli people at that time. And everything that Moses said about the nature of justice was perfectly tailored to the customs that the people already practiced, with some refinements. I think that it must be a natural desire for us to receive some form of directions or knowledge from a higher source, to be given understanding is something that we desperately want in some passages of life. And this desperation for guidance that Moses felt produced the 10 Laws or commandments. Naturally we would like to believe that we may recognize right from wrong, and if we can not then someone should tell us. The Jewish people love Laws above all else, they love to argue the fine points of language and meaning. In fact the 10 Laws of Moses were not enough for Israel, I do believe that they have over 200 seperate laws they must abide in order to be pure before God. And if there were not a law to tell us that we are missbehaving, then we would have no idea at all how a God might be pleased with us or disspleased.
But as the story at Mount Sinai goes, the people did produce the golden calf and begin to jubilate before this idol. And according to Moses, God was furious. God was so angry about this situation that he even considered destroying all the people all at once. And somehow, someway, a mere human being was able to talk God down from his anger. One man talked God out of destruction, he controlled God's anger, he persuaded God to change his mind! This is so remarkable that it is beyond the shadow of a doubt a complete fabrication. But Moses who could control God's anger, could not control his own anger. So he descended from the mount, assembled a posse of loyal young warriors and had them mercilessly slaughter 1000 of his own people! Moses who had already by this point become aware of the 10 commandments and particularly the prohibition against murder, became a murderer 1000 times over. And he tells us this story about and angry and violent God in order to justify this act. Moses was clearly an easily angered and vengeful man, so it is not so hard to understand how he might imagine an angry and vengeful God. But in my personal opinion, and from my own personal experiences, I do not believe that such a God truely exists.
And at the end of this long expedition through the wilderness, Moses came to rest. With one broad wave of his arm he declared that the country before the people was their promised land. And clearly he said this thing according to his own jugement and not according to some directions from God. And although it may have been unavoidable by this point in time, it was not a particularly wise decision. It is not possible that God in all wisdom, with a perfect understanding of consequences, would ever promise land to one group of people. It was a decision which would only create division between groups of people to this very day. And what cause should God have to divide us, one nation against another? I believe that Jesus remarked that a house divided is easily conquered, should we believe that God desires conquest of the human species? I think that if all the armies of the world could be combined into one army; and with all the advantages of technology that we have, this would still not make a super-power before the power of Heaven. The one true and most high God has no cause to divide us, division is something that we do choose for ourselves. The basic human being is perfectly capable to create deception in the world, and it requires no blame upon spiritual entities to explain why there is deception in the world.
But the Jewish people want to believe that THEY are circumscribed, they are particularly chosen among people. And what should it mean that one nation of people were chosen above others, naturally they should rule all the other nations of the world. But they are not circumscribed, they are still human beings. They still share common ancestors with the Palestinian people and every other people of the world today. But they do not know those people are their brothers and sisters, they believe that Jacob or Israel is the father of a nation and deny Adam his nation. When Moses waved his arm so long ago and promised the land, they took it by force, it did not matter that there were people already living in the area. And they do the very same thing in the modern age, and they are still practicing the old addage, "an eye for an eye."
If the nation of China said to the USA, "There can be no negotiations between us and there can be no peace, so long as you can not eliminate the crime of murder from among your own people!" Because the people of the USA can not control themselves, because they believe that to kill another person is the way to solving problems, they are a barbarian people. What other nation of the world should respect the national leaders of the USA and honor any negotiations with them? If China said this to the US Government it would be very much the same manner of treatment that the government of Israel shows to the government of Palestine. How much control do the governers actually have over the people that they govern?
But it does not really matter if Israel should exist as a soverign nation. For all the long years of the diaspora and while they have suffered the holocaust, they did never cease to be a nation of people. The Jewish people maintained their seperate identity throught recent history, and kept their own traditions intact. Israel is a nation without borders, it now covers the whole face of the Earth, it exists within every other nation. Just like the nations of Christianity and Islam, these are whole countries without borders.
These three nations are also 3 kings of the beast, as portrayed by a vision of John from Patmos. Very little is known about this particular John I imagine, and I do not care to discuss the nature of visions, whether or not they may be divinely inspired. The Revelation of John is a particularly popular and well known story because it has been included in publications of the Bible. The beast of this vision is identified by having 7 heads and 10 horns upon them, and these horns are in a sense kings or kingdoms of the world. But these kings i believe are not represented by actual individual people, and three of them are named Islam, Christianity and Judiaism. It is in the nature of these 3 horns that they share one common root, and that root is arguably corrupt, that root is Moses.
