The children of Humanity have always been able to justify murder; and who can say that the deed is NOT appropriate in every case? If we could be made aware of all the conditions then we may venture to judge the victim either deserving or undeserving. And so long as we are willing to make exceptions we should throw out all concept of Human Dignity.
The best arguement ever made is that it was done in self-defense. But in most cases the only arguement avaialble is that it was done for the good of the community. It's fairly easy to reason that if something is good for an individual person, then it must also be good for the community.
Even Moses himself failed misserably at this one commandment, which just goes to show how hard perfection is for us. Doing the right thing often works out to be an inconvienience.
Evidently we may have good reason, and still do the wrong thing, and something that harms the community.
But its still worthwhile to make an effort, in most respects having made the effort is far more important than actual success.
Each of us does exercise some power over the world, despite the fact that many of us have experienced feelings of powerlessness. And at the times we feel most powerless, we often feel angry, but in some cases the people have resigned themselves to an unhappy fate and simply prayed for Justice. Personally I feel that Justice has been built into the act of creation, and we may not need to ask for it. We only need to be patient because Justice is not always swift. If we intend to live forever, and we believe in the possibility of an afterlife and/or ressurection; it would appear that we can easily afford patience.
I have always had great faith in the idea that people will learn from their personal experiences. We gain matureity with time, we can grow and become more wise, and our behaviour should only become more CIVIL. Unfortunately we just can't wait for everyone to grow up, the behaviour is a problem now. The quality of our educations may be in doubt, and we can easily lay the blame upon our peers and heros, if we have somehow failed to understand something important. It is owing to some lack of knowledge, that the people have missbehaved and so Jesus begs our Heavely Father and Judge for forgiveness.
In my humble opinion a principle of forgiveness only negates punishment, Judgement is unavoidable. Is it possible that the world can have a Day of Judgement without punishment? Unless you may be counted among the meekest of all people, you will no doubt agree that some of the people deserve to be punished. If we can never understand how we have errored, we can never get the knowledge we did lack. And punishment has always served as a form of education. The promise of punshiment has never worked as a deterent.
The vast amount of knowledge available in our modern world is truely remarkable. Most of the children of humanity receive some form of education. Some of us get better than others, but each of us has the freedom to exercise our own judgement and make our own choices. We choose to believe one thing and dissbelieve something else. It far easier to believe in the popular opinions, its work to have good opinions of our own. It may take quite a bit of effort and attention be be well informed. We easily forego some opportunities in life, deciding which things are important to us.
Clearly the amount of attention that we can give is limited in a way that we can not overcome. Many of life's problems may prove too difficult for us to solve. And some of the problems have been with us since the first human being began to walk.
We do have some power over the world, but most of us have very little influence with other people. I would easily count myself among the least influential, I have never managed to win much popularity from the world. I rarely ever have the opportunity to have a really good argument with one of my peers. And I do count all the people, without reservation, to be peers. It often seems fruitless to argue with a person once they've made up their minds to do something. And most of us who are older and more mature have become very comfortable in our own opinions. And if we have been successful in life why shouldn't we feel comfortable?
It far easier to simply ignore the people who dissagree with us, so long as our place in the world is reasonably secure. We didn't make the world, we found it in a sorry condition, perhaps we have managed to make it a little bit better. So many of us have worked long and hard to earn a comfortable retirement here. We made the best of what we were given and our Creator intends that we should get a little enjoyment out of life.
But eventually someone comes along and upturns all the applecarts. Jesus himself was something of a rebel. Because we are powerful as individuals, and time after time a simple human being has proven the talent to gather supporters. One man has often had the power to make armies march, and all that it really takes is a good argument. Unfortunately this has not always been done for the good of all people. In most cases our world leaders have been very selective about who should be served first. We don't seem to mind so much if our best ideas work out to be a dissadvantage to some of the people. Nobody fights tyrany if it serves them.
And the rest of our world is simply powerless to fight the threat of overwhelming force that some Nations can bring to bear. They must be forced to bow to our conditions, and a very few people will decide what is best for all of us.
Now its well beyond my understanding how FAITH alone can make us any more powerful than we already are. It seems to me that FAITH has the power to make a person more Stoic. We must always ask for the things we want, and the answer may be no. But if we ask for the right things the answer may be YES! Most authority on planet Earth comes from popular support, the people who are most successful at gaining supporters end up with better authority. Having better and well informed opinions goes far in convinceing other people. But the highest authority will always be the authority of Heaven and our Creator. And here is a great secret, the great game of life is all about gaining Heaven's support. One person will eventually win the game, and win it decisively. I may fail to win but not for the lack of trying.
It seems likely that Jesus himself solved the mystery of FAITH, and that he had all the power to govern the world as a King, but chose not to. But he did leave us with this riddle, "What should a man gain, if by winning the world, he would lose his own soul in the same process?" I think that riddle deserves an answer, and we will never know for sure until someone does it. To be honest I would like to overcome the world, and I may have a way of solving the world's problems. But Heaven alone can give validation to a man's good judgement, who will win the iron rod?
Someone must WIN!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
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