Of course nobody knew that the position was available waiting to be filled. A person would have to be chosen by God, we can not choose for ourselves; but we do choose. As individuals we do have that much authority in life to make our own choices, God does not choose for us. But of course the power to make choices is not the power to create opportunities, we must have options to choose from. That is why the position of King of Kings is not voted on by us, we can not choose our favorite candidates. But we can vote for ourselves and choose to be candidates, and by doing so we prove that we are willing to make the neccessary sacrifices. If a man offers to risk his own soul for the opportunity to govern the world, there can be no greater sacrifice a mortal man can make. For the man who wins that Job answers the Ages old riddle of Christ, "What should a man gain if by winning the world he should lose his own soul in the same process?" But it is a desireable thing to win great power over the world; many men have desired it, and some have been successful to an extent. But no man has ever won complete and total dominion over all the Nations of the Earth, and over the substance of the Earth as well. No man has ever won the title of Great Patriarch and Landlord, and how will the world ever give recognition to one man? Perhaps men have failed for the lack of making the appropriate effort, no-one has tried for the job of Heavenly Father because the position is already filled. The Heavenly Father has always been considered an Eternal God and Creator, He gave form to the first Human Beings on planet Earth. And as an eternal he must exist in the preasent moment of time in order for the continuity of time to be preserved; and he may have no definate begining. But even the Universe itself has a definate begining, and time is a funny thing here, it passes unevenly. Personally I prefer that all good things always move forwards in time, and that we have no cause to intervene in past events. But we have heard of higher-powers intervening in Human affairs if we will consider testamony as evidence. But as well as evidence of testimony, I also do have some personal experience to depend on. For some reason I have been favored, and I do not know how I was deserving.
I made a simple choice to consider John's great vision as inspired, and the promise of our ressurection a true thing. This turned out to be a good choice I think. We can not help but believe in something greater than ourselves, whether we call it God or the Universe; there is some Noble cause behind all things. Some may think the Creation simply a matter of Possibilities and Consequences, a Machine and nothing more, they can see no Mind behind it. But at the same time they can not deny that a Mind exists, they must be forced to believe in themselves at the very least. And the people have made choices; to believe in one thing and to dissbelieve in something else. When we believe in something without evidence we say that it requires faith. And for a long time Humanity has told and heard many stories of a Creator, or some other higher-power. They have believed in many Gods, they have accounted the Stars and Planets of Heaven as Gods, including our Sun. People have often accounted a Mind and a Will behind Mother Nature here on Earth, they have accounted dissaster as the Wrath of God. The Evidence that Life has Evolved here on Planet Earth is very strong, but most of us will still believe in some kind of Intelligent Design. And clearly Intelligence has played an important role in shaping our World today, even if we only believe in Human Intelligence. Some will choose to dissbelieve in a higher-power guiding the processes of Life, instead they believe in Free-Will.
Many people have chosen to believe in a Great Deceiver, a Spirit of pure Evil intentions. They believe that Free-Will on Earth is overshadowed by this higher-power, and that our World is in need of deliverance. Therefor they have imagined a great and bloody battle called Armageddon, so that Evil may be vanquished once and for all. But after all has been said and done, it is only human nature to practice deception. We do not need to blame a higher-power for what we are or do in the world. If there is to be a battle here on Planet Earth, it is only the battle for Peace. For the World to be delivered from Armed Conflict and Violence; for the people to be motivated by Love and NOT fear or hatred. Civil behaviour at the very least is a sure sign of maturity. And how will the people ever grow out of their childish ways and become mature and civilized? Youth and Ignorance are ever replenished in our World as every hour of the day new children are being born. But it is the older and wiser among us who are taking advantage of the young men and women. Those of us who have become established in the World do not fight the battles, instead they make all the rules and conditions. The established men and women hold every title and deed to the land and resources of Earth. They deny every other man an equal share, a part of the World for which we should not have to work, instead a right of birth here. Those men and women who have assets proceed to exploit the World to thier own ends, and the greater good is disserved. Few will serve the cause of peace without making exceptions, if it is a dissadvantage to us. Instead we will serve tyranny because it serves us, the strength of numbers has all the force required to impose its will upon the World. The majority opinion is always the correct opinion, unless there is a more vocal minority with the will to violence. Because "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!" We put our full faith and trust in superior firepower. The power to destroy is what gives men authority to govern, and it has always been easier to destroy than build. Clearly a man may have Good Reason and still do the Wrong Thing. We can always find someone to kill for us, we can always justify some cause, we can always reason that the enemy deserves to die. We distinguish between combatants and innocent civilians and go off to fight our battles in good conscience. But for every good soldier on the battlefield there is always a commanding Officer; therefor we may judge some World leaders to be deserving of assasination. A man who intends to do harm to Humanity deserves to be stopped by any means. But often we can convince the people of our Good Intentions and then proceed to do harm with supporters. Few men have ever managed to get power and authority over the World without a fair share of supporters. But for the power of faith to win every battle we only need support from God and Creator, if they are not the same person. We only have to believe in our own durability and then we may survive long enough to fight, if we trust God that much we should never surrender.