In fact Moses played an elaborate hoax on the people of Israel, even though he may have been assisted by the agency of Heaven, he was not particularly guided by this agency. Basicly everything that Moses did or said or wrote was according to the judgement of Moses, and he was not informed by a divine source any more than the average human being has been. Now I would acknowledge that Moses was a very well educated person for his time, and if there is a God of desires, who did desire to free the people of Israel from captivity, then probably Moses was the best man for the job. Moses relates an event to us of the burning bush, and for reasons of my own I suspect that may have been an authentic experience. But even though he hears the voice of God direct him to free Israel, in all probability Moses had already been contemplating how to solve this problem on his own long before this event came to pass. In other words it was the judgement and desires of Moses that really mattered, and not the judgement or desires of some Godly being. But for some reason I do not know, Heaven chose to support Moses with signs in order to make it easier for him to sell his own judgement to the people. And I believe that it must be true that Moses was willing to make a personal sacrifice in order to serve the wellfare of Israel, the nation with which he himself identified to belong to.
And I know that all the above assertions about Moses are true because he gave us the evidence against himself by his own words. At a mountain in Sinai the people did gather, and a storm was produced upon the summit of that mountain in order to convince the people that God himself was present there. And Moses went up to consult with this person and then he had much to say about the nature of justice to the Israli people at that time. And everything that Moses said about the nature of justice was perfectly tailored to the customs that the people already practiced, with some refinements. I think that it must be a natural desire for us to receive some form of directions or knowledge from a higher source, to be given understanding is something that we desperately want in some passages of life. And this desperation for guidance that Moses felt produced the 10 Laws or commandments. Naturally we would like to believe that we may recognize right from wrong, and if we can not then someone should tell us. The Jewish people love Laws above all else, they love to argue the fine points of language and meaning. In fact the 10 Laws of Moses were not enough for Israel, I do believe that they have over 200 seperate laws they must abide in order to be pure before God. And if there were not a law to tell us that we are missbehaving, then we would have no idea at all how a God might be pleased with us or disspleased.
But as the story at Mount Sinai goes, the people did produce the golden calf and begin to jubilate before this idol. And according to Moses, God was furious. God was so angry about this situation that he even considered destroying all the people all at once. And somehow, someway, a mere human being was able to talk God down from his anger. One man talked God out of destruction, he controlled God's anger, he persuaded God to change his mind! This is so remarkable that it is beyond the shadow of a doubt a complete fabrication. But Moses who could control God's anger, could not control his own anger. So he descended from the mount, assembled a posse of loyal young warriors and had them mercilessly slaughter 1000 of his own people! Moses who had already by this point become aware of the 10 commandments and particularly the prohibition against murder, became a murderer 1000 times over. And he tells us this story about and angry and violent God in order to justify this act. Moses was clearly an easily angered and vengeful man, so it is not so hard to understand how he might imagine an angry and vengeful God. But in my personal opinion, and from my own personal experiences, I do not believe that such a God truely exists.
And at the end of this long expedition through the wilderness, Moses came to rest. With one broad wave of his arm he declared that the country before the people was their promised land. And clearly he said this thing according to his own jugement and not according to some directions from God. And although it may have been unavoidable by this point in time, it was not a particularly wise decision. It is not possible that God in all wisdom, with a perfect understanding of consequences, would ever promise land to one group of people. It was a decision which would only create division between groups of people to this very day. And what cause should God have to divide us, one nation against another? I believe that Jesus remarked that a house divided is easily conquered, should we believe that God desires conquest of the human species? I think that if all the armies of the world could be combined into one army; and with all the advantages of technology that we have, this would still not make a super-power before the power of Heaven. The one true and most high God has no cause to divide us, division is something that we do choose for ourselves. The basic human being is perfectly capable to create deception in the world, and it requires no blame upon spiritual entities to explain why there is deception in the world.
But the Jewish people want to believe that THEY are circumscribed, they are particularly chosen among people. And what should it mean that one nation of people were chosen above others, naturally they should rule all the other nations of the world. But they are not circumscribed, they are still human beings. They still share common ancestors with the Palestinian people and every other people of the world today. But they do not know those people are their brothers and sisters, they believe that Jacob or Israel is the father of a nation and deny Adam his nation. When Moses waved his arm so long ago and promised the land, they took it by force, it did not matter that there were people already living in the area. And they do the very same thing in the modern age, and they are still practicing the old addage, "an eye for an eye."
If the nation of China said to the USA, "There can be no negotiations between us and there can be no peace, so long as you can not eliminate the crime of murder from among your own people!" Because the people of the USA can not control themselves, because they believe that to kill another person is the way to solving problems, they are a barbarian people. What other nation of the world should respect the national leaders of the USA and honor any negotiations with them? If China said this to the US Government it would be very much the same manner of treatment that the government of Israel shows to the government of Palestine. How much control do the governers actually have over the people that they govern?
But it does not really matter if Israel should exist as a soverign nation. For all the long years of the diaspora and while they have suffered the holocaust, they did never cease to be a nation of people. The Jewish people maintained their seperate identity throught recent history, and kept their own traditions intact. Israel is a nation without borders, it now covers the whole face of the Earth, it exists within every other nation. Just like the nations of Christianity and Islam, these are whole countries without borders.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
We are companions - You and I
We are companions in the eternal kingdom now and forever. This much can be said between us, and between yourself and every other human being who now lives or has ever lived. You were born here on planet Earth and therefor you have become entangled in the trap of humanity. The possibility of seperation does not exist. Everything that serves to divide us must eventually pass away.
