One man of faith has all the ability required to muster a force more powerful than weapons of mass destruction. The individual can be stronger than armies, when he decides to make a stand he does not stand alone. When we believe in the Eternal Kingdom, and have found our place within it, we can stand forever. We can never fail to win, although we may retire from the battle at times. Find your way into God's heart, and your place in the kingdom will be secure. We can trust God to keep us and remember us even if he fails to deliver us from mortal ends.
One man of faith can stand against the world's strength, and the might of nations. But can he make a difference? Should a man even be concerned about the world's affairs after he has won his own security? Can one man bear a debt of responsibility for the welfare of all humanity?
Perhaps the world does not need another cook to stir the pot, the soup is already just right. Responsibility does not always justify action.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
One Man to Govern and Judge
One man to govern and judge the world, because we were made to do that job and God himself will not do it. In fact we are each endowed with some talent for judgement, there must be a need for it in Creation. There can be only one true and most high God, and it is the same for all of us. But there are a multitude of people and a multitude of personalities aside from human personalities. We can see some of the evidence for this here on planet Earth. It is not easy to see the evidence for personalities apart from living things because we don't often enjoy the opportunity to commune with such personalities. We don't commune with an ant or a tree but we can easily see that they are living things at least. Life is animated with willpower and we don't know where it comes from. Willpower and Consciousness are the result of Life evidently, and not the other way around. But Life is a consequence of Creation, it became something more than a possibility within the first moments of the birth of our Universe. But for Eons of time it was nothing more than a possibility. If there was a Creator to guide Creation, it could not be a living thing in the same sense that we are alive, it would have to pre-exist life. Therefore we must grant the possibility of Mind and Consciousness to the Universe itself, so that there will be one observer to experience the entire process of creation, which is yet on-going. In some sense the process of creation is chemical in nature, and animated, if we consider the entire Universe as one body. The body of the Universe has become comprised of a variety of parts, of which the human body is one part. Every galaxy is a unique and individual part of the whole, and every star or planet a part of some galaxy. There is structure and order, birth and change. The Universe itself is a born thing, what if anything may have pre-existed it? Only the one-true-and-most-high God is Eternal and without begining, God's Kingdom existed before the Universe, of which our Universe is only a part. And there may very well be other Heaven's within God's Kingdom, but for the moment we should only be concerned with this one. Heaven and the Universe itself is our creator, the mind behind intelligent design, Heaven creates itself. But this phenomena of Mind and Consciouness comes from God, and Heaven depends on God in the same way that we depend on God. Whether or not God should be attributed with any kind of personality is unclear, it is simply the source of consciouness. This phenomena of consciouness pervades all things to the full extent of creation, and it interacts with matter as a force of nature. A force that gives form to formlessness. We ourselves shape the world around us, giving some form we find desireable to all the substance we can reach. So it goes, this is the process, we are part of it. But it is not just a process of Life to provide useful labor and therby change creation, the stars themselves provide labor that is useful to us. The stars do labor to produce light and warmth in the Universe, and package simpler atoms into all the heavier elements which are neccessary to Life. The stars give form to creation at a very fundamental level, and the result is diversity.
Of course we do not view the stars as living beings, however animated they may be, we see no evidence of willpower or consciousness in what they do. We reduce them to mere machines of creation by our judgement because the life cycle and process of a star is predictable. The human body itself can be reduced to a certain number of functional parts, it is mechanistic in a sense, but clearly this machine has a soul and a spirit within it. And so do the Stars and Planets, because they are unique individuals each with thier own history. They are formed things and parts of a greater whole, the spirit of God touches them just as much as it touches us. Even though we all have a definate begining within creation, the full history of creation belongs to each of us as a personal history, and we belong to it. There is no possibility of seperation, so long as we have form and manifestation, we exist in relationship to absolutely everything else. No true event can be removed from the story, the only thing that we can change about the past is our opinions of it. And if we ever could become more knowledgeable about all those past events, our opinions would be better informed. There is no denying one true thing in favor of a fantasy, the human experience is absolute. It is true that the people have believed one thing or another, there are enough of us to believe several different things at the same time. This is what we have experienced, and the experience itself is always genuine even though at times it can be pretty bizaar. We don't always have an easy explaination for the things that we do experience, some human experience seems to defy rationality.
Despite our remarkable intelligence as a species, rationality has failed to solve the problem of criminal behaviour. It seems that pure argument will never suffice to gaurentee civil behaviour. And a man may have good reasons and still do the wrong thing evidently, it happens all the time. And of course we are often forced to act without consideration of consequences, because we don't always have time to think and we can never be aware of all the possibilities. We try very hard to moderate the risks involved in Life, but it often becomes uncomfortable for many of us. At times we have to forgo comfort in order to accomplish work, we suffer for the opportunity of a more comfortable life. I don't think that the people really need to be punished if they should be judged. To have another person's judgement applied to ourselves can be uncomfortable enough, if we are forced to hear that judgement. Should humanity be forced to endure hardship for it's crimes, we made some misstakes but we have the gift to learn from our own experience. We have the gift to discover knowledge and discard dissproved ideas. Deception can be unraveled through investigation and consideration, we only need a more educated imagination.