But every man needs his rest and therfor it is ok to give up the fight for a time, in the knowledge that we may rejoin the battle again for as long as it is unwon.
But if the battle is unwinnable should we struggle so much? By struggleing we grow into acceptance for the things that we can not change, we gain our maturity and wisdom. And if we lack knowledge we can get that too in due course of time. The Truth is absolute and it stands forever if only as a memory, but there is always someone to remember it. And if that person is God or Creator, it also has the power to reveal Truth to whomever it pleases to do so.
Each of us does experience the Universe in a very unique way, and we often believe that we enjoy some personal right to privacy. However we do not have that right gaurenteed, as much as we might like to have it. Neither our feelings or our very thoughts can be hidden away from Creation, in truth we have no secrets. And if our very thoughts may stand unrevealed at least our deeds have made their impression upon the fabric of space and time. How we have been motivated remains for anyone to guess perhaps, if we never have the opportunity to explain ourselves. But the Creator and the Mind of the Universe has knowledge of us, because we are part of it. It knows us so intimately well as to experience the world in same way that we do experience the world. Inasmuch as we do experience suffering it also knows suffering, therfor we are a burden of suffering upon our Creator. But also we have experienced great Joy, if this has been a blessing to us it has also been a blessing to our Creator. Clearly the experience of Life and Humanity is not always pleasent, for some of us it has been most uncomfortable at times. The Human experience may at times have been pretty bizzaar so as to defy any rational explaination, non-the-less it has all been genuine experience. Our memories of Life can never be the same thing as Intellectual Property, that we may exercise some rights over them to say who may or may not benefit from them. We may not demand to be rewarded if someone does benefit from our experiences. If we have been inspired we have no right to its sources, the source of inspiration is the same for all men. And in all the World there is nothing more valuable than personal experience, not money or material goods are so valuable. Because if there is anything at all that we may take away from the World with us, that would be it. So if its true as Jesus claimed, that there is a burried treasure here, that would be it's nature. The great treasure can be nothing less than the Human experience, whole and complete. And this is what the Kingdom of Heaven is like, a great storehouse of experiences buried away in the middle of some field.
Upon finding the treasure and its true nature, how can one man claim it? And for that matter who would want it; knowing that the content therof includes the whole of Human suffering? What work can a man do to claim the field, how can he pay for the Whole Earth and all it's long history? But that fullness of history does belong to every person as a birth right, no one of us can make a greater claim to it. As children of God; no more or less important than one another, if one of us deserves great wealth we all do. But once again, who wants to claim the treasure? Some of us may be satisfied to forgo great wealth, we can be happy with what we have. A personal soul and a personal experience, who would sacrifice that? Because not one of us may claim the great treasure and be unchanged by it. But one of us must make that sacrifice and claim the treasure so that the Ancient of Days can be born. The one who can judge us as individuals because he knows us. This person does not yet exist, if there is anything at all eternal about him it is only this principle of judgement. It is the office and not the man who stands unborn, but the office must be filled by flesh and bone. For every intelligent species under Heaven, there must be a great patriarch to sponsor them. This is simply how things are done within the Kingdom, we need no other explaination.
I do deserve the title of King and Patriarch today, and may only become more deserving. I don't really need your recognition or admiration, not everything may depend upon popularity. You may think that I am not honorable or righteous; instead you may believe that I am sick or insane. One small stone, of which the builders and framers of our society set aside as unsuitable material, that I am. I am the hopeful romantic, believing in possibilities beyond reason. Perhaps I am out of touch with Reality, or perhaps it is just a Reality unfamilure to you. I will and do judge all the Nations of the Earth, with or without authority, because I was made for judgement. I judge people individually and I judge myself, and I will continue to do this work. And I think that the Children of Humanity do deserve an education, they should benefit from better knowledge or understanding, but they should not have to suffer to get an education. Who should have to pay for truth, who should be unwilling to trade deception for one true thing? We may have to sacrifice our favorite opinions, we might discover that we have invested our faith unwisely. We gave up our doubts when we should have held onto them. But the difference between Good and Evil is not always obvious, for this we can not be blamed.
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