You are a single individual among 14 billion or so who have ever lived, and you are important too. But you are no more or less important than any other living person. In as much as we have imagined ourselves and others on some sliding scale of importance, we have practiced self-deception. This form of deception favors some people in a competitive world. And we have created heiarchies within our societies, heiarchies are a very effective way to organize a group effort. And there are many many things that we do like to accomplish in the world which can not be completed by a single individual. Even though our technology has made it possible for one individual to accomplish much more today than has ever been possible in the past. We have wrought many good tools in the world, and understand many of the basic principles of creation.
Do we honestly believe that we are all equals? Some people are more intelligent and some less, there is one cause of inequality. Some have better means available to them, there is one cause of inequality. Some are better educated, some are better employed. One man provides a service that many people have a demand for, therefor the person most in demand is more important?
The most disadvantaged person in the world, is also one of THE MOST important individuals. Because by this measuring stick we can disceren how successful we are as a species. But if you still want to view importance on a sliding scale, then I would like to introduce you to one of the oldest living things on the planet.
And that thing is 'Dirt!"
Dirt is a certain kind of living thing, there is myriad kinds of life in it, but it is as one body with many living cells. Dirt was born on planet Earth a very long time ago, and it has survived the rise and fall of many different species. In some places where dirt has died, it has become nothing but desert. But wherever the life of dirt does flourish, other kinds of life do flourish as well. Without the life of dirt, plant life would be impossible and all kinds of animal life on the land would also be impossible, including your own life. Your life does depend from the life of dirt, its life does not depend from yours, it does not even depend on animal life in general to exist.
If you want to place living things on a sliding scale of importance, the life of DIRT is immeasurably more important than your own individual life. Just to be sure you understand, "you are less important than dirt."
Now returning to the topic of divorce or seperation, its not at all a possibility for us any more. For all the crimes that have ever been commited we share a certain responsibility, and there are many. And for all the great accomplishments of our ancestors we should rightfully feel some pride, and there are many. It really doesn't matter if you are a firm believer in Genesis or Evolution, both stories draw to the same conclusion. We all share some common ancestors, we are all one family here. You and I have blood ties with every other human being on the planet. There are not many different races and nations of people here but only one race, the matter should have been sufficiently proven by now that we will all be forced to accept it. But there are still some people in this world who choose not to believe this thing, and this can only serve the cause of hatred.
You are a single individual among 14 billion or so who have ever lived, and you are important too. But you are no more or less important than any other living person. In as much as we have imagined ourselves and others on some sliding scale of importance, we have practiced self-deception. This form of deception favors some people in a competitive world. And we have created heiarchies within our societies, heiarchies are a very effective way to organize a group effort. And there are many many things that we do like to accomplish in the world which can not be completed by a single individual. Even though our technology has made it possible for one individual to accomplish much more today than has ever been possible in the past. We have wrought many good tools in the world, and understand many of the basic principles of creation.
Do we honestly believe that we are all equals? Some people are more intelligent and some less, there is one cause of inequality. Some have better means available to them, there is one cause of inequality. Some are better educated, some are better employed. One man provides a service that many people have a demand for, therefor the person most in demand is more important?
The most disadvantaged person in the world, is also one of THE MOST important individuals. Because by this measuring stick we can disceren how successful we are as a species. But if you still want to view importance on a sliding scale, then I would like to introduce you to one of the oldest living things on the planet.
And that thing is 'Dirt!"
Dirt is a certain kind of living thing, there is myriad kinds of life in it, but it is as one body with many living cells. Dirt was born on planet Earth a very long time ago, and it has survived the rise and fall of many different species. In some places where dirt has died, it has become nothing but desert. But wherever the life of dirt does flourish, other kinds of life do flourish as well. Without the life of dirt, plant life would be impossible and all kinds of animal life on the land would also be impossible, including your own life. Your life does depend from the life of dirt, its life does not depend from yours, it does not even depend on animal life in general to exist.
If you want to place living things on a sliding scale of importance, the life of DIRT is immeasurably more important than your own individual life. Just to be sure you understand, "you are less important than dirt."
Now returning to the topic of divorce or seperation, its not at all a possibility for us any more. For all the crimes that have ever been commited we share a certain responsibility, and there are many. And for all the great accomplishments of our ancestors we should rightfully feel some pride, and there are many. It really doesn't matter if you are a firm believer in Genesis or Evolution, both stories draw to the same conclusion. We all share some common ancestors, we are all one family here. You and I have blood ties with every other human being on the planet. There are not many different races and nations of people here but only one race, the matter should have been sufficiently proven by now that we will all be forced to accept it. But there are still some people in this world who choose not to believe this thing, and this can only serve the cause of hatred.
The Human Soul
Every personality is unique, and identified by a collection of experiences or memories. Our patterns of thought are one kind of experience and our feelings or emotions are another kind of experience.