One man to govern and judge the world, he must rise to the high place and for everyone else a level playing field. No man can be better or more important than his peers, because we have a responsibility to one another. We are hopelessly interdependent, there is no possibility of seperation. And why should one man be accounted as peerless among the masses? There will be such a man, the man who can purchase the field and claim the buried treasure will be that man. The treasure that Jesus spoke of, but did not claim for himself. If he had known of the treasure and the true nature of wealth, perhaps he found it undesireable. He wanted something else for himself, but he had faith in someone else. If there was only one thing that God gaurentees all people equally, it would be the right to companionship. We can never be alone, no matter what we may accomplish in life we will always have peers.
We don't need to accomplish everything ourselves since we can depend on others for some of the work, because LIFE IS WORK. We can count on many jobs being done by someone, so long as someone sees a need for the work and most problems will have solutions. When one man wins the Great Game of Life, we all win. Without the one true King, there can be no peace established in the world. The nations will never give up thier arms and thier strength in favor of diplomacy. We always believe in the superiority of our own arguments, and so long as we see the good in it believe we should rule with authority. But the right to rule has never been gaurenteed to any man by God, and several other rights that we beleive we should have are not gaurenteed to all people equally.
Unless peace can be established in the world, a peace that can last a millenium, the promise of our resurrection is null and void. If we desire more life in the world, we should pray for a good king and judge to solve the world's problems. If we want immortality we have to believe that the problem of armed conflict can be resolved, because who would want to live in a world forever at war? We can not avoid judgement because we were made to judge one another, but it should be enough to judge without imposing our own will upon another person's life. No one should decide who is deserving or undeserving, no one should decide what punishment is appropriate. Punishment is never appropriate, if we believe that it should be applied, we do grant that it may be applied to ourselves as well. Because as we have delt with others, we permit and are willing to be delt with in the same vein. As much as we have tried to ignore those people who disagree with us, we permit our own opinions and feelings to be discounted with the same reason. Sometimes anger is justifiable, but violence is not. How can one man become so powerful that all the armies of the world can not oppose his will? Is it possible there will ever be a popular king who can win the love and support of all people despite national patriotism? How many people have won some authority in the world and are willing to give it up? Many people will deny the authority of a King on principle, they do not want to be governed by a loving father, no one person could ever assume that role. Therefor the world deserves a tyrant, a man who can be unpopular and still rule with authority. A man who will serve his own interests over special interests of a few vocal and militant minorities. And we hope this man clings to a cause so noble as, 'the greater good' even if we disagree upon what is good. The would should be preserved as an inheiritance for the meek, that all men must prove thier meekness before a stronger man. Better arugments, better opinions, and better faith he must have to prevail; and some resort to superior force. A force that does not depend upon human armies, and can not depend upon public consent. No man can stand alone against the world without allies, but allies may be found in Heaven. Who can win the strength of the stars and the universe itself? Who can win the Lord of Creation and the Father of Angels and Demons alike? They too are companions of ours, they too labor for the purpose of creation, they too have souls and a story to tell. But does the Universe itself have the mind and muscle to act, the willpower and the desire to intervene?
We owe a debt to our creator for providing us with a place to live, it should not owe a debt to us, let alone one man. What could one man possibly have to offer that would be of value for the price of the world? No man has ever won that gaurentee from Heaven to be preserved from molestation. No man has ever been gaurenteed freedom from incarceration, to travel as much as it pleases him. No man has ever been able to make an authoritative claim to the land, all the land of the Earth, despite occupation and prior authorities. Its one thing to claim a right to property in the world, and something else to have those rights enforced; anyone can make the claim but few people can make demands. The man who can command labor from Heaven will have the authority to make demands. And se we have the story of the little stone which was cut out, and the builders and framers of society set aside as unsuitable material. But that one small stone had within it some power to become the mountain and general to Heaven's armies. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth begins as such a small stone, and grows to encompass the World.
Of course we do not view the stars as living beings, however animated they may be, we see no evidence of willpower or consciousness in what they do. We reduce them to mere machines of creation by our judgement because the life cycle and process of a star is predictable. The human body itself can be reduced to a certain number of functional parts, it is mechanistic in a sense, but clearly this machine has a soul and a spirit within it. And so do the Stars and Planets, because they are unique individuals each with thier own history. They are formed things and parts of a greater whole, the spirit of God touches them just as much as it touches us. Even though we all have a definate begining within creation, the full history of creation belongs to each of us as a personal history, and we belong to it. There is no possibility of seperation, so long as we have form and manifestation, we exist in relationship to absolutely everything else. No true event can be removed from the story, the only thing that we can change about the past is our opinions of it. And if we ever could become more knowledgeable about all those past events, our opinions would be better informed. There is no denying one true thing in favor of a fantasy, the human experience is absolute. It is true that the people have believed one thing or another, there are enough of us to believe several different things at the same time. This is what we have experienced, and the experience itself is always genuine even though at times it can be pretty bizaar. We don't always have an easy explaination for the things that we do experience, some human experience seems to defy rationality.
