I never worry that I will be remembered, because Heaven has a memory of its own and that may very well last forever. Of course I do believe in my own mortality but the Kingdom of Heaven holds more possibilities than life itself. I think about my physical self and all that substance that has ever been a part of me. All that stuff has been a part of the Earth since the Earth was formed and before it became me. And all that stuff will continue to be a part of the Earth long after the life is gone. I can hardly imagine that anyone is going to pay to have my corpse shipped off-planet. This is my foothold in eternity, but of course nothing that has a beginning can be described as eternal. Life does have a definate beginning, and even the Universe itself is believed to have a beginning. We understand very well what it means to be alive, and yet some people believe in the possibility of eternal life. The Kingdom of Heaven is yet to be established here on Earth, but in his own time Jesus said that the kingdom is at hand. I think that the only thing that can be established about the eternal kingdom is that this is it. If it did not exist here and now then it would in some way be limited. And the Earth does exist as a planet orbiting our sun, which is just one star among billions, in a galaxy among billions of galaxies. The firmament above the sky, the place where all the stars reside, this is what the ancients called Heaven. For some reason Heaven has become a place of unmanifestation to most people, seperate from the Universe, but its not. No such place truely exists, manifestation is everything that matters. We do not go to Heaven when we die, we come to Heaven when we are born or conceived. And clearly it is not the place of perfect tranquility where nothing ever happens. Creation and destruction are always at play here. It is a place where we struggle in order to survive, and battles are fought and won or lost. It's hard to imagine anything better than life as a mere human-being, but perhaps there are better possibilities. IF only we had options to choose from, then a choice could be made. Some people believe in a pre-existance, these people say that we did choose to be here. But the vision of John in Revelations tells a different story, the angels and the demons of heaven fell to Earth. Personally I don't beleive that a theory of personal choice really explains our world very well. Clearly no-one ever gets to make all the decisions in our world, we don't always have options to choose from. We don't always get to vote it seems. There has always been a bit of competition over who will get to make the decisions. Arguments of opinion often become heated, we become angry when other people don't agree with us, and quite often anger resolves into violent behaviour. The first man to become angry, and shakes his fist in the air and walks away, loses the argument. We can't really afford to ignore the people who disagree with us, the world isn't big enough to walk away. But is it really all that important what the people choose to believe in? Its not what a man thinks that matters, but how he acts, and what he does in the world. I think its true that our beliefs govern our behaviour to a degree, but our emotions govern it more. Our feelings govern how we think. When a person does experience feelings of hopelessness, they can not help but think of death and the desire for an end. But can we help it that we feel a certain way? In some respects we learn how we should feel about things from the community, from all those people that we would account for our personal heros. A person can not be blamed for the lack of good examples, if the quality of our education is somehow flawed, how can we be held accountable for that?
I don't really believe that we need a great deceiver to explain human nature. People are pefectly capable of deception on thier own power, without external motivation. Sometimes I wonder if there really is a storyteller God, like a good parent who writes a fable in order to instruct their children. But I think that the one true and most high God is a God which reveals only truth. Perhaps there is another God who wanted to see the people divided, and an angry God. But that is not the real God, I don't believe that God is angry. I don't believe that God would practice deception as the means of giving instruction. But if Moses can be trusted, the source of the Genesis story is some higher power. Evidently the Genesis story is not literal truth, or else the world was created as a deception. But creation is exactly what it appears to be I think, long on history. The Earth is old, and while humanity hasn't been a part of the Earth since the start, it is at least 100,000 years old. Unfortunately the God of Moses wanted the world divided or it never would have promised land, especially land that was already occupied. But still it is a possibility that Moses was simply dishonest about certain things. Its far easier to believe that Moses applied his own judgement to the circumstances than to think he was advised by higher powers. For all that he may have done more harm than good, i guess that he can still be forgiven. But his legacy lives on in our world today. Some people seem to prefer deception in the face of evidence, they prefer to trust Moses because the man did great things. And by all appearances Moses did have some kind of help from higher powers, because the man was a true king. Clearly Moses loved his own people more than he loved anyone else. So therefore Moses was a King of certain limitations because he did not care for humanity without preference. Jesus was a better King in that he did care for humanity and pleaded our cause before the Heavenly Father that he believed in. But the Heavenly Father himself is the King of Kings, who is responsible for all the people. And this is the person with the authority to make a decision, to punish the people or become our benefactor or to do nothing at all. It is believed that this person will have authority because of some divine power, but is this person truely a God or a man?
Heaven is the one true Lord of Creation, of all the angels and the demons, and Heaven is not a man. No matter how much power Heaven allows us to have over the world, we can never become Gods. There is and only can be One most high God, and as much as we all may be God's children, we can never become like God. But we can be empowered by faith in some way, and get favors from Heaven. We only have to ask for the things we want, and everyone has the power to ask, but Heaven must be willing. I trust God completely but I fear and love Heaven with all my heart. Because I want life, and life can only be had while being a part of this Universe. I would be happy to remain a man of limitations for a very long time, there is no reason to hurry away from home and strike out on our own. We can take our time, we can relax and enjoy the experience, Heaven has much to offer.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
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