It is possible for the mind of one person to contain inconsistencies of rationality, we may have two different kinds of beliefs which should be mutually exclusive. We may be only half commited to a certain belief, it influences some of our decision making but not all of it. If a person is diligent for the sake of wisdom then they will make an effort to find these inconsistencies in themselves. And beyond that we should notice that our thoughts follow how we are feeling at any given moment. And feelings are largely chemical in nature, and it is not just the brain's chemistry but that of the whole body. For to think that the brain is something entirely seperate from the rest of the body would be an error of judgement. But it would also seem that our thoughts have some influence over our feelings, some thoughts or memories may trigger certain feelings. But feelings are largely subject to conditioning and there is much in our societies that teaches us how we should feel about certain things. And some of our emotional response is just in the nature of being a certain kind of animal, a biological entity, it seems to be programmed into our genes.
-----------------[rant begins]--------------------------------
Now I am certain that our world is facing numerous kinds of crisis in the near future, and I fear that our amazing intelligence alone will not be enough to ensure the survival of the human species. The survival of the species requires our emotional maturity as well as intelligence. And I believe that the world does harm many good people in terms of developing that maturity. The general populations of the world are suffering from certain kinds of insanity, and to a large degree the people have been taught insanity.
For example its a commonly held belief that to take a human life may be justifiable and in the common interest of the community. And if this were true then I suppose its perfectly rational to assume that any kind of murder might be justifiable. Capital punishment and incarceration are meant to deter criminal behaviour, but obviously it will never be a cure for the causes of that behaviour. And the courts in the United States want to put sanity to the test according to a legal definition, but it seems clear to me that all cases of murder are also cases of insanity.
--------------------[rant ends]----------------------------
Now medical science has been trying to answer the question, "where are the memories stored?" for a long time. We are pretty sure it has something to do with the brain. If a single neuron cell of the human brain were stimulated, then many other neurons may subsequently be stimulated as well. And this electro-chemical process of neron cells firing developes into a pattern. One particular pattern may produce a memory, but is the information stored in this pattern or somehow in the cells themselves? Clearly it is in the agency of the human brain to create memories and to retrieve them. But the memories themselves are stored within the fabric of the vacume itself, so called empty space. The vacume extends everywhere, it is inside of your body and it extends to the Earth's core. The part of your physical volume in space which is substance is small compared to the amount of emptyness. And that vacume is expanding here around us as much as it has been observed that the Universe itself is expanding, it is expanding everywhere. That part of the Universe that we observe as empty space is not entirely empty and it is not entirely nothing at all.
In fact the Universe contains a complete memory of itself, which includes your own personal memories. Even though your body may eventually dissolve into so much dust and gas, your personal memories have been indelably inscribed upon the fabric of this Universe. And the content of this memory is NOT just what you had yesterday morning for breakfast, or what you were thinking about last Tuesday. It is complete in every last detail, things that you could never have been aware of, like the disposition of every molecule of substance in your body. And these memories are the whole content of the everlasting human soul, the soul and the animating spirit are not the same thing.
And now i have offered my view on what is the nature of the human soul. And I would like to add that this soul (or your personal memories) is not the same thing as personal property. The human soul is not an intellectual property that you may exercise rights to. You may not exclude one person or another from viewing the contents of that soul, but to whomever Heaven so chooses it may be revealed, for those memories are the property of this Heaven. And as I have already stated, Heaven itself is a certain kind of person, complete with memories.
Therefore I tell you that you have no secrets that will stand the test of time; and if you have ventured in this life to get personal gain from keeping secrets, the tale will eventually be told.
It is possible for the mind of one person to contain inconsistencies of rationality, we may have two different kinds of beliefs which should be mutually exclusive. We may be only half commited to a certain belief, it influences some of our decision making but not all of it. If a person is diligent for the sake of wisdom then they will make an effort to find these inconsistencies in themselves. And beyond that we should notice that our thoughts follow how we are feeling at any given moment. And feelings are largely chemical in nature, and it is not just the brain's chemistry but that of the whole body. For to think that the brain is something entirely seperate from the rest of the body would be an error of judgement. But it would also seem that our thoughts have some influence over our feelings, some thoughts or memories may trigger certain feelings. But feelings are largely subject to conditioning and there is much in our societies that teaches us how we should feel about certain things. And some of our emotional response is just in the nature of being a certain kind of animal, a biological entity, it seems to be programmed into our genes.
-----------------[rant begins]--------------------------------
Now I am certain that our world is facing numerous kinds of crisis in the near future, and I fear that our amazing intelligence alone will not be enough to ensure the survival of the human species. The survival of the species requires our emotional maturity as well as intelligence. And I believe that the world does harm many good people in terms of developing that maturity. The general populations of the world are suffering from certain kinds of insanity, and to a large degree the people have been taught insanity.