Despite our remarkable intelligence as a species, rationality has failed to solve the problem of criminal behaviour. It seems that pure argument will never suffice to gaurentee civil behaviour. And a man may have good reasons and still do the wrong thing evidently, it happens all the time. And of course we are often forced to act without consideration of consequences, because we don't always have time to think and we can never be aware of all the possibilities. We try very hard to moderate the risks involved in Life, but it often becomes uncomfortable for many of us. At times we have to forgo comfort in order to accomplish work, we suffer for the opportunity of a more comfortable life. I don't think that the people really need to be punished if they should be judged. To have another person's judgement applied to ourselves can be uncomfortable enough, if we are forced to hear that judgement. Should humanity be forced to endure hardship for it's crimes, we made some misstakes but we have the gift to learn from our own experience. We have the gift to discover knowledge and discard dissproved ideas. Deception can be unraveled through investigation and consideration, we only need a more educated imagination.
One man to govern and judge the world, he must rise to the high place and for everyone else a level playing field. No man can be better or more important than his peers, because we have a responsibility to one another. We are hopelessly interdependent, there is no possibility of seperation. And why should one man be accounted as peerless among the masses? There will be such a man, the man who can purchase the field and claim the buried treasure will be that man. The treasure that Jesus spoke of, but did not claim for himself. If he had known of the treasure and the true nature of wealth, perhaps he found it undesireable. He wanted something else for himself, but he had faith in someone else. If there was only one thing that God gaurentees all people equally, it would be the right to companionship. We can never be alone, no matter what we may accomplish in life we will always have peers.
We don't need to accomplish everything ourselves since we can depend on others for some of the work, because LIFE IS WORK. We can count on many jobs being done by someone, so long as someone sees a need for the work and most problems will have solutions. When one man wins the Great Game of Life, we all win. Without the one true King, there can be no peace established in the world. The nations will never give up thier arms and thier strength in favor of diplomacy. We always believe in the superiority of our own arguments, and so long as we see the good in it believe we should rule with authority. But the right to rule has never been gaurenteed to any man by God, and several other rights that we beleive we should have are not gaurenteed to all people equally.
Unless peace can be established in the world, a peace that can last a millenium, the promise of our resurrection is null and void. If we desire more life in the world, we should pray for a good king and judge to solve the world's problems. If we want immortality we have to believe that the problem of armed conflict can be resolved, because who would want to live in a world forever at war? We can not avoid judgement because we were made to judge one another, but it should be enough to judge without imposing our own will upon another person's life. No one should decide who is deserving or undeserving, no one should decide what punishment is appropriate. Punishment is never appropriate, if we believe that it should be applied, we do grant that it may be applied to ourselves as well. Because as we have delt with others, we permit and are willing to be delt with in the same vein. As much as we have tried to ignore those people who disagree with us, we permit our own opinions and feelings to be discounted with the same reason. Sometimes anger is justifiable, but violence is not. How can one man become so powerful that all the armies of the world can not oppose his will? Is it possible there will ever be a popular king who can win the love and support of all people despite national patriotism? How many people have won some authority in the world and are willing to give it up? Many people will deny the authority of a King on principle, they do not want to be governed by a loving father, no one person could ever assume that role. Therefor the world deserves a tyrant, a man who can be unpopular and still rule with authority. A man who will serve his own interests over special interests of a few vocal and militant minorities. And we hope this man clings to a cause so noble as, 'the greater good' even if we disagree upon what is good. The would should be preserved as an inheiritance for the meek, that all men must prove thier meekness before a stronger man. Better arugments, better opinions, and better faith he must have to prevail; and some resort to superior force. A force that does not depend upon human armies, and can not depend upon public consent. No man can stand alone against the world without allies, but allies may be found in Heaven. Who can win the strength of the stars and the universe itself? Who can win the Lord of Creation and the Father of Angels and Demons alike? They too are companions of ours, they too labor for the purpose of creation, they too have souls and a story to tell. But does the Universe itself have the mind and muscle to act, the willpower and the desire to intervene?
We owe a debt to our creator for providing us with a place to live, it should not owe a debt to us, let alone one man. What could one man possibly have to offer that would be of value for the price of the world? No man has ever won that gaurentee from Heaven to be preserved from molestation. No man has ever been gaurenteed freedom from incarceration, to travel as much as it pleases him. No man has ever been able to make an authoritative claim to the land, all the land of the Earth, despite occupation and prior authorities. Its one thing to claim a right to property in the world, and something else to have those rights enforced; anyone can make the claim but few people can make demands. The man who can command labor from Heaven will have the authority to make demands. And se we have the story of the little stone which was cut out, and the builders and framers of society set aside as unsuitable material. But that one small stone had within it some power to become the mountain and general to Heaven's armies. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth begins as such a small stone, and grows to encompass the World.
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