For example its a commonly held belief that to take a human life may be justifiable and in the common interest of the community. And if this were true then I suppose its perfectly rational to assume that any kind of murder might be justifiable. Capital punishment and incarceration are meant to deter criminal behaviour, but obviously it will never be a cure for the causes of that behaviour. And the courts in the United States want to put sanity to the test according to a legal definition, but it seems clear to me that all cases of murder are also cases of insanity.
--------------------[rant ends]----------------------------
Now medical science has been trying to answer the question, "where are the memories stored?" for a long time. We are pretty sure it has something to do with the brain. If a single neuron cell of the human brain were stimulated, then many other neurons may subsequently be stimulated as well. And this electro-chemical process of neron cells firing developes into a pattern. One particular pattern may produce a memory, but is the information stored in this pattern or somehow in the cells themselves? Clearly it is in the agency of the human brain to create memories and to retrieve them. But the memories themselves are stored within the fabric of the vacume itself, so called empty space. The vacume extends everywhere, it is inside of your body and it extends to the Earth's core. The part of your physical volume in space which is substance is small compared to the amount of emptyness. And that vacume is expanding here around us as much as it has been observed that the Universe itself is expanding, it is expanding everywhere. That part of the Universe that we observe as empty space is not entirely empty and it is not entirely nothing at all.
In fact the Universe contains a complete memory of itself, which includes your own personal memories. Even though your body may eventually dissolve into so much dust and gas, your personal memories have been indelably inscribed upon the fabric of this Universe. And the content of this memory is NOT just what you had yesterday morning for breakfast, or what you were thinking about last Tuesday. It is complete in every last detail, things that you could never have been aware of, like the disposition of every molecule of substance in your body. And these memories are the whole content of the everlasting human soul, the soul and the animating spirit are not the same thing.
And now i have offered my view on what is the nature of the human soul. And I would like to add that this soul (or your personal memories) is not the same thing as personal property. The human soul is not an intellectual property that you may exercise rights to. You may not exclude one person or another from viewing the contents of that soul, but to whomever Heaven so chooses it may be revealed, for those memories are the property of this Heaven. And as I have already stated, Heaven itself is a certain kind of person, complete with memories.
Therefore I tell you that you have no secrets that will stand the test of time; and if you have ventured in this life to get personal gain from keeping secrets, the tale will eventually be told.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
The Genesis story is mythological in nature and the story was not told to Moses by God.
According to the Genesis story Adam was formed from the clay and then brought to life, and he was the first human being to live on this Earth. The Genesis story offers us a genealogical record which tells us how long Adam lived and when he had a son. And we are told how long that son lived before having a son of his own. We can add up the number of years to the time of Noah, and we are told of certain events that happened after Noah. If we are reasonably sure that we know the date of one of these events it becomes possible to calculate how much time has passed since Adam was created. And the Jewish calender year is based on just such a calculation as carefully considered by rabbinical experts. According to the Jewish calender this is the year 5767 since the time of Adam. So according to the Genesis story Adam lived less than 6000 years ago, and if this is true then it is not possible that he was the first human being. There is sufficient archaeological evidence to prove for a fair certainty that the history of the human species here on planet Earth is at least 100,000 years long.
Consider for a moment Noah's flood. In the history of the world there have certainly been many great and devastating floods. In order for there to have been a flood that covered over all the land of the Earth, a very large amount of water would have to be brought to the Earth. And after the flood that amount of water must be made to disapear from the Earth. There simply is not enough water on the Earth today to account for Noah's flood. But perhaps it is still within the capacity of Heaven to produce that amount of water miraculously, even so this could not possibly have happened. This event happened after Adam's life, so it was less than 6000 years ago. Now we observe so much diversity within the human species at this time, we say that the people have many racial differences. And it is not possible for so much diversity to exist here if every single person on the planet were descended from one single family that lived only 6000 years ago.
The history of the Native American people on the North American continent is considered to be at least 10,000 years old. If Noah's flood had occurred less than 6000 years ago then the Native American people would have been completely wiped out. And of course the history of the Native American people precedes the creation of Adam as well.
Now perhaps we should consider that the Earth was created with all of this evidence for us to find. The full history of the Earth was fabricated and the world that we see is a deception. Therefor if the Genesis story is literal truth then the created Earth is a deception. Or else the evidence that we have found in the world is true and the Genesis story is a lie. If God were the source of the Genesis story then this God of Moses is a deceiver. And I personally do not choose to believe that the one true and most high God has any cause to deceive us or create a lie. The God that I believe in is a God of truth.
Perhaps we should consider the possibility that God is in fact a story teller. God is willing to fabricate a fable suitable for children because they will not be able to comprehend the truth. And by telling a fable the storyteller may incorporate some valuable moral lessons for the children to learn from.
But I believe that the most likely explanation for the source of the Genesis story is that it existed as an oral history among the Israeli people. And since we know that Moses was a well educated man by the Egyptian priesthood, we may comfortably assume that parts of the Genesis story were learned by Moses from documented Egyptian records. Moses brought the whole story together from several different sources most likely and wrote it all down in his Book of Genesis.
According to the Genesis story Adam was formed from the clay and then brought to life, and he was the first human being to live on this Earth. The Genesis story offers us a genealogical record which tells us how long Adam lived and when he had a son. And we are told how long that son lived before having a son of his own. We can add up the number of years to the time of Noah, and we are told of certain events that happened after Noah. If we are reasonably sure that we know the date of one of these events it becomes possible to calculate how much time has passed since Adam was created. And the Jewish calender year is based on just such a calculation as carefully considered by rabbinical experts. According to the Jewish calender this is the year 5767 since the time of Adam. So according to the Genesis story Adam lived less than 6000 years ago, and if this is true then it is not possible that he was the first human being. There is sufficient archaeological evidence to prove for a fair certainty that the history of the human species here on planet Earth is at least 100,000 years long.
Consider for a moment Noah's flood. In the history of the world there have certainly been many great and devastating floods. In order for there to have been a flood that covered over all the land of the Earth, a very large amount of water would have to be brought to the Earth. And after the flood that amount of water must be made to disapear from the Earth. There simply is not enough water on the Earth today to account for Noah's flood. But perhaps it is still within the capacity of Heaven to produce that amount of water miraculously, even so this could not possibly have happened. This event happened after Adam's life, so it was less than 6000 years ago. Now we observe so much diversity within the human species at this time, we say that the people have many racial differences. And it is not possible for so much diversity to exist here if every single person on the planet were descended from one single family that lived only 6000 years ago.
The history of the Native American people on the North American continent is considered to be at least 10,000 years old. If Noah's flood had occurred less than 6000 years ago then the Native American people would have been completely wiped out. And of course the history of the Native American people precedes the creation of Adam as well.
Now perhaps we should consider that the Earth was created with all of this evidence for us to find. The full history of the Earth was fabricated and the world that we see is a deception. Therefor if the Genesis story is literal truth then the created Earth is a deception. Or else the evidence that we have found in the world is true and the Genesis story is a lie. If God were the source of the Genesis story then this God of Moses is a deceiver. And I personally do not choose to believe that the one true and most high God has any cause to deceive us or create a lie. The God that I believe in is a God of truth.
Perhaps we should consider the possibility that God is in fact a story teller. God is willing to fabricate a fable suitable for children because they will not be able to comprehend the truth. And by telling a fable the storyteller may incorporate some valuable moral lessons for the children to learn from.
But I believe that the most likely explanation for the source of the Genesis story is that it existed as an oral history among the Israeli people. And since we know that Moses was a well educated man by the Egyptian priesthood, we may comfortably assume that parts of the Genesis story were learned by Moses from documented Egyptian records. Moses brought the whole story together from several different sources most likely and wrote it all down in his Book of Genesis.
What is Gen?
Gen is one possible english spelling of a chinese word. Alternately the word may be spelled as 'Ken' but the letter e should have a carot over it; unfortunately I do not know how to produce that particular character in this text. Ken also happens to be my actual nickname, it is the name by which I am most commonly known. Ken is also a word in the english language which means, 'breadth of vision' or possibly 'knowledge.'
The chinese word stands for Mountain, of course I am unable to reproduce the chinese character here. But the word Mountain is also the name of a Hexagram in the book of I Ching, it is the name of a Hexagram and one of 8 nuclear tri-grams. This hexagram, according to the translation I have received, represents the idea of 'Standing Still'. It means that a person, while being observant of the goings on in society, offers little to no response or opinion about the things which other people are doing in the world. The Mountain represents a condition of being patient but attentive. And it is perfectly in accord with the philosophy of I Ching that conditions should naturally change, from one thing into something else.
According to one Christian tradition:
"A stone which was cut out without hands and set aside by the builders, became the very cornerstone, and became a mountain which fills up the entire world."
An examination of my life will bear forth proof that I am indeed of that very same stone. A stone which was set aside by the builders and framers of our society as unsuitable material. But how will I become the cornerstone? How will I become the Mountain? If this is possible it remains to be seen.
The chinese word stands for Mountain, of course I am unable to reproduce the chinese character here. But the word Mountain is also the name of a Hexagram in the book of I Ching, it is the name of a Hexagram and one of 8 nuclear tri-grams. This hexagram, according to the translation I have received, represents the idea of 'Standing Still'. It means that a person, while being observant of the goings on in society, offers little to no response or opinion about the things which other people are doing in the world. The Mountain represents a condition of being patient but attentive. And it is perfectly in accord with the philosophy of I Ching that conditions should naturally change, from one thing into something else.
According to one Christian tradition:
"A stone which was cut out without hands and set aside by the builders, became the very cornerstone, and became a mountain which fills up the entire world."
An examination of my life will bear forth proof that I am indeed of that very same stone. A stone which was set aside by the builders and framers of our society as unsuitable material. But how will I become the cornerstone? How will I become the Mountain? If this is possible it remains to be seen.
Natural Rights
If the U.S. Declaration of Independence is correct, then I am endowed by our creator with certain natural rights. No government agency can either guarentee or suspend such rights as these. But I do claim the right to speak freely, and to have a pulpit in the community to speak from. Such a right as this is guarenteed by the U.S. Constitution, and I freely admit that I AM a resident of that country and intend to make good use of that guarentee.
One Nation Under God
I am a nation of this Earth unto myself. My national borders and my authority extend to the surface of my skin and no further. This one nation is but the smallest of all nations, a nation of but one citizen. But I claim that my citizenship extends to the whole Earth without restrictions. I deny that I am the citizen of any other nation, I am no patriot of yours.
I will take up my residence wherever I choose, crossing national borders without hinderance. If the inhabitants of that country desire documentation of my identity then I shall produce it myself. I will inhabit the city or the countryside and I will participate in every community. I will transact business with whomever I choose, but I will not be bound by terms and conditions. No written contract may be enforced against me, none-the-less every person will be required to render services unto me. And I may even determine what the nature of those services may be. No one shall require a physical labor from me. And no one will get material goods from me, and no one shall expect to gain personal wealth from me. Because I claim this Earth as my own personal property, and all of its natural resources belong to me. Indeed the full substance of this world and its Sun, and of all the planets in orbit about this Sun belong to me. This includes the substance of your own personal flesh and bone, and all of the goods that you posess, and all of your capital assets. Of all the lands that you have a title or deed of ownership to, that document is hereby null and void and I have become your landlord. But I have no intention to assess rent against you, you must still negotiate between one another for the use of land, but that land may not be considered as your personal property.
No one shall exercise a right to intellectual property, in order to deny me to make use of that property. If an intellectual property is copyable or may be reproduced digitally, then I will exercise my right to reproduce that property and make use of a copy thereof. And for this none shall have the right to expect any form of compensation; however I may in fact offer the party some form of compensation. And I will choose the denomination and the amount of compensation that will be given. I do not propose to operate a business and get profits from the sales of copyable materials.
No National government will enforce its laws and regulations against me, even if I am a resident of that country. I will abide the laws that I approve of, and if there is a written law in that country which I have not explicitly agreed to abide, then I can not be bound by it. I am a nation unto myself and therefore I am also the diplomatic representitive of that nation. It is in no way possible for another person to adequately represent my interests. There are few people who are even aware of my interests, so of course representation is impossible. Therefore I must always be delt with diplomaticly, If a person does desire my agreement they must negotiate with me directly. If some agency does exercise force against me, in order to restrain my freedoms then this will be considered an act of violence. And I will not raise up an army of the world's young men and women in order to defend my rights. I will never ask one person to take the life of another in order to save myself from harm. But even so it is possible that I do have a defender and an army behind me.
As much as it may appear to be so, this document is not an Anarchist Manifesto.
It is rather the manifest of the Patriarch of the entire human species.
And I will further offer my arguments in support of that claim.
I have some opinions that I would like to make you aware of.
Ideas and Ideas alone may prove to be very dangerous things,
please receive these words in good humor.
I will take up my residence wherever I choose, crossing national borders without hinderance. If the inhabitants of that country desire documentation of my identity then I shall produce it myself. I will inhabit the city or the countryside and I will participate in every community. I will transact business with whomever I choose, but I will not be bound by terms and conditions. No written contract may be enforced against me, none-the-less every person will be required to render services unto me. And I may even determine what the nature of those services may be. No one shall require a physical labor from me. And no one will get material goods from me, and no one shall expect to gain personal wealth from me. Because I claim this Earth as my own personal property, and all of its natural resources belong to me. Indeed the full substance of this world and its Sun, and of all the planets in orbit about this Sun belong to me. This includes the substance of your own personal flesh and bone, and all of the goods that you posess, and all of your capital assets. Of all the lands that you have a title or deed of ownership to, that document is hereby null and void and I have become your landlord. But I have no intention to assess rent against you, you must still negotiate between one another for the use of land, but that land may not be considered as your personal property.
No one shall exercise a right to intellectual property, in order to deny me to make use of that property. If an intellectual property is copyable or may be reproduced digitally, then I will exercise my right to reproduce that property and make use of a copy thereof. And for this none shall have the right to expect any form of compensation; however I may in fact offer the party some form of compensation. And I will choose the denomination and the amount of compensation that will be given. I do not propose to operate a business and get profits from the sales of copyable materials.
No National government will enforce its laws and regulations against me, even if I am a resident of that country. I will abide the laws that I approve of, and if there is a written law in that country which I have not explicitly agreed to abide, then I can not be bound by it. I am a nation unto myself and therefore I am also the diplomatic representitive of that nation. It is in no way possible for another person to adequately represent my interests. There are few people who are even aware of my interests, so of course representation is impossible. Therefore I must always be delt with diplomaticly, If a person does desire my agreement they must negotiate with me directly. If some agency does exercise force against me, in order to restrain my freedoms then this will be considered an act of violence. And I will not raise up an army of the world's young men and women in order to defend my rights. I will never ask one person to take the life of another in order to save myself from harm. But even so it is possible that I do have a defender and an army behind me.
As much as it may appear to be so, this document is not an Anarchist Manifesto.
It is rather the manifest of the Patriarch of the entire human species.
And I will further offer my arguments in support of that claim.
I have some opinions that I would like to make you aware of.
Ideas and Ideas alone may prove to be very dangerous things,
please receive these words in good humor.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Introduction to Heaven
Life on planet Earth is one very elaborate and high tech role-playing game. The players here are the very stars and the planets themselves, which are the demons and the angles of heaven and ancient kings. So many of Heaven's stars have fallen to the Earth and become Human Beings, surely there are some opportunities in life here that exist nowhere else.
I will consider consciousness itself to be equal to one of the natural forces of this Universe. It is every bit as pervasive as the force of gravity itself. I say that consciousness has always been a force since the very begining of all things. Consciousness does not depend upon the existence of life to be a force, but through life we may observe it in action as a force. Consciousness permeates all the substance of creation, it spans the vacume of space and interacts with all things.
I do observe the Universe from one very unique perspective; a sensual experience of my surroundings, and a structure of the imagination - the personality and point of view. I look around and I see that there are many of us here, therefore I conclude that there is more than one observer here in the Universe.
In the begining a great and energetic expansion is imagined, the universe is born in a blinding flash, but is there someone there to observe this? Because of the uncertainty principle it will not be possible for particulate matter to begin to take form without an observer being present. Therefore I say that with the birth of this Universe a person too was born, a person of awareness and the capacity to experience reality. Eventually I suspect that every person grows to maturity as a personality, and this process comes not without some turmoil.
The Universe itself is in no sense a living thing and yet there is a great observer in it. So too the stars may now be born and each one is unique unto itself, an assemblage of much substance. And when the substance is drawn together into one body then a new person is also born, so from one point of awareness comes many. As a matter of tradition, I name the first person of creation simply 'Heaven'. And Heaven is full of persons, we can see over 6 billion of them here on planet Earth, but there are so many more here that we don't see.
This is the place refered to as the 'Eternal Kingdom.' Heaven is just one room in a great mansion of many rooms, but for us this Heaven is all that really matters. This Universe and Heaven are the same thing. Heaven is NOT some mystical and immaterial realm that the people depart to after life, but it is the place that we go when we are born on this Earth instead. The word Heaven in ancient times simply meant that place where the stars did reside, and ancient kings hoped to become a star in the night sky. Now we know that the Earth does move in the same space that the stars move, there is no seperation between the world and the heavenly sky. Therefore I say that every square inch of the Earth, and every cubic centimeter of it's material is also part of Heaven. The Earth itself is a great and holy temple, no structure raised by the hand of man will ever rival her in majesty or sheer beauty. No one place in this world is more or less holy than any other place. If you have not already realized these things on your own then I would like to welcome you now to Heaven.
I will consider consciousness itself to be equal to one of the natural forces of this Universe. It is every bit as pervasive as the force of gravity itself. I say that consciousness has always been a force since the very begining of all things. Consciousness does not depend upon the existence of life to be a force, but through life we may observe it in action as a force. Consciousness permeates all the substance of creation, it spans the vacume of space and interacts with all things.
I do observe the Universe from one very unique perspective; a sensual experience of my surroundings, and a structure of the imagination - the personality and point of view. I look around and I see that there are many of us here, therefore I conclude that there is more than one observer here in the Universe.
In the begining a great and energetic expansion is imagined, the universe is born in a blinding flash, but is there someone there to observe this? Because of the uncertainty principle it will not be possible for particulate matter to begin to take form without an observer being present. Therefore I say that with the birth of this Universe a person too was born, a person of awareness and the capacity to experience reality. Eventually I suspect that every person grows to maturity as a personality, and this process comes not without some turmoil.
The Universe itself is in no sense a living thing and yet there is a great observer in it. So too the stars may now be born and each one is unique unto itself, an assemblage of much substance. And when the substance is drawn together into one body then a new person is also born, so from one point of awareness comes many. As a matter of tradition, I name the first person of creation simply 'Heaven'. And Heaven is full of persons, we can see over 6 billion of them here on planet Earth, but there are so many more here that we don't see.
This is the place refered to as the 'Eternal Kingdom.' Heaven is just one room in a great mansion of many rooms, but for us this Heaven is all that really matters. This Universe and Heaven are the same thing. Heaven is NOT some mystical and immaterial realm that the people depart to after life, but it is the place that we go when we are born on this Earth instead. The word Heaven in ancient times simply meant that place where the stars did reside, and ancient kings hoped to become a star in the night sky. Now we know that the Earth does move in the same space that the stars move, there is no seperation between the world and the heavenly sky. Therefore I say that every square inch of the Earth, and every cubic centimeter of it's material is also part of Heaven. The Earth itself is a great and holy temple, no structure raised by the hand of man will ever rival her in majesty or sheer beauty. No one place in this world is more or less holy than any other place. If you have not already realized these things on your own then I would like to welcome you now to Heaven.
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